Best 5.1 speakers to use with X-Fi?


Jun 3, 2004
Well looks like I'm gonna need some speakers to use with my new sound card....the 5700's no worky with X-Fi (bastards) what does everyone recommend??

looking to go with a 5.1 system I think...oh and I hate Creative for making me do this :p
Southparkrocks said:
Receiver and ht speakers.

are you talking for home theater use as well?? if so I just need them for my PC and mostly for gaming....I have a nice Yamaha - Cambridge Soundworks setup for my 50" DLP;)
r-486 said:
You should check out the Klipsch ProMedia Ultra 5.1 system.

Agreed. The Promedia Ultra 5.1s sound absolutely phenomenal and are great for gaming and music. But be aware that these speakers have a very significant track record of premature death thanks to the BASH amplifier's thermal inefficiency, so if you buy them then you will want to invest in some kind of extended warranty.
for superior satellites the Gigaworkds 750

for superior subwoofer, the Klipsch Ultra 5.1

for connectivity the logitech z-5500
Since you already have CSW speakers in your HT, you'll find the gigaworks' sound very familiar. The satellites are newton mc100 and the sub is a basscube 8S.
I'm a victim of the amp dying in the Klipschs. For me just the sub died and it really sounds bad without it. i am trying to figure out what to do. thinking of hooking up a receiver, but I haven't decided yet.
GodsMadClown said:
Why do you need new speakers? Can't you just use the analog inputs on the media box?

the 5700's dont support 5.1 via the analog connection
Klipsch Promedia or Creative Gigawork.
Don't forget to buy a decoder for fully functional 5.1 set up.
Hi All,

I have the Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 Ultras & the sound great. You can't go wrong with Klipsch.