Best <$50 AGP card?


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Ok, well the lowdown is that I'm graduating this year, and am going to build a new computer with the money I get, and brign it to college. Anyways, I wanna play some older games on my computer that I got right now, but kinda got out of the whole computer building scene after I built it. So, here the beast is:
nForce2 NF7-S 2.0 motherboard
AMD 2500+ Mobile OC'd to 2.2GHz
512MB OCZ PC3200
485w Enermax noisetaker
Slow-but-when-we-got-it-it-was-good Geforce 128MB Ti4200

Want to play HL2, Halo, GTA:SA, WOW, etc.

That's pretty much the crucials I think...can ya tell I built it in the 2500+ Barton era? Only thing it's missing to be a cookie cutter PC of the past is a 9800 pro, which I see I can get for like $20 on ebay now..but I'm sure theres better for not the much more. Thanks for any help!
Trying looking in the FS/FT forums. I've seen some X800's go for $50.
I'd agree with the x800 series card. It's a great 256 - bit card...provided you can find one.

You'll probably have to resort to e-bay for an X800XL.

That would be a great card for your system but don't be surprised if you have to pony up a few more dollars for it. Happy hunting!