Best 92mm HSF for Q6600?


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2007
I hate the stock Intel HSF. Long story short, what's the best 92mm HSF for a Q6600? I don't think I can fit anything over 92mm since my Enermax Uber Chakra has that ginormous 250mm fan protruding a few centimeters into the case right over the CPU
I'm using the TR Ultima-90 with my E8400, upgrading to a Q6600 tomorrow.

So far I've been fairly happy with this HS, using a Scythe 92mm PWM fan. Sitting at 52/52 (oc'd @ 3.8ghtz, folding 24/7) as reported by RealTemp. It should be noted that my cheap Rosewill case has almost no air in take in front of the CPU. I dropped the temps on my existing Q6600 by about 10 degree's by removing the unused 5 1/4 bay covers. That one is using the Zalman 9700nt (oc'd @ 3.0ghtz, all cores < 50 degrees folding 24/7).

I'm using the TR Ultima-90 with my E8400, upgrading to a Q6600 tomorrow.

So far I've been fairly happy with this HS, using a Scythe 92mm PWM fan. Sitting at 52/52 (oc'd @ 3.8ghtz, folding 24/7) as reported by RealTemp. It should be noted that my cheap Rosewill case has almost no air in take in front of the CPU. I dropped the temps on my existing Q6600 by about 10 degree's by removing the unused 5 1/4 bay covers. That one is using the Zalman 9700nt (oc'd @ 3.0ghtz, all cores < 50 degrees folding 24/7).

QFT. +1
The Ultima-90 and 92mm version of the Xigmatek are the best 92mm coolers right now. I don't know the exact performance differences, but they should be fairly close.
Thanks for all of the input, guys. I have been looking into some of the Xigmatek coolers now. I spotted some reviews on frostytech. I'm looking around to buy the Xigmatek HDT-S983 (92mm fan with 3 8mm copper pipes) but no one seems to stock them. Even google doesn't show anything.

Does this HSF even exist on the market yet? Apparently it cools better than the 1283...
I do not believe it has hit etailers yet. mWave shows it as pre-order still.
