Best 939s Dual core processor you recommend for main gaming and muti-tasking?


Feb 17, 2005
Ok, Well lets see here.

Right now I have a 3700+ on a 939s. IT is great CPU and overclocks nice... (plus I have the E4) Anyway, I want to upgrade to a dual core CPU pretty soon and I would like to do it after the price drop. The only bad thing about the price drop is it just applies to the 512mb & 512x2 L2 cache cpus. Now I would like to go for a 4400+ toledo but that not price dropping because of the 1mbx2 cache. Now the 4200+ is dropping $125 buck! WOW. Nice deal. Now one thing that bugs me.

I heard they don't really OC nice. And I don't know if it is this cpu or not but I have read some reviews saying gaming suckys on them compared to the singles(That makes no sense because the FX-60 is primarily for gaming and it is dualcore). Also in that review he said you have to switch over to a single core for some games (I did not believe this but I never used a dualcore cpu before so I was not sure).

I do know about just a handful of games that support muti-threaded to utilize the dual cores but I am just worried about my older single-threaded games and if they will run the same if not better than my currant setup.

I know a lot of the reviews were from a bunch of dumb-asses that think they know what they are talking about but they don't. There were some other reviews that could be legit though like the one I mentioned above. I guess another choice is to go with the Opterons cause they OC better but they are not price dropping to my knowledge at all.

Basically in all, I don't want to downgrade at all, and I really would like to get a bit faster or same speed processor that is at least dual core for future and major muti-tasking. Cause even-though my 3700+ is nice and fast too me and nice in games, When I am doing some muti-tasking I feel too much lag when I am browsing the net while I am burning/encoding a movie.

So what processor do you think will give me what I want in a good price range?

Well, dropping down to a 2.2ghz or 2.0ghz processor won't be too much of a downgrade. Tell you the truth I don't even think you would notice it except for in benchmarks, and you should be able to eek another 200mhz out of almost any chip you buy nowadays.

I'm kind of in the same boat as you, albeit for different reasons. My 3700+ Claw machine is currently on a stretcher due to a power supply deciding to just up and die on me. Took the motherboard (and hopefully nothing else) along with it. I'm checking out the Intel dual cores right now but I'm confused... but anyway back on track, I don't think you would be disappointed with a 3800+, especially if you can squeeze any overclock at all out of it, and especially in day to day tasks and multithreaded games, which there should be a lot more of in coming months if the current DC price war is any indication. Dropping 200mhz just doesn't have that much of an impact, and really you won't miss the cache. The difference between 1mb and 512k on the A64 platform isn't that much, its only when you drop to 256k that you really notice it, and even then it's not that bad.
I have a 3200 single core and i like you am going to upgrade when the prices drop and i thought of a few CPUs but the X2 3700+ makes more sence than any other cpu , you will get more bang per buck.

I noticed that when you get the higher rated ones they are less overclockable .

After one week of research i have come to a conclusion and that is I buy the X2 3700, I checked the reviews out on this and they look very promising. I do have decent overclocking rams so i think i will go with these. :)

Check this link and it will give you all the info you need.
x2 3800+ then overclock it. I think prices are going to drop real soon....
Well If I am willing to buy a 4400+ and down grade to a 4200+ Why would I go lower?
I'm in the exact same situation. I'm going to hate giving away my Sandy that does 2.7ghz on air. But...a 4200+ for 125? Holy shit. =O
I just realised that the prices that are going to change dont effect the 2mb L2 cache and that is a real bummer , that is suppose to help in games that take advantage of the core.
that 512 isnt going to make a big differenc, if any... 512k is kinda like .2 big deal... just get a decent dual and OC. End of story. The 3800x2 should be about 170
Go for the X2 3800, they are overclocking like mad right now, mine does 2.7GHz with 1.47v and that's on air, with better cooling I recon 2.9GHz is possible.
DARQ MX said:
Well If I am willing to buy a 4400+ and down grade to a 4200+ Why would I go lower?

Because you'd be more paying money for the same amount of OCing headroom essentially as long as you have a good board. The 3800+ has been OCing well and has a decently high multiplier. Even craptastic boards can usually do 250HTT and that would be 2.5Ghz on the 3800+.
I agree, if you're getting a 512 chip get a 3800+
Ive owned two and both would do 2.7 pretty easy (round 1.5 vcore).
i read in another forum that the prices of the 2Mbs L2 caches arent being halved because those processors are being dropped from the line completely (to be replaced by dual FXs and optys)

can anyone confirm this?
I went from a 3700 @ 3.02 GHz to an X2 4400 that I have running at 2.6.

I didn't go with an opteron because I was fairly certain I could get the 4400 up to the same frequency, and I didn't have to order the 4400 like I would have the opteron.

I was not happy with the results I got from the 4400, but I was able to push it up to an FX62 with a 1000 HT bus, so I was content with that.

From what I hear people aren't seeing the performance from the 2x1MB L2 you might expect, so a 3800 isn't a bad choice, but I'd go with the opteron 165 given another option.
get an opteron for sure, I have some good steppings that overclock to 2.9-3Ghz for sale.
DARQ MX said:
So you think I should go with the opteron?


You can get an insanely cheap x2 3800+ for $169 shipped, even lower. Unless you can get a dual core opteron for anywhere in the neighborhood of that, you are wasting money. OC the X2 and be done with it.
A X2 4600+ is comparable to a 3800+ for gaming, same core speed same amount of cache, with 2 cores. I'd go with that, best of both worlds, good game performance and good OS performance. The single core AMD CPU's are poor when doing any sort of multitasking, my old 2.53ghz Pentium 4 was better in the OS than my current processor! See here an X2 4600+ Manchester and a 3700+ SD have almost identical performance in DirectX 9