Best AD Strategy for "generic" users?


Jul 10, 2001
Hey everyone. I'm just starting to get the basics under my belt administering a SBS2K3 Active Directory network. I've just about got all users moved to the domain but I have one question about what to do next.

We have two computers that are just Point of Sale terminals - no users will actually log on to these to use email, etc. Just to run the PoS software.

My questions arises as to how to treat these users. I was just going to make a generic "register" user with an easy to remember password. However, how can I prevent access to Exchange? I don't want this "register" account to have its own email address and such.

I think someone's going to suggest that I do something with a GPO, in which case I'll crawl back in my hole and study some more.

Thanks for any help!
One way..not saying this is the only or best solution. I would be to have the pc auto login with that generic domain account. That account would be either guest or user (if your POS app won't run under guest). Then you can set the user account to only be able to login from those two workstations. you can create the user account and not have it make a mailbox on the exchange server.

You could also just have the POS terminals auto login with local user accounts if you don't need any real network resources.