Best bang for buck video card?


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2007
i currently have a 8800GT KO 512mb and am looking for the best bang for buck card to date.
Depends on what resolution you're playing on, and what you're using it for, but I'd say 4890 or 275GTX
Yeah up to 1920x1080 I would say a gtx260 which can be had for around 125 if you look. 4890 for about 150 if you look. Depends if your an nvidia or ati fan or just want the best frame rate for your $$$.

I game at 1920x1080 - 260 and 4870 do just fine for me.
I just ordered a 4890 for $200 before $30 eBillme rebate, $30 MSI rebate, and $5 bing cashback ($135 after all that). It was $10 cheaper a couple weeks back with the same rebates/cashback but I didn't bite then. I'm coming from an 8800 GT passively cooled with Accelero S1.
I bought the card yesterday since the eBillme rebate ends today (submit rebate by 7/31).

I hate rebates but some quick googling seemed to have happy stories from MSI and eBillme.