Best bang for the buck USB video capture device

Evil Scooter

[H]F Junkie
Sep 22, 2000
Long and short here. I'd like to convert some of my old VHS movies and hi-8 home movies to DVD's. I do not need anything fancy with tons of bells and whistles. Just s-video and component connectors on one end.. usb on the other. I'd like the video output quality to be at least as good as what's going in. Any suggestions appreciated. ;)
Well the price is right.. tho the reviews are really mixed. Have you used it personally?
I've used a similar device (same chipset, iirc). The real pain is finding 64bit compatible drivers for it.

Well, that was 3-4 years ago, it may be easier today. It's okay, in terms of video/audio quality (again, speaking for the chip they use). Nothing bad, but I used it mostly for recording xbox gameplay...
Thanks for the reply Adidas4275. Do you use the packaged software or just use Windows movie maker? I have a set of the original Star Wars on VHS (before Lucas raped it) and I'd love to get it onto DVD. I tried first using an ATi 9800 All In Wonder I have on and old XP machine in my garage and am getting green screen. If I could get something that worked on my desktop rig I'd be much happier.
i think i used the import video function with sony vegas, but i did test the software that comes with it and it worked fine,