Best bang for the buck?


Aug 21, 2004
This has probably been asked a million times on the forums and a good [H] user would just use the search function...but ill ask anyway =)
I need to upgrade my aged 4200+. Its been performing decently with my 8800gts 640 but i need a little more juice now a days. SO, my question is: Which processor would give me the best bang for the buck; the E8400,E6750, or the Q6600.
Keep in mind that i dont plan on doing much if any overclocking. I just want a stable card that will blow my 4200 away while still remaining cost effective.
"UCSC Slug Engineering"
Depends on use, If you need a quad obviously the Q6600. If you don't NEED a quad then the E3110 is the best choice. E3110 over the E8400 only because they clock a bit better. $199 at Edit* I see you won't OC, still the E3110 if you don't need 4 cores.
Wow, i havent even heard of the E3110 until right now. What a cool chip. Is there anything special i should know about it that differs from Core2Duo? ( I have never owned a Xeon before)
Wow, i havent even heard of the E3110 until right now. What a cool chip. Is there anything special i should know about it that differs from Core2Duo? ( I have never owned a Xeon before)
Its the samething thing as the core 2 duo, except sometimes it overclocks a little better. Most socket 775 xeons got a Core 2 duo version as well.
Xeon clocks higher than the E8400?
Are there any official reviews that prove it, or is this just what most people are noticing? Might be interesting to know why that is... Stupid E8400 is pushing near $300 now.
Xeon clocks higher than the E8400?
Are there any official reviews that prove it, or is this just what most people are noticing? Might be interesting to know why that is... Stupid E8400 is pushing near $300 now.

Did you even bother to give it a google? They're available for ~$200-$230, the link is from a [H] only deal which drops it $30.

The Xeon clocking higher than the E8XXX counterparts certainly has to be proven; there is no evidence that the Xeons are put through any more strenuous of a binning process compared to the standard procs.

Finally, to answer the OP's question: if you aren't overclocking, and you aren't looking to do any serious level of video/media editing, go with the E8400. Otherwise grab a Q6600 and overclock.
That's OEM. :p

Does it matter, considering that when you overclock you void the warranty to begin with? In addition, I have never had a processor fail on me. Only two scenarios I have ever seen dead procs: 1. DOA (in which case OEM warranty is still more than enough) or 2. User cranked too much voltage through the proc/didn't cool well enough/some other obvious user-caused abuse.
It matters because I didn't say OEM. Anyhow, my point was that the Xeon is cheaper than the E8400 at the moment.
Let's argue more.
There is a general feeling that the E3110's are binned higher than the E8400 counterpart and I've been seeing results of lower voltage hitting the same if not higher clocks. Is this official? No, just from observations of others results and my own E8400. OEM? Really, why pay more when the first thing you are going to do when you get the chip is void the warranty anyway? You really want the included HSF? Didn't think so :D In the end, OEM is the way to go if you are an overclocker. If you are not, maybe the retail is better. Food for thought. And the E8400 and the E3110 are the same price, virtually, at, $10.00 difference.

Edit* Partial +1 to Quadnad's post
So if someone were to buy either the E8400 or the E3110 (assuming the same price), the Xeon would be the better choice?
That is my understanding. I'm purchasing one from Tankguys soon to see the results first hand, but that has been the buzz I've heard and seen. Ymmv, of course, as with all overclocks.
Do you have a 2.6+ over clock on the 4200? Do you game at high res?

If both are true you will see more improvement in getting SLI 9600GT (~$250 AR for both) or if no SLI MB one overclocked 8800GTS (G92) if you can nab if for $215 AR.

Just an option.... If your not overclocking and you don't game at high res, disregard.
So if someone were to buy either the E8400 or the E3110 (assuming the same price), the Xeon would be the better choice?
With that choice I would go with an E8400 to avoid any compatibility issues. They are pretty much the same processor so the Xeon should work fine, but I just don't feel comfortable putting a server processor in a desktop motherboard. That's just me though, if I had trouble finding an E8400 at a good price but I could get the Xeon then I would get it.

Best bang for the buck right now IMO is Q6600 for $200 though.
I am also looking at the Q6600 as I wish to upgrade to a quad. Does anyone know when the new batch of CPU is comming in? I heard it's way better than the current 65nm quads/duo.
I am also looking at the Q6600 as I wish to upgrade to a quad. Does anyone know when the new batch of CPU is comming in? I heard it's way better than the current 65nm quads/duo.

The Q9XXX series is already available. I'm assuming you're talking about Penryn-based quads.