Best budget Folders


Jan 30, 2007
I was needing some input on what you guys would think for a budget deticated folding machine.
I would need it all:
Video card

I am looking to outputt the most PPD with this beast. I can build 1 or 2 for 450 ish for both or one for around that price

start posting... remeber I am after points per day here
If this is all about Folding and nothing else, then:
e4300, presume overclock to 2.4GHz with 1066FSB ($163 on NewEgg)
Gigabyte S3 ($105 on NewEgg)
1GB DDR2, budget whatever ($50 for G.Skill on NewEgg)
Small or even used HD, or 512MB flash drive
Cheap/throwaway CD/DVD drive, maybe even run headless (no monitor after initial installation).
Whatever CD burner

Running Linux SMP client
You can probably even build two for $600 if you get board, RAM, drives and PSU off the FS/FT forum.
Almost 2K PPD from each box.
If this is all about Folding and nothing else, then:
e4300, presume overclock to 2.4GHz with 1066FSB ($163 on NewEgg)
Gigabyte S3 ($105 on NewEgg)
1GB DDR2, budget whatever ($50 for G.Skill on NewEgg)
Small or even used HD, or 512MB flash drive
Cheap/throwaway CD/DVD drive, maybe even run headless (no monitor after initial installation).
Whatever CD burner

Running Linux SMP client
You can probably even build two for $600 if you get board, RAM, drives and PSU off the FS/FT forum.
Almost 2K PPD from each box.

The OS im not worried about..but the question is do I need 1 gig of ram in the comp? I had a bunch of 754 going a while back and most ran on 256 mb DDR 3200's Does Folding really need that amount of ram or is it just raw cpu power?

I also have the HDS left over from the old farm....4 gig er but all they are is going to fold...heck i even got 4 or 5 20 gigs sitting here
I'm not 100% sure of the Linux distro, but I'd play it safe with 1GB- it does generate 4 threads after all, and you don't want to starve it. Someone else should chime in on this, though.
I use 512 in one system. I have to reboot it every 2 weeks because of stalling. Rebooting it right now even. A GB won't hurt. Also, wait to see what prices will be for the Quad cores. That would be the ultimate folder.
CPU/Barebones case combo...$432.45



$534.36 shipped. I went with the 4meg version of the Core 2 Duo...more folding power. Running the SMP client on this will net you ~2000PPD. Remember, at the end of the month the prices on the C2D should tank by half. I don't suggest less than a gig of ram, and you need dual channel. If you wait for the C2D to drop by ~$150 and you have your own HDD, You're looking at this system for ~$350 (Kinda makes PS3 folding useless when you can get more than twice the PPD for half the cost)
Take a look here, I have a handful of setups, though, not with PPD numbers as of yet... but I'm working on it....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

With the windows smp client I see an average of 89mb per instance of fahcore_a1.exe. So your looking at ~375mb just for fah to run on. Definately go for 1gb of ram. You'll be glad you did later.
okay so we established the 1 gig of ram is a good thing to have.... what about a cpu and prossesor? 805 intel? dual core amd?

Now dont get me worng I love the 6700 i have but even a 6300 is a bit steap for a price tag when paired with a decent mobo that can oc
what are the prie cuts on the lower intel cpu supposed to be and when?
okay so we established the 1 gig of ram is a good thing to have.... what about a cpu and prossesor? 805 intel? dual core amd?

Now dont get me worng I love the 6700 i have but even a 6300 is a bit steap for a price tag when paired with a decent mobo that can oc
what are the prie cuts on the lower intel cpu supposed to be and when?

April 22 I believe is the date for the cuts.
would the 4300 do better then the ...say ....AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ Brisbane
Absolutely. The 3600 when overclocked will approach the ppd of the 4300 at stock. And when you account for the fact that the 4300 itself will overclock a fair amount, it'll beat the 3600 hands-down.

Of course, AMD is coming out with something new in a month or two that's rumored (by the AMD folk) to beat the pants off the Core2 chips, so we'll see. It's never a good time to buy computer hardware...
how much does the L2 affect the folding...not much or alot?
I read up on the price cuts and man...the quads are looking good
The L2 affects pretty good. Go with more than 256kb/core:p
Yes. Take a look at the ppd spreadsheet. This will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect. Take note of the opterons vs the x2's. The extra l2 caache makes a pretty good improvement in fah. One of the few apps that really benefits from more cache.

This is a very interesting change--in earlier times, clockspeed was king, regardless of cache. Celerons folded just as fast as their equally-clocked Pentium cousins. No longer, I guess.
I think I am going to wait at least 1 more week. That sheet gave a good insite for PPD which is really helpful