Best Buy 3 HP Windows 7 systems for $1200


Extremely [H]
Nov 5, 2005
Not so much a hot buy as an interesting one. The official deal doesn't start till tomorrow but I saw two people bit on this deal and it is intriguing I think.

You get a small form factor desktop, a laptop and a netbook all running Windows 7 for $1200. Now the desktop and laptop are running Pentium CPUs so obviously not the best hardware going. But for the average user wanting to upgrade to Windows 7 and get some new hardware for basic stuff in one package, its a very convenient deal.

Like I said I saw two people bite on this because they just thought it was awesome and yes these are lower end systems but it really is a powerful package I think.
How can you even say that without seeing the other hardware specs?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
How can you even say that without seeing the other hardware specs?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

The specs aren't that great, Pentium systems on the desktop and laptop. Like I said, you lay down your money, and you have a whole computer setup for the family.

And I saw TWO people buy this package while I was there. It caught people's eye.
The specs aren't that great, Pentium systems on the desktop and laptop. Like I said, you lay down your money, and you have a whole computer setup for the family.

And I saw TWO people buy this package while I was there. It caught people's eye.

I was referring to the other guy. I think its a solid deal. Were they pentium dual cores?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Like I said, not so much hot as intriguing.

Good thing this is posted in Intriguing|Deals and not [H]ot|Deals. Kind of hard to know if it's a good deal without knowing the specs. You can get a nice netbook for under $300, An ok laptop for $450 and ok desktop for $450.

Edit: found it online here
Good thing this is posted in Intriguing|Deals and not [H]ot|Deals. Kind of hard to know if it's a good deal without knowing the specs. You can get a nice netbook for under $300, An ok laptop for $450 and ok desktop for $450.

Edit: found it online here

And there you go, you're at $1200 bucks. People see this type of thing and say, not a bad price, all I need in one package, lets just go with it.

Best Buy will sell a ton of these I bet. I've never seen this in retail before and the price isn't bad so that's why I made the post.
And there you go, you're at $1200 bucks. People see this type of thing and say, not a bad price, all I need in one package, lets just go with it.

Best Buy will sell a ton of these I bet. I've never seen this in retail before and the price isn't bad so that's why I made the post.

Yes, that was my whole point. It's not a deal, It's multiple packages with one price. Nothing special about it. Go into a store, pick a desktop, laptop, and netbook. :confused: However I don't see many people thinking, hmm I need a desktop, laptop, and netbook all at the same time.
Yes, that was my whole point. It's not a deal, It's multiple packages with one price. Nothing special about it. Go into a store, pick a desktop, laptop, and netbook. :confused: However I don't see many people thinking, hmm I need a desktop, laptop, and netbook all at the same time.

I know several families who might like something like this. Give the systems you don't need as Christmas presents or upgrade the family. A lot of people are still on XP and have older machines and this would suit them well, even if the price isn't amazing.

I was even pondering this for myself. I could use the desktop as a Win 2k8 R2 server and would like another netbook. I could give the laptop away as a Christmas present.
Plus the people who buy computers at best buy probably last spent 800-1200 alone on their last PC
I think the laptop has better specs than the desktop PC in this deal....
Intel 4500 is decently better than the X3100 I think..... that was about it.
Its not like either is good for gaming or anything though. The 4500m is also not good enough to do the 1080p processing and such like the 4500MHD.

The processor makes the bigger difference and thus the desktop is better.
This deal isnt for us tech smart people. The price also includes a router and in-home setup by a Geek Squad Agent. Not a deal for us at all, but the average home user who has no idea how to plug in their own PC get a pretty good setup out of it all.
yeah for people here its nothing special, actually takes the fun out of the hobby... but since theyre offering the in-home setup, decent router and not horrible pc's and laptops... i can see why people would go for it. it does 'look' like you get a lot of shit for $1200. it wouldnt be a total ripoff in any case, but no way i would want it.
the GPU cannot H/A for 1080p but with a intel C2D CPU it should handle high bit rate 1080p content fine....

for sure blu-ray, but it doesnt have a blu-ray drive....

it would be fine for huluHD ...

want there a router and free at home install in thins deal

for that price the router and in home install are free...

which makes it a good deal for non-tech people.

also the LCD is a nice screen....

other than the case and GPU the Macbook has similar hardware to the laptop