Best Buy Adding Game Staff

I worked at compusa then bestbuy all throughout highschool and college it was a great job for that time in my life. Better than making sandwiches or delivering pizzas.

I agree with the people defending retail stores in this post. The employees there are to help 80-90% of customers that use their computers for internet and email. And want a cool TV on their wall to watch tv and movies. They are HOUNDED and threated they will be fired by the managers that every customer gets asked if they need help. Because believe it or not, people would come up to me all the time, and yell at me because noone would help them

Trust me, we would have some stupid ass customers we would make fun of to all the time. But the employees are not there for people who browse this forum....or any forum for that matter.

Bottom line, the employees are not for everyone, but they are for most.
Retail stores don't care about what you know, they just care about what you can sell. Working retail was the worst thing I ever did.
Ok guys I have one for ya.

A friend and I went into Best Buy once and I walked up to a geek squad guy and said, "When I boot my computer I get the splash screen and then the screens stays black forever, but if I boot into VGA mode the video works. What do you think my problem is?"

The guy looks around... stares at the ceiling and says, "You know, I have no idea. You'll have to bring it in. It will cost ____ dollars [I can't remember the price he said]."

Yea... awesome.
I worked at compusa then bestbuy all throughout highschool and college it was a great job for that time in my life. Better than making sandwiches or delivering pizzas.

I agree with the people defending retail stores in this post. The employees there are to help 80-90% of customers that use their computers for internet and email. And want a cool TV on their wall to watch tv and movies. They are HOUNDED and threated they will be fired by the managers that every customer gets asked if they need help. Because believe it or not, people would come up to me all the time, and yell at me because noone would help them

Trust me, we would have some stupid ass customers we would make fun of to all the time. But the employees are not there for people who browse this forum....or any forum for that matter.

Bottom line, the employees are not for everyone, but they are for most.

And it has more to do with society in general's technological ineptitude than anything else. People don't give a damn to understand how something works, or modify it, or make it work better, or the technicalities. Just like anything else having to do with corporations and money, eventually, the market will cater to the lowest common denominator, throwing all other motives under the bus...

... but, "As long as I have my Facebook..." :rolleyes:
Bestbuy news said:
They will drive customers to preorder games and "exclusive digital add-ons," and staff gaming desks, which will "create the destination for trade, preorder and digital offers."

Sounds like this new staff will be more persistent, just like the sales clerks at Staples and Office Depot, who pester you into buying extended warranties and other shit. These guys don't stop bugging you even after you have declined their first "offer".

more useless staff, higher prices.
oh yeah, that's the recipe for success.

when i'm looking for a game, i don't need your opinion.

BB needs more kiosks and computers to replace real people.
You guys are seriously complaining about them asking you if they can help you? Stop being pussies. Yes, they aren't as technically informed as you. Yes, they will try to sell you overpriced cables. But seriously, being asked if you need help is like, customer service 101. It would be one thing if they kept pestering you after you say "nope, just looking." But I've never once had a BB employee bother me after I say I don't need help. If you are asking for specific revisions of a motherboard at BB, YOU are the one doing it wrong.

There are plenty of things to complain about at BB, but the one thing they do GREAT is making sure every customer is asked if they need help. Most stores have no employees and finding stuff is impossible. At BB, they are awesome at trying to find what you need. It's one of the few things that is actually done well there.

I'm going to have to disagree with there sir. Best Buy is 50/50 when it comes to getting any help in my experience. The times you don't need any help it seems like an army of BB employees is after you (which is fine), but the times when you actually need assistance there isn't a god damn person to be found or willing to help you.

My quick example...

My brother-in-law's car stereo broke and he's one of those "gotta have it now" type of guys. Off to Best Buy we go to check out the selection and make a purchase. We don't need anything fancy but a basic CD player. First, half the CD players on display don't work, and second, we stood there for 25 minutes(probably more) by ourselves without a single employee ever approaching us and asking if we need help. I finally was able to talk my bro-in-law to leave and purchase something off of crutchfield. I know those BB dipshits saw us standing in the car stereo section of the store because for christ sake the door to the back room was right next to us and they were going in and out every few minutes. (Must admit, I did not walk to try and locate someone to ask for assistance b/c I didn't want my bro-in-law to make a purchase there to begin with)

I LOATHE that company.

*I've worked retail in the past for a few years, so I can appreciate quality customer service and I can also tell when employees are being total fuckstains
You guys are being a bit too harsh. I hate BB as much as yo guys and some of the people who work there, but I think you are exxagerating the annoying'ness of them a bit. Sure they ask whether you would like to be helped, but all you need to do is just tell them that you are fine and they will go on their way.

That said, I don't shop at BB because their prices are often not competitive with Newegg or Amazon, even when they are running those 10% off coupons.
Noooooooo! Please Best Buy, don't add more annoying people to your roster! There is nothing worse than being asked repeatedly if "there's anything I can help you with" when you know for a fact...this person is incapable of helping you.

This is a true story, that just happened to me four days ago at Best Buy. I found myself in Best Buy getting a few DVDs. The sales person asks me "is there anything I can help you find?" I tell him I am just browsing new DVDs but, if he they had any socket 1155 motherboards, I could use one but it needs to be a B3 revision. He comes back to me 5 minutes later and...I swear to god...he says "we do have one Intel 1155 mainboard but you are out of luck on the vitamins." :eek:

Your first mistake was shopping for a motherboard at bestbuy....
Your first mistake was shopping for a motherboard at bestbuy....

oops misread that you were browsing for DVDs. Regardless, would you go into Home Depot and ask them how old the tree(s) the 2x4s were cut from? A retail chain like that is not a place to be looking for things THAT specific...
Yeah this is pretty sad. I do sometimes pull the same kind of stuff Steve did though and am like "....ok, you want to help me with something? Tell me more about....this *grabs a slingbox* " . Now Steve threw a slightly harder one at the guy, even if someone knew their stuff, they can be excused if they havent kept up with certain motherboard revisions, what with all the pins they have nowadays.

But I grabbed a regular product the store carries, and on separate occasions I had them crumple before me trying to explain how a slingbox works, to the point where I got them to admit they knew nothing, and I couldnt and shouldnt very well buy a product if they cannot be sure it will serve my needs and explain to me properly. It is fun to have that moment where I can make them clearly regret thinking they could actually help inform me about one of their own products...

That might make sense if they were given any detailed training by Slingbox, but chances are they weren't. They got handed their name badge, told to buy a blue polo shirt (when I was there, you had to bring your own polo shirt if you were a seasonal Xmas-season hire, and only got a company polo in January after they let most of the seasonals go), got a very broad overview of the products they were selling. Maybe they asked a manager or senior employee "Hey, what's this Slingbox thing do?" and got a quick answer like "Oh, it streams TV over the internet. Get back to work" or something along those lines. There's thousands of products in the store, and the wages are so low and the turnover rates so high among employees that there is no possible way the company can afford to give in-depth training to every employee about every product. You're looking at a business where most people only work for anywhere from a couple months to a year, they're not going to spend 6 months putting them through a ridiculous training program to learn the ins and outs of every single product in the entire store. I hope you felt big and powerful for knowing more about a technical product than the 16-year-old kid making $5.75 an hour with one afternoon's worth of training. Must have been a big rush, getting the chance to ruin someone's day just to sate your ego.
Best advice I can give about working retail: Unless you can sell 300 pounds of ice to an Eskimo, find other means of employment. And if you can do that, work at someplace that pays commission.
You guys are seriously complaining about them asking you if they can help you? Stop being pussies. Yes, they aren't as technically informed as you. Yes, they will try to sell you overpriced cables. But seriously, being asked if you need help is like, customer service 101. It would be one thing if they kept pestering you after you say "nope, just looking." But I've never once had a BB employee bother me after I say I don't need help. If you are asking for specific revisions of a motherboard at BB, YOU are the one doing it wrong.

There are plenty of things to complain about at BB, but the one thing they do GREAT is making sure every customer is asked if they need help. Most stores have no employees and finding stuff is impossible. At BB, they are awesome at trying to find what you need. It's one of the few things that is actually done well there.

I don't complain about the employees... but about Best Buy itself.

That said, the employees I've come into contact there have been pretty lousy. They act like they know what you're asking... and goes on and on, about something that is clearly not the case. If they don't know, they should make sure they know by inquiring exactly what it is... especially when it's an item that a normal non tech guy would ask for.... like something with a model name... normal people who would need your help wouldn't ask for a Samsung EX2220 or an IPS panel.

The best CS from there I've seen, and I do not, at all, believe I'm exaggerating is when the employee told us, that we can buy it and try it out, and if it doesn't work with our network, we could return it. We got it working though, so all is good.
I don't complain about the employees... but about Best Buy itself.

That said, the employees I've come into contact there have been pretty lousy. They act like they know what you're asking... and goes on and on, about something that is clearly not the case. If they don't know, they should make sure they know by inquiring exactly what it is... especially when it's an item that a normal non tech guy would ask for.... like something with a model name... normal people who would need your help wouldn't ask for a Samsung EX2220 or an IPS panel.

The best CS from there I've seen, and I do not, at all, believe I'm exaggerating is when the employee told us, that we can buy it and try it out, and if it doesn't work with our network, we could return it. We got it working though, so all is good.

if you are asking BB employees for IPS panels, YOU are doing it wrong.
Never said I did, but the fact that they try to sound like they know... and that was an example... you would think they'd know at least something like what Wireless N or whatnot is.
Man it must really suck to be some of the people working there that actually DO know what the fuck they are talking about......what with the attitude people around here are walking in with that they knwo more than the entire store combined......i mean, in some cases this may be true but not every person working at a best buy doesn't know their stuff....
This will apparently offer customers the same expertise on games that they can get about the other products they sell

No expertise at all, in other words?
Man it must really suck to be some of the people working there that actually DO know what the fuck they are talking about......what with the attitude people around here are walking in with that they knwo more than the entire store combined......i mean, in some cases this may be true but not every person working at a best buy doesn't know their stuff....

I don't see why such person would want to get stuck there. They would probably do something better for themself with those skills they have ;)
What I hate about BB is that I'll get accosted in the DVD's or CD's section ("Can I help you find something?") when everything is pretty clearly grouped by genre/alphabet...but if you want to get a larger item like a TV, stereo receiver, etc. you practically have to hunt someone down.
Ditto for getting games out of those locked cases, or even worse when they have them hidden by the checkout.

I usually have the opposite. Can't find that one movie I went there for because instead of everything being alphabetical they have it divided into so many sections they should have a card catalog and street signs. So I go hunting for an employee and I finally find one and I get "Oh I'm the *other department here* clerk I was just walking through, I'll find you an associate".
I don't see why such person would want to get stuck there. They would probably do something better for themself with those skills they have ;)

An example would be someone who knows their stuff but just never got the piece of paper from a University. That person could knkw as much or more than the degreed person but can't get into the better situation without the paper. Another reason why putting too much stock in a paper education is bad for your business.
I worked at compusa then bestbuy all throughout highschool and college it was a great job for that time in my life. Better than making sandwiches or delivering pizzas.
I agree with the people defending retail stores in this post. The employees there are to help 80-90% of customers that use their computers for internet and email. And want a cool TV on their wall to watch tv and movies. They are HOUNDED and threated they will be fired by the managers that every customer gets asked if they need help. Because believe it or not, people would come up to me all the time, and yell at me because noone would help them
Bottom line, the employees are not for everyone, but they are for most.

This is true. Also, I have some VERY random experiances with BB. I've had the dumb-as-a-brick people, and then I had somone who was able to quote specs on iPda 1vs2, talk about upcomming honeycomb android tablets, and knew about both windows 7 and the then-just-rumored windows8 tablets... (Why was this buy in BB? I sware there had to be a mistake in the paperwork somewhere...)

Honestly the BB I go to locally is *fairly* knowledgeable (compared to most stores I read about, it must be one of the top 10!). I dont know why though unless it's simply the close proximity to Atlanta that it gets better help...