Best buy coupons?


Jun 26, 2007
Im not sure if i put this in the right section or not but im wondering where i can find any best buy coupons.

I wanna buy the hannspree 28 inch but i need a coupon and i cant seem to find any. I looked around at the post office and didnt find any, all the ones on sites are expired.

So where can i get one or can someone give me one;)
The HotDeals forum is for posting hot deals you find. The HotDeals Discussion forum is for discussing hot deals or potential hot deals or questions about hot deals.
Check out, I am 99% sure I saw a current 12% off coupon for instore purchases there recently. Don't have a link handy unfortunately :(.
the coupons don't apply to the monitors. and some will move this to the discussion forum.
they have a change of address packet...or wlecome to the neighborhood packet...with several coupons. ADT, Lowes, Best Buy, used to be Circuit City too. just go in and look around for a packet.
Where are the so called packets? i looked around and couldnt find them anywhere.
obviously I cant say how your local post office is layed out. try asking an employee where the address change packets with the coupons are. They are free, you arent stealing or anything. Dont be scared ;)
obviously I cant say how your local post office is layed out. try asking an employee where the address change packets with the coupons are. They are free, you arent stealing or anything. Dont be scared ;)
i was going to ask but the line was at least 15 mins long....
Damn, at least at your post office the people wait on you. At my post office, I go in there and it's like a ghost town - every time. You stand at the counter, it chimes once. Stand there, stand there... wiggle a bit so the chime goes off again... maybe someone will come, maybe not. It's about 50/50 so far, second chime they come, or third. Slow...

Rude, too. Hand over debit card, she asks "debit or credit"... DEBIT I SAY! She looks at the card, it's one of the BoA cards with a photo on it, you can clearly see it's my bald shiny head... she comments that it's a nice feature and should make it harder to steal cards... then she looks at the back of the card and doesn't want to take it... because the signature is worn off. You can see the ink smudge. But... it's a debit transaction... not credit, so their stupid rule doesn't apply. She thinks it does though. And argues. *sigh* Learn what the laws are, lady.

Another time I went in there and cashed a small money order (like $20) and used part of it to ship a package. She wouldn't accept the money order until I re-signed it - stating my signature was unreadable and looked nothing like my name. Now what the hell, you can't ask someone to do that! If it's their signature (look at a DL or something)... then it's their LEGAL signature and you shouldn't have to print your name out or anything. Grr...

Ok, sorry for the O.T. /rant :p
just the post office ones dont apply cuz all the printable ones ive seen have applied?
I work there. Coupons never apply to sale items, monitors, laptops, computers or any unilaterally priced products. Not to say that some stores don't let you use them, but company line....
they have a change of address packet...or wlecome to the neighborhood packet...with several coupons. ADT, Lowes, Best Buy, used to be Circuit City too. just go in and look around for a packet.
no coupons for Best Buy or Circuit City in those packets at the post offices I have checked in Birmingham, AL. :(