Best Buy matches Walmart: HD-A2 @ 100 bucks.

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Yeah please let us know how it goes. Im guessing if my Walmart runs out by the time I get there, I can always check out Sears as im sure they wont be sold out.

No luck for me. It showed that my local Sears had it in stock, but they didn't when I arrived. I went to my local Wal-mart to make sure they will be have them in the morning, and the lady said that they have a LOT of them in the back, but that a lot of people have been asking about them as well.
hard dc'er of the month, threadcrapping. nice.:rolleyes:

Discontinued or not, walmart apparently has a large supply of them.

Pot, black.

That player is crap since it has been proven to have a very high failure rate. Not as bad as the 360...but high enough to make it non-trivial. However the price is good...but I'm not in the habbit of buying something I know I will have to replace in a short period of time.
FYI I was able to get Bestbuy to match the price based on print outs from the site (gave me back $135 during my lunch break). If anyone bought one previously at bestbuy, don't let the fact that they deleted them from the main website dissuade you from getting your price fixed!!!
you keep trying to shit on this deal, and all you're showing is your own ignorance regarding the NON difference in 1080i and 1080p.

Unless you have a display actually doing 24hrz or a multiple its meaningless, and most people DO NOT.

This is a great $100 unit, with 5 free movies. now piss off.

Sorry if Im trying to inform people before the make a mistake and buy this player. sure its cheap, and im guessing people who buy this also have cheap TV's. Cheap 1080p TV's= crappy internal deinterlacing. That will result in bad motion blur from the deinterlacing. Also it doesn't output at 24hz anyway, so youre going to have 3:2 pulldown (judder) in addition to having your TV de interlace it, which Im assuming if you have to save 100-200 bucks on a player you also have a cheaper TV, with a bad internal deinterlacer. Don't get so offended, Im sure youre one of those people who cant even tell the difference between upconverted DVD's and HD content anyway, then this player will be AMAZING for you.

Now, buying this player, getting free movies, then selling it on ebay is a HotDeal. This player is not. Thanks.

That is an ignorant misunderstanding. you can't output a 1080i signal at 24hz. well by your math you are claiming 1080i@48hz would be equal to 1080p/24. This is absolutly not the case. Research interlacing yourself before making wild accusations like these. Also research pulldowns 3:2 5:5 etc. youre confused
Best Buy claims that they pricematch, but if you find a really good price they will lie and say it's "below cost" and offer it at a price that other stores sell it for non-sale price. BB markups on most of their products are beyond insane.

Trying to pricematch something at BB is asking for a coronary
Just called my local Frys. They told me that is was sold out and it was $299.00. But I was able to pick up 2 A2's at Walmart today. So I'm still happy.

the san diego fry's had one left and my friend called best buy and had them pricematch them.
And they're not bad players...

Unless your "1080p" television deinterlaces incorrectly, the results you get from a 1080i HD-DVD player will be identical to those from a 1080p HD-DVD or Blu-ray player. The 1080p player merely moves the deinterlacing task from the television into the player.
without proof... I call BS

here is your BS little boy...

that proves nothing... it does not even say Fry's Electronics on it.

PLUS... if you're so savvy you'd have explained exactly HOW you got that price. For all we know you have a friend at Fry's that did you a favor...
still... not an explanation?

I'll check my Fry's tomorrow but this smells like someone did you a favor since I'd expect this to be plastered all over the internet by now if it was on sale at Fry's
exactly i am going to re-phrase this comment. i went in and this is what i got for under $100. i careless what u think how i got it. not advertised in the lastest ad. but the proof show you i got a a3 for $100.
so you are saying it was marked at $99 on the box?
Pot, black.

That player is crap since it has been proven to have a very high failure rate. Not as bad as the 360...but high enough to make it non-trivial. However the price is good...but I'm not in the habbit of buying something I know I will have to replace in a short period of time.

I have *never* heard of this supposed high failure rate you're talking about, and I'm on avsforum.

Back it up. Otherwise, you're just spilling shit everywhere.
Sorry if Im trying to inform people before the make a mistake and buy this player. sure its cheap, and im guessing people who buy this also have cheap TV's. Cheap 1080p TV's= crappy internal deinterlacing. That will result in bad motion blur from the deinterlacing. Also it doesn't output at 24hz anyway, so youre going to have 3:2 pulldown (judder) in addition to having your TV de interlace it, which Im assuming if you have to save 100-200 bucks on a player you also have a cheaper TV, with a bad internal deinterlacer. Don't get so offended, Im sure youre one of those people who cant even tell the difference between upconverted DVD's and HD content anyway, then this player will be AMAZING for you.

Now, buying this player, getting free movies, then selling it on ebay is a HotDeal. This player is not. Thanks.

MOST people don't have tvs capable of 24hz multiples anyway. Most GOOD 1080p lcds are 1080p/60. You're trying to play superior asshole because you spent a lot for a 120hrz lcd, which have just started appearing on the market.
I see through you. Now, take your "1.46TB hdbits goodies" and go away. Don't be jealous that you're warezing shit and it sub-par vs the real media.

btw champ: Anyone who actually DOES know anything (which you apparently don't), knows you have to sit really close to an HD set for the difference between even 720p and 1080p to be discernable. With your 46inch set, thats about 6 feet, so I hope you have your nose in it.
That is an ignorant misunderstanding. you can't output a 1080i signal at 24hz. well by your math you are claiming 1080i@48hz would be equal to 1080p/24. This is absolutly not the case. Research interlacing yourself before making wild accusations like these. Also research pulldowns 3:2 5:5 etc. youre confused
go away kid, you're annoying and pathetic.
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