Best Buy Opening Hundreds of Windows Stores

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
And the next victim of "showrooming" at Best Buy stores? Microsoft's products! ;) Thanks to MacLeod for the linkage.

The store-within-a-store sites, which will be 1,500 square feet to 2,200 square feet, will offer a wide selection of Windows tablets and PCs, Windows Phones, Microsoft Office, and Xbox consoles. There will also be space set aside specifically for Microsoft's Surface tablet computers.
So what do you think the workers at this Microsoft stores be playing to pass the time? Monopoly? Scrabble?
I never understood the purpose of these. I guess it makes your product more visible, but why not just put up a big poster instead?

You can already look at the Surface and other MS products in the PC section.
gawd... MS late to the party again.... They should have been doing this when they first started their market their own hardware approach with the windows mobile phones and surface tablets.

Apple demonstrated years ago when they opened Apple stores (I thought it was a dumb move at the time) if you want to sell a superior product experience to a potential customer you gotta control the demo space where people can be shown how superior a product you have. Otherwise you're just trusting some minimum wage, minimum trained, office supply store drone to sell your product that hardly stands out among all the cheaper me-to clones.
Seriously Best Buy, use the money to revamp the BB stores, or actually sell up to date PC hardware and games, cause right now those sections suck donkey balls.
I wonder if there will be any DRM restrictions, when you enter the store?

Will there be Kinect cameras plastered everywhere, spying on your every buying decision?
Great, now the incompetent employees can show us all how uneducated they are on Microsoft products as well as everything else in their store.
Best Buy might as well rent space to RIM and Google while they're at it. More choices for the consumer.
Lol. So they can show us what we don't want? Microsoft has taken the "FU we know best" stance on all product lines as of late.

- Windows 8 forcing metro
- XBone, nuff said
- Office 2013 has a 1/5 rating

Fail much?
I remember how awesome that Hover game was back then. For a game back then it was amazing.
I never understood the purpose of these. I guess it makes your product more visible, but why not just put up a big poster instead?

You can already look at the Surface and other MS products in the PC section.

Because stores don't give a crap about your product. This is why tons of successful companies have reps, that go into stores and make sure the products are displayed properly, sales forces are educated etc.. Best buy only cares to sell what makes the most profit or they get kick backs on. And they don't much bother to fix things. My best buy has had a polk audio floor standing speaker sitting their for at least 3 years with a giant gouge on the top of it revealing particle board.

Here is an example, in my best buy surface is just buried in the middle of a bunch of random tablets. It is missing the keyboard. Half the days someone has shut it down and it isn't logged in so no one can play with it. Many of the android tablets like the asus transformer are strait up broken, never charged etc.. Pens are always missing.

Meanwhile apple has a huge swath of the store set aside, all their products are always charged and always staffed. Nicely spread out and so on. If its broken its fixed in a day or 2 / replaced.

If someone asks a question they almost always get a bullshit answer that comes down to hey if you want office buy surface if you don't want office then everything here is garbage buy an ipad.

Go figure everytime a customer walks in the door they have a better experience with apple and think that the other stuff breaks easily or cant get a chance to play with it.

The good news is since everyone really hates MS now we are sure to here stories about how MS employee pissed off someone etc... Also all that empty space in the middle of best buy where they used to sell music and movies will finally start getting used. And ultimately you have to pay. If you go into any store you are ALWAYS being manipulated by this. Places like home depot make very little money on dewalt but dewalt always pays for a nice endcap with a bunch of their tools in the prime location. If they didn't do this home depot would burry them in the back of the store and sell rigid their owned brand.
People hate MS. People hate BB. I think this collaboration is going to open the gates of hell. :)

We have a BB not too far away, but I'm not sure I've ever entered it. Adding a MS store too it isn't going to do much to get me in there either.

BTW, I think Emerson owns Ridge Tools, which make rigid. As far as I know, HD only carries the orange line, which is made in china and is sold at HD.
black and decker emerson, TTI, its all a big cluster &%(# only a hand full of companies all sourcing tools from the same Chinese factories. Rebranding them 3 ways and selling them to all different stores as exclusives.
gawd... MS late to the party again....
... and yet they are still here, and now they delivered a product which gives the customer the same user experience across all platforms. Late or not, steady wins the race.
... and yet they are still here, and now they delivered a product which gives the customer the same user experience across all platforms. Late or not, steady wins the race.

Except there's only a handful who actually want the same user experience across all platforms. Most people already have either Android or iOS for their smartphone and tablet and either Windows or MacOS on their computer or laptop. Having separate interfaces works very well because it's tailored to each device instead of being cobbled together. Microsoft is pissing off customers right and left and instead of taking a step back and trying to do what the customer wants, they arrogantly just say they know best and too bad what the customer wants. If that's the attitude they're going to continue with, an extended presence in Best Buy is perfect, since Best Buy is the same way. Not sure it's going to help either company much though.

The only winner I see in this is Best Buy and that's because their stores are too big and have tons of unused space. Having some of the room subsidized to deep pocket Microsoft makes a ton of sense, even if I don't believe it'll help sales of MS products. At least they're guaranteed revenue off the rent.
It's been over ten years since Microsoft has done anything innovative. They are a shell of their former self, Steve Balmer should have been shit canned years ago. That angry fat fuck just runs around barking shit and it seems nobody listens.
It's been over ten years since Microsoft has done anything innovative. They are a shell of their former self, Steve Balmer should have been shit canned years ago. That angry fat fuck just runs around barking shit and it seems nobody listens.

How do you define innovation? If you think its making a product or implementing it then what does it matter no company, Google, Apple, MS or other large player has ever innovated anything. Every feature and product any of them ever made was made by someone else first.

But if you consider the ability to implement that feature or be first to market with it, or simply just expose it to a wider audience MS has been most likely more innovative in the last 10 years than any other time in history.