Best converter


May 31, 2007
I was just wondering what the best converter is for video, picture and audio files to any other format? I don't just mean freeware programs, commercial programs too. What's the best program to remove drivers as well?
pretty broad question there. Usually the best video encoder varies from the best audio encoder.

audio -

I've always liked cdex. I'm not sure it's the best, but it certainly covers my needs.

video -
tmpgenc v4 express is my current fav. It will convert anything to just about anything else and fully supports multiple cores.
Wow, very broad question. With a little research, you'll find there are plenty of encoders available for both audio and video. Asking such a question will only result in a list of different ones, and no clear favorite. So, check them out yourself and find what works best for you.

As for the driver removal tools, you don't need one. Uninstalling drivers properly can be done inside of Windows.
Hey deaconfrost should I just use google or have you got any ideas where to start? :)
I'd probably start scrolling through the lists on It's my go-to place for software.