Best fans for pull configuration


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
I have recently settled on the SP120's for my push configs on a new build. The think I'm noticing about the design of the fans is the circular design vs a more boxy design doesn't seem all that good for a pull configuration.

Are Noctua or Noiseblocker fans just as good? I have no real experience from performance/noise level stand point, I've searched for roundups and comparison and I haven't found anything informative.

What I have noticed is that some fans make more noise in pull than push. Others make the same amount in either push/pull. I know for certain ek vardar fans sound the same in either push or pull, but bitfenix spectre pro fans make a loud buzzing noise when running in pull. Noctua nf-f12 fans are slightly better than sp120 in noise/performance. Not sure about noiseblocker. Most of the reviews I read put the noctuas and vardars on top, pretty much. Maybe some other fans too, I just remember these two.