Best FedEx Delivery Ever: LCD Monitor Edition

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The only incentive these people have to do their job worth a shit is pride, and that's very scarce in a delivery job of any kind. Long hours, shit job, shit pay.
yeah because making 25-30 bucks an hour and then overtime pay cant possibly be an incentive. go scrub fucking toilets for minimum wage if you think UPS Fed Ex drivers have it rough. :rolleyes:
It's true, you can make big money delivery packages. You just need to put your time, and you'll be making 60-75k a year. Just means, can you stay there for 5+ years till you get paid that much?
I worked as a delivery driver for 3 years, and the part about recognizing addresses and delivering to nice people or people who had tipped me in the past before the rest of the common rabble is absolutely true.

I didn't mistreat anyone's package, but the people who weren't assholes got theirs first.

Same thing works for any restaurant you frequent...would you really go to the same restaurant for years and never tip your waiter? Granted it's expected in that line of work, but because it's unexpected for delivery drivers - it makes that much more of a positive impact.

Personally I've always been friendly to the FedEx/UPS/USPS guy and I don't think I've ever once had something damaged in shipping that was packed properly. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

The mentality of some people is just laughable. So you're telling us that if there was a package for someone you didn't like, and they lived somewhere where it was convenient for you to deliver their package earlier in your route, you would purposely go out of your way to delay it until the end out of spite and inconvenience yourself as well? Just ROFL...
I use UPS Because they are cheaper than fedex and they leave the package next to my front door. The dude had no way of delivering beyond that stupid gate. Still he could have just left it outside the gate. I wonder if the monitor survived?
My first U3011 arrived with what looked like someone had taken a machete to it.

Snap. When my 2407WFP arrived it had a cigarette in the box that had burned all the way through the outer packaging and was sitting on the (miraculously) undamaged screen. It stank of burning plastic though and had to be returned.
Not sure what point that happened at but the whole parcel system is a bit careless!

My attitude to it is this; If you expect to get a tip for providing good service that's fine as long as you are prepared to get fired when you wilfully fuck with my parcel like that.
No worries, likely a crappy TN panel anyway. Probably didn't have HDMI either.
Tipping for services rendered is a nice and charitable act, especially for exceptional service.

Explain this, those of you who think tipping the delivery guy will "save" your package, how do you prevent damage during the multiple transfers?

I think tipping is nice and like to be generous where it's due, but even if you tipped the delivery guy $1000 / delivery you still can't prevent the rest of the chain from destroying it long before it arrives at the final distribution point.
Seriously, you have a locked gate. How did you expect him to deliver your package? No, I don't think the person is rich nor do I care. Just wonder what the Fed Ex guy was supposed to actually do.
Seriously, you have a locked gate. How did you expect him to deliver your package? No, I don't think the person is rich nor do I care. Just wonder what the Fed Ex guy was supposed to actually do.
do you really see no alternative to basically throwing it?
as a former ups employee, your package probably got treated the same way the entire shipping process.

If you don't want one more additional toss, don't have a closed fence with no way to leave a package at your door.

Also, and this is a pro tip, be super nice to your fed ex/ups guy, give them a gift basket for xmas, and miraculously they will stop throwing your packages and will go out of their way to be awesome, even delivering to you out of order if they really like you.

A closed fence with no way to leave a package at the door? Seriously?

The fence had that miraculous invention called a gate. The gate opens and closes. It allows you to walk right through the fence, almost as if you'd used a transporter to get from one side of the fence to the other...

That particular fence is part of a security system. As such, the gate is designed to close itself, so as not to defeat the purpose of having a security fence in the first place.

The driver is obviously too damn lazy to walk to the gate.

If he had, he'd have seen the open door, and the customer standing there waiting for the monitor.

Here's a pro tip as well. Do treat your delivery driver with courtesy and respect. It's what all people deserve. However, it's their damn job to deliver packages, and payments in any form corrupt the system and results in asshats like this guy so do not give them squat except your except your sincere thanks.If that's not good enough for them, they're the one with the problem.
Looks like someone is getting fired. I've never had a problem with fedex or UPS. Then again I have everything delivered to my business. If something ever comes off the truck with a damaged box he waits for me to check the package to make sure nothing is damaged before he leaves.
The parcel delivery business really rubs me the wrong way.

Why is it that I am expected to do my job to the best of my ability, and if I don't get everything done I stay late to finish. Yet many package delivery people can half-ass it, because of the "volume" of work.

I have no sympathy. You weren't forced into the line of work and if you aren't going to do it properly then find some other line of employment. I paid for a service and I expect my packages to be handled with care.

If these people have problems with the volume of work that is something they need to take up with management instead of taking it out on the customers.
as a former ups employee, your package probably got treated the same way the entire shipping process.

If you don't want one more additional toss, don't have a closed fence with no way to leave a package at your door.

Also, and this is a pro tip, be super nice to your fed ex/ups guy, give them a gift basket for xmas, and miraculously they will stop throwing your packages and will go out of their way to be awesome, even delivering to you out of order if they really like you.

So much about this is total crap. Why in the world should anyone have to do anything other than pay shipping fees to get decent service. Not throwing packages should be just baseline good service, not seen as above and beyond that deserves gifts. People's moral gauges and sense of self-entitlement is all screwed up these days. But I realize this type of service/behavior is common. Doesn't make it right though.
Do your job. Do it right, the first time.

If you don't like your job, find a different one.

Can't find a different one? Then appreciate the fact that you have a job, and do it.

It's really a pretty simple concept.
you are an absolute fool if you think fedex driver or ups driver isn't a hard or isn't difficult.

It's laborious and tiring. It isn't "difficult". He's not driving around performing the damn Pythagorem theorum and solving quantum mechanics equations in his head all day long. He's humping boxes.
Here's a pro tip as well. Do treat your delivery driver with courtesy and respect. It's what all people deserve. However, it's their damn job to deliver packages, and payments in any form corrupt the system and results in asshats like this guy so do not give them squat except your except your sincere thanks.If that's not good enough for them, they're the one with the problem.


Always treat EVERYONE with politeness, dignity and respect, whether you need them for something or not. It is what all people deserve and what decent people do.

If you are polite and respectful to people, people tend to be more likely to respond in kind.

If a driver goes out of their way for you and does something absolutely fucking special, then by all means tip them, it's the least you can do. There should - however - be no expectation of a tip for them to just do their job. That's just crazy.

I have personally been ordering lots and lots of boxes of stuff online for at least the last 13 years since I moved back to the U.S. after living in Europe for 15 years. I have yet to receive a package that was damaged from any of the major carriers (UPS, FedEx, Airborne, USPS, etc. etc.). This either means that incidents like the above are rarer than suggested in this thread, I am one charming motherfucker when it comes to delivery guys, or packaging quality is much better than it seems. I certainly have never tipped a delivery guy.

Now, not to change the subject or anything, but while we are talking about package delivery, here's one thing I just don't get.

Why on earth do they only deliver during business hours? I have to believe that at least half of their business is delivering to home addresses. 90% of this country still have jobs, for crying out loud. With the current carriers delivery schedule what this does is guarantee that I'm never going to be home when they try to deliver something, and 100% of the time I am going to have to go pick it up at some warehouse 20 miles away. :mad:

They should deliver in shifts. Business deliveries during business hours, and home deliveries in the evenings from 6 to 9pm or something like that. Doing this they could even have fewer trucks, as some of the home delivery shift can use the same trucks as the business delivery shift...
I tip when someone delivers either outstanding service, or when its a service job where I know they are getting paid on a scale that expects tipping (you know, like a waitress). I tip above average when the service is good, and also let their boss know that it was good.

Expecting poor service until you tip is just a recipe for no tip, and a complaint to management.
Tips are given based on the quality of service. My mother is a cosmetologist who lives off tips. She drilled this fact into my head.

I tip a waiter when he/she does a good job.

I DO NOT tip a waiter so he/she doesn't spit in my food.

I tip my barber when he/she does a good job.

I DO NOT tip my barber so he/she doesn't shave me bald.

I tip the delivery driver when he/she delivers my packages in the best possible condition and makes every reasonable attempt to get the package to me.

I DO NOT tip the delivery driver so he doesn't treat my package like a football.

The fact that some people in this thread are advocating tipping so people will do their job, PERIOD, rather than tipping based on quality of service is absolutely ridiculous.
Zarathustra[H];1038174015 said:

Always treat EVERYONE with politeness, dignity and respect, whether you need them for something or not. It is what all people deserve and what decent people do.

If you are polite and respectful to people, people tend to be more likely to respond in kind.

If a driver goes out of their way for you and does something absolutely fucking special, then by all means tip them, it's the least you can do. There should - however - be no expectation of a tip for them to just do their job. That's just crazy.

I have personally been ordering lots and lots of boxes of stuff online for at least the last 13 years since I moved back to the U.S. after living in Europe for 15 years. I have yet to receive a package that was damaged from any of the major carriers (UPS, FedEx, Airborne, USPS, etc. etc.). This either means that incidents like the above are rarer than suggested in this thread, I am one charming motherfucker when it comes to delivery guys, or packaging quality is much better than it seems. I certainly have never tipped a delivery guy.

Now, not to change the subject or anything, but while we are talking about package delivery, here's one thing I just don't get.

Why on earth do they only deliver during business hours? I have to believe that at least half of their business is delivering to home addresses. 90% of this country still have jobs, for crying out loud. With the current carriers delivery schedule what this does is guarantee that I'm never going to be home when they try to deliver something, and 100% of the time I am going to have to go pick it up at some warehouse 20 miles away. :mad:

They should deliver in shifts. Business deliveries during business hours, and home deliveries in the evenings from 6 to 9pm or something like that. Doing this they could even have fewer trucks, as some of the home delivery shift can use the same trucks as the business delivery shift...

Exactly. I'm quoting both you and the person you quoted. Imagine the precedence that would be set if we were all expected to actually tip delivery drivers, for doing their jobs. We tip restaurant servers, because their wage is set against tips given. There are alot of people out there that literally make peanuts compared to some of these drivers, yet they should be expected to fork out cash they probably don't have, just to keep the fedex guy happy? Some of the people in this thread seem to be own a seriously wonked out moral compass. I'm looking at you stealthy123. You are seriously deranged.
Ya know, I have a job that requires me to work in multiple peoples homes every day and while I dont condone his actions, I can understand him giving that kind of service. Your making his job more difficult (unintentionally or not) than it already has been that day and he's taking it out on your package. Its not like you kicked his dog or anything, this guy just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back.

A couple remarks towards other posters here:

Yes, a tip gets you remembered and gets you better service. Is it right? no, but it will definately get you the better service. Tipping shows that you appreciate the service the person is giving you and we all know that words dont buy you shit.

Someone said they'd sue the guy for the damages...come dude. You obviously have money if your home is gated and has surveillance installed and your gonna sue the guy doing a minimium wage job or damn near it? Thats a much bigger dick move then this guy breaking your new toy. This driver probably makes at best 30k a year and the fenced in dude is 100k+...who's gonna be more effected by a 300 dollar loss that would probably be covered by a return policy or shipping insurance.

Someone else mentioned quiting your job and getting one you like, this is a two parter. Where the fuck have you been, have you not noticed that jobs are in short supply at the moment? Also, "get a job you like" I dont know a single person that likes the job he/she has. To me, getting a job you like is up there with love at first site and finding the person of your dreams...most people just dont get it.

Again, Im not condoning his actions but im not surprised by it either. If it had happened to me id be pissed off but i'd also just use my shipping insurance/return policy to get it replaced. Calling the worker out on it only causes someone to lose a job that may BADLY need the income and/or flags your house as being a place to cause the biggest hassle for.

I take exception to the part of your post I bolded.

If jobs are in short supply, then the delivery guy should value his a little more and do it properly.

If there were no fence at all, and no one were home to sign for it, he'd have walked up to the door, knocked, waited 10 seconds, then filled out a delivery exception notice. Standard practice...takes 35 sedonds at most.

In this instance, he saw the gate was closed and threw the package over. He never tried to ring the buzzer on the gate. He never even walked to the gate. He just threw that shit over.

He has no pride in his job and no pride in himself, and it shows.

I do, in fact, like my job. I like it a lot, actually. I even stay late off the clock sometimes. Even when I'm having a crappy day I do not take it out on the customer. It's my job to provide great service, and I do so not because I expect a fruit basket. I do so because I have pride in myself.
if I had a fence like that then I would have lots of money.

I would find a nice website that sells concrete blocks
and order 1 per day, (max shipping weight).

lol... (might be a bad idea.. he'll develop lots of muscle and then the next LCD will get thrown 30 feet)
Job = get the box to the address

notarat there is no time for the BS your are talking... he has a truck full of boxes to get off in a timely manner to people who are realtime tracking and calling to complain about out for delivery delays like its a damn pizza.

Job = get the box to the address
There is nothing personal about what the box was or who it was for or his gate even.
6am--9pm is what they are running here NOW and still coming back late with undelivered boxes
The only incentive these people have to do their job worth a shit is pride, and that's very scarce in a delivery job of any kind. Long hours, shit job, shit pay.
Uhmmm say what? We have damn near 10% unemployment in some states, and UPS drivers make up to $78,497 a year cap depending on years experience, with truly full health benefits including medical, dental and eye care. This makes it one of the highest paying low-skill jobs available in the nation, and FedEx drivers are likely somewhat on paar with their brown counterparts.

So their incentive to do their job is if they don't, they don't have a job, as with it being quite simple to break $50K a year just driving a truck around, there are plenty of other people that are in line for those jobs since virtually anyone normal healthy fitness and an ability to drive a vehicle can do it.
Job = get the box to the address

notarat there is no time for the BS your are talking... he has a truck full of boxes to get off in a timely manner to people who are realtime tracking and calling to complain about out for delivery delays like its a damn pizza.

Job = get the box to the address
There is nothing personal about what the box was or who it was for or his gate even.
6am--9pm is what they are running here NOW and still coming back late with undelivered boxes

Sure there's time for that. That's what his damn job is. Walking up to houses and delivering packages or attempting to deliver them. If he can't do that, he shouldn't have a job.
Tips are given based on the quality of service. My mother is a cosmetologist who lives off tips. She drilled this fact into my head.

I tip a waiter when he/she does a good job.

I DO NOT tip a waiter so he/she doesn't spit in my food.

I tip my barber when he/she does a good job.

I DO NOT tip my barber so he/she doesn't shave me bald.

I tip the delivery driver when he/she delivers my packages in the best possible condition and makes every reasonable attempt to get the package to me.

I DO NOT tip the delivery driver so he doesn't treat my package like a football.

The fact that some people in this thread are advocating tipping so people will do their job, PERIOD, rather than tipping based on quality of service is absolutely ridiculous.

I just bought my UPS guy a 25$ Amazon gift card. I usually give him a bottle of soda and a small can of Pringles for every delivery.
The only time I received a damaged packaged from UPS is when he was on vacation.
I'm not saying you should buy gifts for your delivery guy if you want you packages to arrive safely, but do show some appreciation, you don't have to tip. I know my UPS guy will go beyond for me if I need him to.
I just bought my UPS guy a 25$ Amazon gift card. I usually give him a bottle of soda and a small can of Pringles for every delivery.
The only time I received a damaged packaged from UPS is when he was on vacation.
I'm not saying you should buy gifts for your delivery guy if you want you packages to arrive safely, but do show some appreciation, you don't have to tip. I know my UPS guy will go beyond for me if I need him to.

So you admit to repeatedly bribing him. You are part of the problem. You facilitate the corruption in the system. Congrats! /facepalm
I just bought my UPS guy a 25$ Amazon gift card. I usually give him a bottle of soda and a small can of Pringles for every delivery.
The only time I received a damaged packaged from UPS is when he was on vacation.
I'm not saying you should buy gifts for your delivery guy if you want you packages to arrive safely, but do show some appreciation, you don't have to tip. I know my UPS guy will go beyond for me if I need him to.
nearly all damage is done BEFORE the driver even has your package. if you want to fool yourself into thinking that you magically get no damaged packages because you kiss his butt then go ahead. and you just happen to be home with soda and chips in hand at the exact time he delivers? and he must not be too busy to have chip and soda break...:rolleyes:
So you admit to repeatedly bribing him. You are part of the problem. You facilitate the corruption in the system. Congrats! /facepalm

So buy giving him a bottle of water on a hot day, i'm bribing him?
So buy giving him a bottle of water on a hot day, i'm bribing him?
um you just said "I just bought my UPS guy a 25$ Amazon gift card. I usually give him a bottle of soda and a small can of Pringles for every delivery." :rolleyes:
nearly all damage is done BEFORE the driver even has your package. if you want to fool yourself into thinking that you magically get no damaged packages because you kiss his butt then go ahead. and you just happen to be home with soda and chips in hand at the exact time he delivers? and he must not be too busy to have chip and soda break...:rolleyes:

Doesn't matter. Fact is, the only time I received a package that looked like someone dropped it and thought it would be funny to step on it, is when my regular UPS guy was on vacation.
I'm getting at least 3-4 deliveries each week, if you think i'm kissing his ass for delivering my packages, then you're plain ignorant.
And yes, I'm waiting for them to ring my bell just like they're on trick and treat. :confused::confused:
Doesn't matter. Fact is, the only time I received a package that looked like someone dropped it and thought it would be funny to step on it, is when my regular UPS guy was on vacation.
I'm getting at least 3-4 deliveries each week, if you think i'm kissing his ass for delivering my packages, then you're plain ignorant.
And yes, I'm waiting for them to ring my bell just like they're on trick and treat. :confused::confused:
why dont you drive down to the sorting facility and bring them all some soda and chips too. maybe then there would be less damaged packages there.
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