Best game out there


Jan 19, 2004
Well the new batch of games are out and i have no idea to go for which game. i have UT2k4 COD Halo(i dont like it very much). which one has best online play out there " fun wise" . battlefield vietnam : CS:CZ ( im a cs nut ) : farcry. i have a 5900=>5950ultra so FPS isnt really a factor. Money doesnt matter much either as i have plenty of it. is CZ have a good online play as the original ? ive been playing CS for about a year and a half now and im not planning on stopping i just need a good game to log into everyonce in a while.
Well, if money isn't holding you back then why not buy every new hyped game and find out for yourself?
Originally posted by Kortiz
Well, if money isn't holding you back then why not buy every new hyped game and find out for yourself?

i was meaning the 30-50 $ you know how some games are less than i dont want to buy a shitty game if that could be avoided by someone giving me a honest answer on k thanks.
far cry, vietnam, or ut2k4... heck if you dont have 1942 get that too because that game rules!

Being a big CS nut myself, I do play UT2004 when I'm not scrimming or pugging with friends.
I'd have to say for multiplayer BF1942 and UT2K4 are some of the best things out. BF:Vietnam still has issues that need to be worked out.
Do you people even read the posts before replying? He already owns UT2K4 and CoD, he doesn't need you to tell him to buy either of those. I agree with the BF:1942 suggestion. I love vietnam, but I can't even play it online because of the ping issues (or because my school network totally blows lately). 1942 is only like 20$ now, and unless you REALLY have been waiting for Vietnam, and are patient enough to deal with the frustrations it comes with (like i am trying to be), you should get 1942 to occupy your non-CSing time.

Originally posted by mmartinx
BF: Vietnam. Think today is the last day to get it for $29.99 from Circuit City.

yeah i agree, its an amazing game. THe patch was supposed to be released yesterday to help out a few things but hopefully it'll be released today.