best gaming keyboard (backlit)?


Jan 6, 2003
I have a microsoft eurognamic keyboard right now but the windows and ctrl keys are to wide and large for a good gaming keyboard.

I really like that new logitech keyboard but the price is high and I'm concerned about what software will need to be used on it. If it's good I'll concider it though. Are there others that are backlit and somewhat durable (not fragile) I'd like it to be lit up where the letters are written on the keyboard and not completely lit up especially if it's blue since that kills my night vision and blinds me during late nite fragging. So not completely lit up keys.
Saitek Eclipse? They look cool. I hear alot of good stuff about them too.
I found a keyboard from DECK

99.00 though :confused:

I wonder if the backlighting is as good as the sample shows with it only lighting the lettering of the keys. I will definately take a red one of those if possible but no full size keyboards.
I would wait till october. Logitech will release the G15 keyboard for $70 bucks that will knock the PANTS off the eclipse or any other keyboard out now, I'd imagine. I know i'm going for that. It's worth the 2 months wait.

It's got a built in LCD screen that monitors system temps, Macros for all types of WoW spells and CS buy scripts, 3 settings for the lights, and of course logitechs media support for playing/pausing/loading music in game.
I've never known how to set up macros. How would you tell it to buy things automatically in cstrike?

Will the keyboard running the software take up resources and something that can crash then?
MrIgoe said:
It's got a built in LCD screen that monitors system temps, Macros for all types of WoW spells and CS buy scripts, 3 settings for the lights, and of course logitechs media support for playing/pausing/loading music in game.
Unfortunately, I just found out that system temps will not be available at launch. It's apparently a real pain in the neck to get real system/CPU temperature data reliably (every motherboard and chipset manufacturer has different protocols, and some of them are wholly inaccurate even at a BIOS level), and we're not finding a good way to get it implemented that doesn't involve inventing information to make people feel good about themselves. Everything else you mentioned is going to be there, though.

Doing CS buy scripts will be easy - you push the MR button in the buy screen, hit the G key you want to set up, then punch the different buttons that correspond to the loadout you want. When you're done, hit MR, and then every time you hit that G key it will play that sequence of button presses. You can have it playback at the same speed you recorded it, or as fast as the software will fill the buffer. There are 18 keys total, with three toggle states (M1, M2, M3), for a total of 54 programmable macros per game (since the software detects the active app).

Also - for the record, I'm the ugly bald guy who was babbling about the G15 on stage yesterday - just in case anyone's confused. :)
I have to give another vote for the Saitek Eclipse. I have been using this model for months with no issues. The back light could be a tad brighter, but that is a subjective metric (and I have poor eyesight). It is worth your money IMO.
As for Das Keyboard... in my opinion it's not worth it for the price when you can just scrap the letters off of a regular cheapo computer. Plus, it doesn't have any multimedia features either.
saturnine2 said:
Auravision Eluminx :cool:

do the keys feel like a laptop? after reading a few reviews of this keyboard they feel like a laptop but are larger. for 100 bucks again though.

ok ok so bottom line we have the new logitech that is coming out sometime, we have the DECK keyboard for 100 bucks and we have the Eluminx for 100 bucks. What other 50-100 dollar keyboards that are backlit do we have to choose from. I wouldn't normally be this picky but it's for a fricken keyboard lol

.................and you all know I need one!
CyByte said:
do the keys feel like a laptop? after reading a few reviews of this keyboard they feel like a laptop but are larger. for 100 bucks again though.
It feels like a laptop, but better! I've owned one for 3 years now, and could never go back to a standard keyboard. The Eluminx boards are extremely good quality too. You can find em at Newegg for $72.75 right now.
I'm reading reviews of people have the eluminox keyboards for 6 months and they have keys sticking. for 100 dollars would the DECK not be more durable and last longer?

I'm concerned with the eluminox keyboard since the keys are already smaller and the windows key is right in the normal spot that it will be hit accidentally

I was just looking at the forum of DECK. They are getting ready to realease a full size 105 key keyboard :) I wonder if this will be water resistant and such like there others? Anyone have one of these?
I had two Eluminix keyboards that both suffered from sticking keys after three months. I liked the Deck keyboard, but did not like the compact size. If they are indeed coming out with a full size, it would be something top look at.
Ive had the Saitek Eclipse for a while now and I love it. Like it was said before, backlight could be brighter, but its response is spectacular. One bad thing, it wont work with a USB to PS/2 adapter, so if your thinking about plugging it into a KVM, try again.
The keys on my Eluminx have never sticked or anything... Maybe they are having some QC problems these days. The Saitek looks like a pretty good alternative.
all these companies need to release there new backlit full size keyboards today because I'm getting really anxious!
CyByte said:
I found a keyboard from DECK

99.00 though :confused:

I wonder if the backlighting is as good as the sample shows with it only lighting the lettering of the keys. I will definately take a red one of those if possible but no full size keyboards.

The backlighting IS as good as what's on their website.

I have a Deck (blue) and a Saitek Eclipse. The Deck is connected to my secondary systems, and the Eclipse is on my main PC.

The Deck has a slightly strange key layout -- a couple of keys are not where you normally expect them. Although, depending on your use of your system, it may not be a big deal. The Windows key is up in the upper-right hand corner, which proves problematic if you use it on a Mac (Windows key becomes the Command key in MacOS, which is used in place of Ctrl by most of the keyboard shortcuts.)

The feel of the keys on the Deck is better than the Eclipse, though, and the backlighting is much better than the Eclipse. You can see the Deck's lighting even in normal light. The Eclipse's backlighting only works well if you're looking straight down on the keys. If you look at them from any angle, the backlighting gets much, much dimmer. The Deck's lighting is fairly constant from any angle. You'll also notice that the Eclipse's backlight isn't even across the keyboard.

Here are two screenshots of the two keyboards, taken from mostly straight overhead. The first is with the Eclipse set to it's brightest and the Deck set to it's brightest. The second has the Eclipse set to it's brightest and the Deck is set to it's dimmest. (Be aware that my camera makes things brighter than they appear.)

Image one.
Image two.
i just ordered a saitek eclipse i will get a deck keyboard when they release a full size one