Best headphones for GAMING and MUSIC


Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2011
If you are giving suggestions, please back it up with a review link.
price isnt a problem, Im thinking maybe in the range of 100$-180$.
Im pretty much ignorant when it comes to these so I need your [H]elp
Audio Technica AD700
Sennheiser HD558
Sennheiser HD800
Sony mdr 7506

don't have the time to find reviews for people I don't even know but these are solid contenders I've found through research
For that price range I would recommend the 595's

loved them w. my Asus Essence STX, I have since moved onto Senn 650s w. a Fiio setup

but for that budget you will be very happy w. the 595's or the AD700's, I think H actually did a review on them
I was looking in the same budget, personally I went with the DT770 Pro's. I like the sound of closed headphones, and I wanted more bass. I also didn't want anyone else in the room to have to listen to my sound. My primary goals were Gaming and comfort first, music 3rd so I am not saying these are the right cans for you, just tossing it out there.

I recently did a LOT of research before buying and it was very clear that it depends on what YOU want out of them. Do you want a bigger sound stage, bigger bass, higher mids, higher highs, is 100% accuracy your goal? etc... Then of course there is look, feel, and comfort. There is no clear cut "this is the best head phone for X dollars".

I found the Beyerdynamic DT770's to offer the most rounded of what I was looking for for the price.
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I'm using a BeyerDynamic DT990 Pro. It's an open set and works great for games.
While the price dropped recently on the HD 598, I have to say that the HD 558 are the same drivers and sound very close the the more expensive HD 598. The only difference is the grill and covering inside the cans like the HD 555/595 which could be modded based on your preference.

I love my HD 558's and coudn't justify spending more for the 598s. I thought I would mod them, but I loved it so much, I haven't touched them. These sound awesome for lossless (FLAC) music and gaming (I also have a separate USB mic for gaming/(VOIP).
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I was in the same boat, ive had the HD595's for 5 years. My brothers 555's are done so I ordered some AT M50's since he is a big music buff but still games. Kinda wanted to give something else a try besides Seinheissers. The M50 will be paired up with a xonar DG that has the headphone amp built in it.
The AT M50s are ok but really all AT products are a bit overpriced atm. I got a Samson SR850 instead. With velour AKG240 pads, it is better than the AT50 imo.