Best heatsink/fan for A64?


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2004

Looking for opinions on the latest and greatest heatsink/fan for A64 proc. Mobo will be MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum.

I will be overclocking and noise is not a problem

Any suggestions appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
I got a 3500+ 2.2 oc'd to 2.4 240x10 on stock cooler at 44c load.. lol. I may or may not get a new heatsink and fan... this is all default, who needs more then 2.4 a64 power for gaming? :p
I just got my 3000+ this week and am using the stock HSF right now, but I am going to get the XP-90 with a Vantec Tornado 92mm fan

It seems that the XP-90 and the XP-120 are pretty close when it comes to cooling performance, and with the Tornado which puts out more air at a higher RPM than the Panaflo HO, it should do a price (the noise). I've been using a 80mm Tornado for a couple years on my heatsink though so I'm pretty used to it though. :)