Best HL2 settings for 6800GT


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
I'm curious to know what all the 6800GT owners feel about the best settings for playing HL2 smoothly ?
Xilikon said:
I'm curious to know what all the 6800GT owners feel about the best settings for playing HL2 smoothly ?

I think with a 6800GT you will run HL2 on all settings perfectly, not just smoothly. How about me asking this question with my GeForce 3 Ti 200? 6800GT will run HL2 on highest settings perfectly, a 9600xt can do it so a 6800GT definately can.
I got 2 computers and one has the 6800gt other has the x800xtpe I run them both at 1280x960 but I tell you the ati is much faster and feels smoother.
I didn't ask what card is faster because i got a BFG 6800GT Oc and i won't change it. What i wanted to know is the ideal resolution for playing.
Shane said:
I got 2 computers and one has the 6800gt other has the x800xtpe I run them both at 1280x960 but I tell you the ati is much faster and feels smoother.

The XT PE is a quicker card anyway. The last several posts I've read from you have all been cramming ATI propaganda down my throat. Are you absolutely certain you have both cards?
Xilikon said:
I didn't ask what card is faster because i got a BFG 6800GT Oc and i won't change it. What i wanted to know is the ideal resolution for playing.

i play it @1600x1200 with the same card
I also play HL2 and CS:S in 1600x1200, with all detail settings at max and it runs beautifully (averages 105 fps in stress test), but also consider I have a gig of corsair ram and an athlon64 3500.
I have an XT PE, so far I turned the game up to 1600x1024 eyecandy at maximum, runs very smooth. My friend who owns a 6800GT says his has the hicups or stuttering problem. He has his resolution at 1280x1024. It's only fair, you guys have Doom 3. Now it's our turn.
SocketA said:
It's only fair, you guys have Doom 3. Now it's our turn.
Actually, Doom3 was better on NV cards because ATi didn't bother sorting out their crappy OpenGL drivers. Whereas ATi cards are better for HL2 because Valve have millions of Canadian dollars sitting in their bank account.
with my 2.53 p4 :rolleyes: and 6800gt I run it at 1280x1024 with all the the stuff up and 4xAA and 8xAF.
coz said:
Actually, Doom3 was better on NV cards because ATi didn't bother sorting out their crappy OpenGL drivers. Whereas ATi cards are better for HL2 because Valve have millions of Canadian dollars sitting in their bank account.

true dat

coz said:
Actually, Doom3 was better on NV cards because ATi didn't bother sorting out their crappy OpenGL drivers. Whereas ATi cards are better for HL2 because Valve have millions of Canadian dollars sitting in their bank account.
They did.. just a little too late.
And again, its carmacks fault, likely revenge for ati leaking it.
SocketA said:
I have an XT PE, so far I turned the game up to 1600x1024 eyecandy at maximum, runs very smooth. My friend who owns a 6800GT says his has the hicups or stuttering problem. He has his resolution at 1280x1024. It's only fair, you guys have Doom 3. Now it's our turn.

LOL..the battle rages on! I play it at 1280x960 4xAA 8xAF everything as high as it will go. I have not tried 1600x1200 yet but you can bet your asses I will as soon as I get to it this afternoon after work... :D I only got to hit it for an hour last night, getting up at 6:45 for work sure was a mofo...
Moloch said:
They did.. just a little too late.
ATi quick-fixed Doom3 performance with some application-specific optimizations/shader-shenanigans but their OpenGL stuff in general still looks poor in comparison to NV. ATi have been saying for a long time that they were going to re-write their OpenGL driver for better performance but I've seen no evidence of that so far.
Shane said:
I got 2 computers and one has the 6800gt other has the x800xtpe I run them both at 1280x960 but I tell you the ati is much faster and feels smoother.

bullshit #1

SocketA said:
I have an XT PE, so far I turned the game up to 1600x1024 eyecandy at maximum, runs very smooth. My friend who owns a 6800GT says his has the hicups or stuttering problem.
andddd bullshit #2
I played for 3 or 4 hours this morning at 1600x1200, 2xAA 8xAF all settings at highest using 65.73 drivers (this is at 430/1160 tho, not the 435/1200 listed in sig) was more than playable and very smooth. A few sound stutters is all that I noticed, nothing graphically....I think it dropped below 30 fps once for maybe a second, was probably just loading textures.

I was running fraps but ended up not looking or feeling the need to look very often, extremely smooth gameplay...but from what I saw it was around 50-70 fps most of the time.

My only real complaint was the loading times I got, but that is most likely due to my miniscule amount of ram.
coz said:
ATi quick-fixed Doom3 performance with some application-specific optimizations/shader-shenanigans but their OpenGL stuff in general still looks poor in comparison to NV. ATi have been saying for a long time that they were going to re-write their OpenGL driver for better performance but I've seen no evidence of that so far.
If you don't think nvidia is doing doom3 specific tweaks..and shader replacement, you have been living under a rock.
There was a tweak before ati had drivers to "fix" AF performance, and it slowed nvidia cards down because it disables nvidias optimizations, so before you curse ati for doing something that doesn't even affect quality, perhaps you should read into what nvidia is doing.
This isn't speculation, this a fact.
FYI"The game uses texture lookups to determine the values of specular lighting fall-off rates, essentially reading a precomputed value by fetching that value from a texture. It just so happens that ATI's hardware can compute the algorithm faster than it can fetch the answer from a texture, so that's what it does: It replaces texture lookups with the math it approximates. The result should be identical, but with a significant speedup."
Wow, that's just as bad as the NV30 cheats!
Moloch said:
If you don't think nvidia is doing doom3 specific tweaks..and shader replacement, you have been living under a rock.
Why can't I criticize ATi without some ATi phanboy jumping up all pissed-off saying 'yeah but NVIDIA does this and that....'??

Where in my posts did you see me say 'NV doesn't optimize Doom3'?? I guess I must have used that invisible font that only you can see!!

Yeah, I'm sure NV optimizes Doom3 as well but it's not like they need to - their OpenGL performance is very good to begin with. That's my point really - ATi's OpenGL is poor in comparison but they seem to have done nothing about it. Instead they patched up Doom3 performance to something reasonable and said problem solved! I just want to see ATi address the real issue of fixing their OpenGL performance instead of just patching individual OpenGL titles like Doom3 and Quake3 (remember Quake/Quack??). Ok, OpenGL isn't nearly as popular as DX but if NV can deliver quality drivers for DX/OpenGL/Linux then why can't ATi??
To answer the actual question:
1600x1200 with everything maxed out. 8xani 2xanti.
Or you could just go with the settings that have * on them (recommended) but that will be the same as above.
Thank you for the replies... I guess the consensus is on 1600x1200 with most eye candy on :)
I feel that at 1600x1200 with 2x AA and 8x AF it gets a bit TOO choppy at times in some big outdoor action...

For now I am sticking to 1280x960 with 4xAA and 8xAF. Very bad ass looking and plenty fast to be enjoyable when beating the shit out of combines with the crowbar. :D
I would lower the resolution to get a locked-solid frame rate but I haven't noticed any stutter and I have a 2001fp, so 1600x1200 is the only way to go :p
I played for 4 hours last night,1280x960 4x AA 8x AF. It dipped in places but was very smooth overall.
I have an older card... BFG Tech 5900 non-ultra @ 5950ultra speeds, with a gig of RAM and athlon XP-M @ 2.45Ghz and I can go up to my monitors highest res. (1152x864) with all ey candy and a bit of AF and AA turned on. It's great. How are you people with older cards faring?
The benchmark posted by Brent Justice fully answered my question so i can max all the settings without worrying about dipping fps on certain areas.