Best LDC for gaming?

I don't think anyone knows what a LDC is... :p

You might want to consider a widescreen monitor. That seems to be the direction the industry is heading.
I don't think anyone knows what a LDC is... :p

well of course we do, why it's a Liquid Dyslexic Contraption


oh yes and i highly recommend you utilize the infamous [H] Search feature as it will direct you to about 5 million threads with a similar topic :)
Would you all stop being such fucking dicks and help the guy?:mad:

There's tons of threads on this because there is no official end-all be-all thread to buying an LCD. Also when someone tries to ask for help, you're all slobbering over an FW900 or just trolling so nothing is ever done.

I wish I could help you find an LCD, but I am in this forum because I am also looking for a widescreen LCD. Maybe someone with actual experience could tell me and AliP what a good LCD is?
I play games and watch videos. I dont need anything extreme, I'm getting a 8800GTX (probably) And I need a good gaming monitor, I was thinking this one:
What do you think? Anything else you reccomend?
If I only run it at 12x10 does that mean I dont need the 8800GTX and can get the GTS instead?

That LCD at Newegg is great,I have used it a little,but it was only a short stint with Half life 2 in a local store.The GTS will be more then fine,I would go with eVGA or BFG.Good
luck. :)
Thanks, Volucris and manny I was thinking a Widescreen might be better but I've heard if your into gaming like me they are not a smart buy since few support them, here's a link that helped me:

Hope it helps u, so I'm gonna get a evga oc'd gts and that monitor, thanks for the help.

Wide screen gaming rocks, lots of games support it. In that link you posted check out the widescreengaming page. Here's the link to the master list

FPSers rule in widescreen as you get a wider fov (field of view), basically you can see more to your left and right when someone on a 4:3 monitor can't see you. Also on strategy games, maps or battleground (Medieval 2 TW) are larger. All good.

I run in 1280x800 (16:10) which expands to 1680x1050 native. Still looks great even expanded. I'm a convert, I'll never go back to 4:3 gaming :p


PS. running a Samsung 225bw, great for games.
That NEC is good monitor for 4:3

I dont intend my comments to be a complete guide, but in my opinion what "ends" everything is personal preference. Some of the things to consider, you may not have even thought about before. If you had seen certain things discussed in a review, if you haven't experienced it, there's no way to truly know what effect it has on you until you use it. While these reviews can be thorough, they do focus on a set of tests and comparisons and its nothing more than a good starting point for building a list of LCD's to consider after you've compiled your personal criteria.

There are quite a few panels out now that are 'sufficient' for gaming, but chances are you are going to want to browse the internet as well using the same LCD, so that may up the requirements of the panel. I say this because I returned 3 LCD's with the new TN 5ms panel for various reasons and gaming was acceptable for the most part.

Some things to consider:

Did you come from a CRT and are the differences between the technologies a major concern? (quite a few of these questions relate to coming from a CRT)
Will the color reproduction of the specific LCD be sufficient for your needs?
Will you be happy with the viewing angles of the panel?
After tuning & color adjustment, how do your eyes feel after a few hours or more of use?
Do your eyes ever get used to it?
Would you prefer glossy versus a matte surface?
Is the constantly iluminated backlight of an LCD a problem to you?
How would you feel about backlight bleed?
What if the panel had more than the common top and bottom backlight bleed and some bleed could be seen intermixed within the graphics? (I went through 3 panels and something about the 360 VGA connection seemed to drive the panel brighter and expose and exaggerate backlight ununiformity creating some speckling action in certain areas)
Do you understand what color banding is and is that a major factor?
What resolutions do you require and if the LCD has a native resolution will your PC hardware and games run at it?
Does the LCD have scaling options to accomodate other resolutions if needed?
What video inputs do you require?
How does each input seem to measure up for the devices you intend to use perhaps according to any reviewers?

I'm sure I could think of more, but personally, I would buy local if you can and exercise the return policy if you have to. Especially if you dont like to gamble. Granted, NEC or more specifically, IPS based panels just do not seem to be sitting on the shelves around here. Perhaps your choices may already be limited and you are now looking to purchase directly from the web.

EDIT: easier to spell check after beating the timeout also redundancy is boring.