Best Man Rigs Grooms Bed To Tweet “Activity”

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
As far as practical jokes go, this one is up there. Then again, this could be a big fat hoax but the general idea is still good for a chuckle.

The best man promised the groom that there wouldn't be any tricks before the wedding. Of course, he didn't say anything about after the wedding. Using the same concept behind the Twittering office chair, the best man set up a system where every time there's increased activity up top, the bed reports it.
What's really funny is the test was a frenzy factor of 8 which involved jumping on the bed, and one of the actual ones was frenzy factor 9. Talk about going at it hard and heavy.
What's really funny is the test was a frenzy factor of 8 which involved jumping on the bed, and one of the actual ones was frenzy factor 9. Talk about going at it hard and heavy.

followed a few hours later with a 6. Guess they were still a little tired from earilier there.
That's awesome. I hope the couple don't get too mad about this. Seriously though, the guy who thought this up has a great imagination.
one of the responses from the site made me lol:

Or, in the newlywed wife's words, "For 22 minutes, he twittered myspace, then updated all over my facebook"