Best MMORPG out now


Oct 1, 2001
I'm not talking about those ones that come out in another month or so, but the ones now. I've played SWG,CoH,DAoC,EQ. How is FFXI or Anarchy Online or that new Sayge of Razom or somehting like that.

played it already didn't really like it, got boring fast for me.
City of Heroes is great. I just cancelled by account though to save some cash. I plan on returning when City of Villians is released. Other then that.. I hear AO is good, but remember.. almost all MMORPGs out right now (besides CoH) are pretty much the same ol same ol level grind.

AO i hear is ok, same iwth DaoC. Steer clear of Lineage II, I heard that game sucks donkey. Down the road keep your eye out for Guild Wars.. its a CORPG (competative online rpg) and not a MMORPG.. and there is no monthly fee. That game will by all means be the best game released in the next year (IMO).

Yah i may possibly be cancelling my City of Heros account because it just gets boring after you are a really high lvl and can pwn everyone. Like the other guy said STEER CLEAR OF LINEAGE 2, waste of money its a terrible game if you want a game thats better than that and free just get diablo 2. Yes guildwars will definetly be the shit of 2005, and if that does not work im sure WoW will. If you like blizzard games WoW will be cool if not well then get City of Villains whenever it decides to come out. :)
I like being high level in CoH and being able to rip anyone apart. Like when you go to a bunch of low levels hunting and u steal all their kills and they can't do nething about it :D ahhhhh the simple pleasures in life
Everyone has their own opinion. I hated Everquest, loved SWG, though COH was kinda lame, but sweet concept..
lets see... i played coh for a month, it was really fun but it got boring. if that game could incorperate some kind of lewt or some reason to play besides just to level up, i would still play it. i hate eq, AO, and SWG. havne't tried DAOC but friend of mine says he liked it a lot. i was in the WOW stress test and it was a lot funner than any other mmorpg i have played, but it seemed like it was going to turn out just like any of those other level grinds after you get to your level 20's. i played d2 for a year and that was really fun till i found there's no reason to play really. once you achieve godly status, where you can have all the godly items and stuff it just turns into hacking and boring stupid shit.

i'm really really really hoping that guild wars turns out good. when the playtest at the end of this month comes around i'll decide if i want to pre-order or not, cuz when you pre-order that game you get to beta-test it every weekend up untill release, which should be real nice. i'm super looking foreward to it, but i dont' kow how i'll like the skill limitations, and i just can't bring myself to believe them about every skill being equal, it just can't happen.
Old uo was by far my favorite mmorpg, key word there "was."

for now, i'd suggest Anarchy online w/expansions.
I bought UOback almost 8 years ago and still have my original account. I acctually just looged on today, and man it brought back some old memorys. Right now I'm DL Ragarock Online to see how it is for free, I also Heard AO is a good game too.
Out of the games you have played which one did you enjoy the most?

I am in the same boat more or less than you are, played DAoC (for about a week, if that), SWG (2 months), EQ (umm, alot..) FFXI (didn't last a month) multiple betas for some of the games that are out now as well as being in the betas for games that are on the horizon. I am just going to wait it out til EQ2 comes out, then maybe give WoW a try if I become discontent with EQ2.

Now my synopsis, i.e. my opinons...I have played 2 out of 3 of the games you were asking for opinons on, but I'll start with my best/worst case:

EQ IS/WAS a great games, fun, new, enjoyable, stopped playing due to the fact all of my friends quit playing, the best mmo I have played.

Linegae II/SWG - worst mmo's I have played, not alot of content, and the only reason SWG lasted as long as it did for me was the hope that it would get better, and that my friends still played.

FFXI - great concept, nice looking game, easy to understand, however, the controls are a pita for a bit til you get used to them, I bought a gamepad for it, I liked it all up until the point when I realized that once I got to level 30, I was going to have to start all over again from level 1 again for my subclass......yeah, then I gave up, neat idea didn't flow too well with me though.

AO - pretty cool game, if it were set in classic rpg times, i.e. no guns, I probably would have loved it, but it was too futuristic for my liking, and yes I know that what the game is about but it wasn't for me.
Play Anarchy Online!
This is my all time fav and the current MMO i am playing. is giving away a 14 day trial and when the trial is over, you don't have to pay for the software but you pay 14.95 when it ends.