Best non-Core I7 SLI motherboard


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2007
So I'm totally new to SLI, but I would like to go dual GTX 280s.

My current system:

Q6600 at 3Ghz
4GB DDR2 800 Ballistix
Abit IP35-E
150GB Raptor
X-Fi Gamer
Corsair HX620 PSU

Things I already have ordered:
(2) GTX 280s
Corsair 1000w PSU

I game on a 19x12 native display, and will run graphics intense games (ie Crysis).

I wouldn't mind sticking with my Q6600, but my current motherboard does not support SLI. So I will be buying a new motherboard.

So here is my question:

Should I upgrade to Core I7 now, or stay with my Q6600 and get a new motherboard? The Core I7 route would involve a new CPU, HS&F, and DDR3 RAM. I wouldn't mind avoiding all of this extra cost.

If I decide to stick with my Q6600, which motherboard would you suggest? I hear horrible things about the Nvidia chipsets and I wouldn't mind staying away from them if possible or is Nvidia chipsets the only way to go (I hear either 790 or 750 is ok)?. Stability is a large concern, more than overclocking. Do you guys have any suggestions for a person in my situation?

Thank you in advance to those who can offer some insight.
750 sli is fine. 790 ultra is a real bull of an sli platform but still an expensive purchase. someone might bring up raid corruption issues with the 790, but i've had a trouble-free raptor raid0 on it since launch.
EVGA has a recertified 780i for only $134 on NewEgg: link

You can also get a EVGA 750i FTW for $139 after MIR: link

At this point, I wouldn't spend $200+ on an LGA775 mobo, but these two deals are excellent.
LGA775, Nvidia is the only way to get SLI support. Period, end of story.

An EVGA 750i FTW is your only (realistic, least likely to be troublesome) option if you want to keep your DDR2 RAM. A 790i of some description would arguably be better, but that requires purchasing DDR3. I wouldn't get a 780i. Mine has been (comparatively) problem free, but it's really just a revised 680i... and they were in league with Satan. (and not in a metal way, either)
Great answers guys. Just the information I needed to hear.

Its looking like I might just go with Core I7 and an X58. I really would prefer to stay away from Nvidia chipsets. The 750i is a good suggestion all comes down to how much money to spend at this point.
Great answers guys. Just the information I needed to hear.

Its looking like I might just go with Core I7 and an X58. I really would prefer to stay away from Nvidia chipsets. The 750i is a good suggestion all comes down to how much money to spend at this point.

seeing as the 750i is pretty cheap why don't you give it a go and see how you get along with it, then if you hate it you can get rid of it and do the big upgrade.
just sell off what you got and pickup a good x58/sli setup. If you caught me last night you could have had my rig.. lol
I decided that instead of doing a half assed upgrade now, I'll just do everything.

Core I7 920
6GB Corsair Dominator

to go along with the GTX 280s and Corsair 1000w.

Looks like we'll have a similar build. How is it working for you so far? Have you found a place to get a good CPU cooler (air)? Everything is sold out it looks like.
I decided that instead of doing a half assed upgrade now, I'll just do everything.

Core I7 920
6GB Corsair Dominator

to go along with the GTX 280s and Corsair 1000w.

Looks like we'll have a similar build. How is it working for you so far? Have you found a place to get a good CPU cooler (air)? Everything is sold out it looks like.

wait for the evga X58 FTW if you want - It'll be out real soon.
I changed my mind on the EVGA....I see a lot of positive commens on the Asus X58. I don't need much out of my motherboard, just stability, and maybe the ability to do a mild overclock. I'm thinking 3.2 to 3.4.

I'll have to read up on the EVGA FTW board now. Thanks for the idea.