Best Notebook

Dec 30, 2002
Hi everybody

I'm getting a graduation present of a laptop for college here in a month or so and I was wondering if you have any suggestions.


Fast (gaming able)
long battery life

I was looking at the Voodoo computers Envy m:370 with added ram (1024 mb), faster cpu (pentium m 1.6 ghz, supposidly equivilent to 3.0 ghz) and an upgraded hd (60 gig 7200 rpm).

As you can see money isn't an option, I want the best. If anyone has any suggestions on small but powerful notebooks I would love to hear them.
I recommend top of the line alien ware and get there best warranty.

also don't overlook the dell XPS you can get a 4 year warranty that even covers dropping water damage etc! They are starting to ship those now.
Originally posted by CyByte
I recommend top of the line alien ware and get there best warranty.

also don't overlook the dell XPS you can get a 4 year warranty that even covers dropping water damage etc! They are starting to ship those now.

9 pounds isn't really light...

IBM T41p with the FireGL T2 128MB is probably the best bet for that.

The 2373GEU comes with a 1.7ghz P-M, 512MB PC2700 (I went to a GB), Radeon, good warranty, and all at 5.3lbs.

Price is that only drawback... the thing is rather expensive.
Wow, the Voodoo is almost $2000 more, the IBM is $1300 more, and the one is $500 more than my M6805. carges like $45.00 extra for using a creditcard too, that sucks.
Originally posted by CyByte
I recommend top of the line alien ware and get there best warranty.

also don't overlook the dell XPS you can get a 4 year warranty that even covers dropping water damage etc! They are starting to ship those now.

It's an overpriced painted sager or uniwell. Why the hell would you pay for one?
Originally posted by takuma
This site has the best prices anywhere. Do not get voodoo they are way overpriced and have only a 9600. also they have a 9.5 on reseller ratings

Only a 9600? You realize that the 9700 mobile is just a 9600 with a faster core (no 8 pipes, it's NOT a 9700)?

9.5 on RR? You realize that even Newegg only has a 9.6 at times?


Any place that charges extra for using a CC is just, well, STUPID.
I really like my T41p because it is linux friendly (even bluetooth/802.11abg work!), built like a tank, high performance, and very mobile.

These are qualities I love in a laptop, and I think it qualifies it for "best laptop".... but that also means that price is no object.
reguarding the graphics card in the T41p

how does the FireGL T2 128MB compair the the radeon 9600 128mb?
Originally posted by gimilthedwarf
reguarding the graphics card in the T41p

how does the FireGL T2 128MB compair the the radeon 9600 128mb?

It's the same chip...
yeah, if money isn't a problem...get the t41p. it is ugly, but for some strange reason -- it helps them sell.

If i could afford one i'd be all over it.
It is most certainly not ugly. :p

It is minimalist, and the black is wonderful. It doesn't scream steal me, and it goes with my room. :D
Originally posted by Kortiz
yeah, if money isn't a problem...get the t41p. it is ugly, but for some strange reason -- it helps them sell.

If i could afford one i'd be all over it.

I think it's about the most attractive laptop made. I guess you probably are the kind of guy that likes riced cases - while I am more of a minimalist and like things to be under expressed.

But for the OP - the T41 seems pretty much perfect.
Originally posted by NleahciM
I think it's about the most attractive laptop made. I guess you probably are the kind of guy that likes riced cases - while I am more of a minimalist and like things to be under expressed.

But for the OP - the T41 seems pretty much perfect.

Let me guess, you have a plain jane case without lights or anything?

Originally posted by NleahciM
I think it's about the most attractive laptop made. I guess you probably are the kind of guy that likes riced cases - while I am more of a minimalist and like things to be under expressed.

But for the OP - the T41 seems pretty much perfect.

To hell with Apple and SGI and what have you. IBM perfected computer design. :D
Originally posted by Kortiz
yeah, if money isn't a problem...get the t41p. it is ugly, but for some strange reason -- it helps them sell.

If i could afford one i'd be all over it.

Ugly outside, beauty inside :)
Originally posted by Black Morty Rackham
To hell with Apple and SGI and what have you. IBM perfected computer design. :D

Gotta argue that one.

I <3 IBM laptops. Simple, well built.

but as far as almost everything else despise IBM's desktops that I've worked with.

SGI wins hands down in the sense.

as for apple...there are some designs I've liked...then there's everything imac and before....
To be honest, I like the looks of the IBM POWER workstations... heh. Their minimalism and hard edges and... ooo... :D I want a quad POWER5 workstation, gimmie! :D
Originally posted by lopoetve
Only a 9600? You realize that the 9700 mobile is just a 9600 with a faster core (no 8 pipes, it's NOT a 9700)?

9.5 on RR? You realize that even Newegg only has a 9.6 at times?


Any place that charges extra for using a CC is just, well, STUPID.

Yeah i know it is not that much better but it is better and it is cheaper there. Also i was saying discountlaptops has a 9.5 and i was meaning it was a good rating. i realize it looks like i was saying voodo has a 9.5 and that wasnt that great. just clearing some stuff up.,
I like everything about the Thinkpad's "minimalist" look except for one glaring annoyance: colors. The red, blue, and green colors for the IBM logo do not contribute to the Thinkpads minimalist design, rather it detracts from it. The scattered red and blue on the keyboard and mousebuttons don't help either. The colors do not conform to the black so the Thinkpad design definitely doesn't have that unifying look that most minimalist designers strive for in their work. Notebooks that, while not necessarily being better laptops, top the Thinkpad in minimalist design, imo, are the Aluminum powerbooks, the Vaio Z1, and the Tecra M2. Of course I'm just being picky and this is all my opinion. The Thinkpad T41P is still my dream laptop.
Originally posted by Our Blu
I like everything about the Thinkpad's "minimalist" look except for one glaring annoyance: colors. The red, blue, and green colors for the IBM logo do not contribute to the Thinkpads minimalist design, rather it detracts from it. The scattered red and blue on the keyboard and mousebuttons don't help either. The colors do not conform to the black so the Thinkpad design definitely doesn't have that unifying look that most minimalist designers strive for in their work. Notebooks that, while not necessarily being better laptops, top the Thinkpad in minimalist design, imo, are the Aluminum powerbooks, the Vaio Z1, and the Tecra M2. Of course I'm just being picky and this is all my opinion. The Thinkpad T41P is still my dream laptop.

Agreed. &uarr;
But where the hell is the DVD burner I ask you? This is the reason the T41p falls short of "perfect" IMO.
Originally posted by canislupy
But where the hell is the DVD burner I ask you? This is the reason the T41p falls short of "perfect" IMO.

sold seperately in a USB 2.0 enclosure =D (who needs one built into the laptop? waste of space for the extra components in the drive, and dvd burners burn cd's slower than a dedicated cd-rw)
Who needs to burn DVDs when you have a gigabit ethernet connection??

Just crossover cable into the fileserver...
Originally posted by canislupy
But where the hell is the DVD burner I ask you? This is the reason the T41p falls short of "perfect" IMO.

You know, seeing as how it takes so long to burn a DVD at 4X, I can't see any real reason to get one in a laptop unless it is your only computer. I paid less for an 8X DVD burner for my workstation than you would for a 4X in a laptop. Personal preference I suppose, I would just never use the thing.
what is the rpm's on the hard drive in the T41p? I'm assuming its a 7200 rpm drive, but just checking.
For me, using the USB 2.0 burner would negate the advantage of portability the T41p offers. CDR's just won't cut it either. On the trips I take, I usually end up with about 10-40GB's of photo's to store. So for me, the T41p doesn't make "perfect" or "best". Of course I do have very specific and demanding requirements... YMMV.
Originally posted by NleahciM
I think it's about the most attractive laptop made. I guess you probably are the kind of guy that likes riced cases - while I am more of a minimalist and like things to be under expressed.

But for the OP - the T41 seems pretty much perfect.

Actually, no I don't. My PC Case would be tucked away in a cabinet with a door. Why? Because that is the kind of Computer desk I have. Also, my current desktop is about 3 years old and isn't even used anymore.

My Laptop is a 600m -- I'd hardly say it is pretty.

Now, I wasn't dogging the t41p because it is ugly. It is a no nonsense casing that IBM has in its marketing...that is all I was stating. You get what you pay for and for 3grand -- you get a kick ass machine. Is it ugly? -- HELL YES!!!!! Is it still fuckable? -- OH HELL YES!!!!! That's why you turn off the lights when you use it.
i was wondering how gamable this laptop is, can anyone give me some benchmarks on it? or just what they have experienced using this notebook? such as their average frame rates on games other then stuff like starcraft (which can be played on any computer).
another vote for the t41p, i would get one if i could afford it. i worked with t40's over the summer and they are awesome machines!
Originally posted by gimilthedwarf
i was wondering how gamable this laptop is, can anyone give me some benchmarks on it? or just what they have experienced using this notebook? such as their average frame rates on games other then stuff like starcraft (which can be played on any computer).

I recently set up our old computer, and I'm not entirely sure it will play StarCraft very well... :p
The computer is from 1994, so I guess it's forgivable if it can't run it all that well. But I'm sure it will be playable at least :D

Anyway, have anyone tried IBM's "X" series laptops? 12" monitors, lighter, thinner, yadda yadda...
Originally posted by gimilthedwarf
i was wondering how gamable this laptop is, can anyone give me some benchmarks on it? or just what they have experienced using this notebook? such as their average frame rates on games other then stuff like starcraft (which can be played on any computer).

Very. I play UT2004 with all settings on normal at 1280x800. Smooth
Originally posted by Black Morty Rackham
Anyway, have anyone tried IBM's "X" series laptops? 12" monitors, lighter, thinner, yadda yadda...

I used to own an X30, and now own an x31 (sold the X30 to afford the M6805...missed it, and bought an X31).

Great little machines.