Best nvidia 6800 GT drivers out now?

Feb 24, 2005
Just wondering which drivers everyone is using now, and which ones give them the best performance for gaming/3dmark05. I'm installing my 6800 gt pci-e tomorrow and would like to use the best available drivers. Thanks.
can i suggest DNA force 71.24 (3rd party)....also i have not tried the 71.84s or the 71.90 but have they fixed the weird water thing in HL2 yet
I believe the XtremeG version of the 71.84 drivers fixed the bugs in HL2. I'm running the 71.82 version now, but thinking about moving up to either the 71.84 or 71.90.
RM_Bulldog said:
xg 75.90a are smoking fast

Yes they are, but they gave me issues in KOTOR II and Republic Commando. Didn't try many other games. UT2004 saw a big improvement with these drivers though.
i got 71.84 yesterday after my 66.93 drivers were messing up after i was done playing a game id have to reset computer

one thing ive noticed with 71.84 vs 66.93 is that 71.84 reads my temps incorrectly , they were 57 C idle now they are 65C idle , never touched anything in the computer so thats my guess.
I tried 75.90, but couldn't play Riddick: Butcher Bay. I kept getting an error message about "...premature requires OpenGL 1.3 or higher...". Once I rolled back to 71.84, everything worked fine.
I having a tough time finding anything beyond 66.93 that doesn't throw "instruction could not be read" errors in BF:V
RM_Bulldog said:
xg 75.90a are smoking fast

Raised my 3dmark 2k5 score by close to 400 points. Very fast indeed. Improved in HL2 as well. I dun have the game bugs since all I play is CS:S
DaLurker said:
Raised my 3dmark 2k5 score by close to 400 points. Very fast indeed. Improved in HL2 as well. I dun have the game bugs since all I play is CS:S

Same here. i got about a 350 point increase in 3dmark and they made Source much better.
I tried 75.90, but couldn't play Riddick: Butcher Bay. I kept getting an error message about "...premature requires OpenGL 1.3 or higher...". Once I rolled back to 71.84, everything worked fine.

The 75 series added OpenGL 2.0 support. Riddick doesn't recognize the new 2.0 version, and does not run. Check Here for the fix.
Dudeyourlame said:
i got 71.84 yesterday after my 66.93 drivers were messing up after i was done playing a game id have to reset computer

one thing ive noticed with 71.84 vs 66.93 is that 71.84 reads my temps incorrectly , they were 57 C idle now they are 65C idle , never touched anything in the computer so thats my guess.
This is an issue of the drivers, and I've heard that if you overclock a bit it actually makes the temperature go down. Doesn't make sense though, it must alter the sensor's settings somehow.
cell_491 said:
so is 75.90 the best out right now ?
It's still have (at least on my system) HL2 'bright texture' bug.

I would stick with 71.84.
do the XG 75.90a drivers affect image quality at all? how do they achieve such a big improvement in 3dmark scores?
How about some links to these drivers you're referring to. I just got a new BFG 6800 GT oc and I didn't see any drivers on their web site. Looked at Nvidia and they have release 66.x something dated November 2004. Like to be running the latest stable drivers.

And where's the overclocking stuff for the bfg 6800 gt oc?

Trust me, XG71.84. I tried like 10 different drivers and those were the best. You won't be dissappointed.
Valence Studios 75.90a's are the best by far. I gained 15%, exactly what they claim, on all benchies, and my frames in games increased NOTICEABLY, and that is accompanied by an increase in visual graphics. I'd download the other ones listed here, then use 75.90s and prove it to yourself. Make sure you get 90a because 90 has problems with watching movies.
Well, I just installed the 6800 GT and here are my results:

avg temp idle 61 load 73
3dmark05 4580
3dmark03 11421

avg temp idle 57 load 68
3dmark05 5048
3dmark03 11830

My system

p4 3.2G w/ 2mb L2 cache HT
1.5 Gig PC4200 DDR2
eVga 6800 GT stock speeds

Thank you all for your help. Let me know what you think of my scores please.
XeroHouR said:
Valence Studios 75.90a's are the best by far. I gained 15%, exactly what they claim, on all benchies, and my frames in games increased NOTICEABLY, and that is accompanied by an increase in visual graphics. I'd download the other ones listed here, then use 75.90s and prove it to yourself. Make sure you get 90a because 90 has problems with watching movies.

Waht do you mean in visual graphics? Does it improve actual image quality or what?
cell_491 said:
can i suggest DNA force 71.24 (3rd party)....also i have not tried the 71.84s or the 71.90 but have they fixed the weird water thing in HL2 yet

I say DNA Force 71.24 too, I've tested many drivers and this one gives the best performance and IQ. Try against nvidia drivers for IQ, there is a difference.
everytime i try the 75.90a's my wireless card screws up! serious!..its the wiredest using 71.20s and they are doing nice..i would love to use the 75.90a's but they are making me mad, cause i cant use my internet without my wireless :rolleyes:
DarkCyber said:
Thank you! Someone finally jumped out of this drivers pissing contest long enough to read my!
im here to help :p with a smile :D