Best orientation for a motherboard?


Sep 11, 2005
What's the best orientation for vertically fitting a motherboard? If you had the choice from either cpu and ram up top, gpu's bottom or gpu's up top and cpu and ram at the bottom. This is in regards to heat (forget about fans for a second as the cpu and gpu's will have waterblocks fitted and the motherboard has no heat pipe technology).

Can you explain your reasoning when you give your choice, cheers!
Inverted ATX is the best especially for an air-cooled PC, basically the hot air is exhausted before it has a chance to rise in the chassis as the hot components are at the bottom.

Forget heatpipe solutions.
yeah i agree with kleox64 i flipped my case and the heat of my prescott went down considerably from 65c to 41-42c.
XteriorMotive said:
yeah i agree with kleox64 i flipped my case and the heat of my prescott went down considerably from 65c to 41-42c.

You see what I mean, everything runs cooler. Thats one hell of a drop in temps just by flipping the case.
Thanks guys, confirming what I thought.

I remember reading somewhere that it's the gpu that benefits because the chip isn't facing downwards. I'm designing a case at the moment and have the choice to rotate the motherboard, which I think I will do!
Just watch out if you get a heatpipe chipset cooler (A8N-SLI premium...some Abit AN8's). They don't work well when inverted.
most heatpipes use water vapour as the heat condutor
in a normal setup heatpipes up
heat heats the water >turns into vapour>rises>cools>goes BACK down>whole new cycle etc

water can't travel up by itself with gravity pulling it down.
see why it's bad?
theyangster said:
most heatpipes use water vapour as the heat condutor
in a normal setup heatpipes up
heat heats the water >turns into vapour>rises>cools>goes BACK down>whole new cycle etc

water can't travel up by itself with gravity pulling it down.
see why it's bad?

what he said :D. I knew there were physics involved and I haven't seen that stuff since high school ;).