Best phone this Summer ? iPhone5...EVO-3D...Windows Mango ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
This Summer looks to have some of the best smartphone releases in history. Competition is great for the consumer:) Which phone do you think will be the best ? Not in sales, but overall for the techie/geek crowd, and overall greatest phone ?

- Apple will release their brand new next gen device between July - September, and will include a HUGE update for the new iOS5, adding Widgets and Notification system, and market leading best in class battery life;

- Android will have the HTC EVO-3D phone out this Summer, a dual core beast, running the newest Sense 3.0 UI. This should be the best Android device released this Summer for U.S. carriers.

- Microsoft will have their major updated line of "Mango" phones, the previews of Mango really make it looks fresh and futuristic.
iPhone 5 will not be released this year. iPhone 4S (4GS) might arrive early fall.

HTC Evo 3D is gonna be a monster, but the Samsung Galaxy S II is technically better and it has already been released in Korea and Europe. It (the SGII) is most likely a late summer or early fall US release.

Mango is only rumored to be coming at as soon as August. So I would still put it in the Fall category.

So what we are stuck with in the US this summer for certain is the Evo 3D. Kind win that one by default...
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All these phones will be out this Summer ( June 21st to September 21st )

- iPhone4S is strongly expected to be officially reveled in August, and in stores in September

- The U.S. release of the Samsung Galaxy S2 is supposed to be launched very closely to the new iPhone4S, to compete against it. T-Mobile and Sprint really want their Galaxy S2 to go against the 4S. Rumors point to an announcement in July, and release for late August / early September.

- Windows "Mango" was said to be bumped up, and launch earlier than the original Fall release. Steve Balmer said in his keynote speech it would release this Summer.

Saying all that, I am an Android fan, but if the new iPhone-next finally adds Widgets...Adds Notification system...adds larger screen...and supposed to have market leading best in class battery, I might just switch back to Apple, but only if all these changes are made.
Looks like the Evo 3D is expected to release June 24th.

I didn't buy the evo 4g on release last June because I was reluctant to change my old school plan to a new one (even though price would have been about the same). But when I figured out that i could get an educator's discount (20% I think), I went ahead and purchased in November. The phone has been amazing for me. I didn't think I could get used to typing on a touch surface. But the 4.3" screen is much easier (for me) to type on than iphone's. The fact that the 3D will be an even higher resolution than the 4G is just gravy on top.
iPhone with widgets? I say no way. That would muck up the UI too much for Apple to ever consider. But what do I know..

For the tech/geek crowd? Must be nexus S; unlocked and free of gunk and gets the newest features first. I don't care about dual core and other useless (for now) bullet points. Personally I'm waiting for a look at the next nexus before I jump intro this smartphone craze.
iPhone with widgets? I say no way. That would muck up the UI too much for Apple to ever consider. But what do I know..

For the tech/geek crowd? Must be nexus S; unlocked and free of gunk and gets the newest features first. I don't care about dual core and other useless (for now) bullet points. Personally I'm waiting for a look at the next nexus before I jump intro this smartphone craze.

A JB'ed iPhone already has widgets, and it's done very well. Even better than android (imo) since it barely uses any battery. Infact, I hope SJ takes a lesson from the JB community and does offical widgets like the ones from the JB community.
I was pretty much set on the Evo 3D until I learned more about the Samsung GS2. Now, it's really a toss up between those two for me.
yeah the evo 3d looks pretty appealing, but the lack of ram compared to other comparable top end smartphones kind of kills it for me, i really want a galaxy s2.
yeah the evo 3d looks pretty appealing, but the lack of ram compared to other comparable top end smartphones kind of kills it for me, i really want a galaxy s2.
It's got 1 GB of RAM... which is just like the SGSII...
I'm going to say the Pre3 looks to be the best :) nothing compares to webOS
As a samsung owner, I would not get another one. The hardware is excellent, but support is awful. Android updates lagged months behind on my Samsung Epic 4G compared to HTC products. Froyo was not available directly from Sprint until almost April, 2011.

I have a feeling people will love their Galaxy S II's up front, but be disappointed down the line.
As a samsung owner, I would not get another one. The hardware is excellent, but support is awful. Android updates lagged months behind on my Samsung Epic 4G compared to HTC products. Froyo was not available directly from Sprint until almost April, 2011.

I have a feeling people will love their Galaxy S II's up front, but be disappointed down the line.
Samsung's abysmal support history is the one thing that concerns me about buying a GS2.
I'm going to say the Pre3 looks to be the best :) nothing compares to webOS

2% market share after 2 years and its dropping. WebOS is DEAD. Let it die already. The only thing that could possibly save it is if they decide to license it and HP sells palm to someone who could actually run the company.

HPs biggest mistake was not firing every single person in charge of designing the pre. That phone was one giant mistake after another and those same idiots are making the same mistakes again.

This summer looks rather boring for phones IMO. I dont get the big deal over the EVO 3d, honestly if i wanted another android phone i would get the nexus S over that. The single core is sufficient for 99% of the content on android for at least another year.
As a samsung owner, I would not get another one. The hardware is excellent, but support is awful. Android updates lagged months behind on my Samsung Epic 4G compared to HTC products. Froyo was not available directly from Sprint until almost April, 2011.

I have a feeling people will love their Galaxy S II's up front, but be disappointed down the line.
All signs are starting to point to the carriers for the terrible support because the European versions have been very well supported. It's still something that concerns me as well and is the reason I might skip the next Galaxy to see if Samsung can turn it around before the Galaxy 3.
I would chime in that I love the EVO 3D -- and am considering switching to Sprint just for this phone - for my personal device. It has a MUCH better screen than the 3D LG device and the content works seamlessly going back and forth between the EVO and the LG Optimus Pad (G-Slate).

I can take video on the EVO 3D, transfer it to my G-Slate, hook it up to the HDMI port and hand out 3D glasses. My kids dig it.
2% market share after 2 years and its dropping. WebOS is DEAD. Let it die already. The only thing that could possibly save it is if they decide to license it and HP sells palm to someone who could actually run the company.

HPs biggest mistake was not firing every single person in charge of designing the pre. That phone was one giant mistake after another and those same idiots are making the same mistakes again.

It may not have the market share of the other OSes, but it's a helluva lot better than iOS and Android in my opinion. I had a Pre- for about a year and a half. I've had this Nexus S 4g since launch, and while it's a great, speedy little phone, if you gave me this same hardware with WebOS, I wouldn't think twice about switching. Android feels clunky compared to WebOS imo.

Also, pretty sure most of the original WebOS crew, the big guys anyway, have either left or were let go. Could be wrong though.
I've been waiting to get an iPhone 5 this summer. Now I can't wait that long, gotta settle with the iPhone 4S. My phone has been hanging on to dear life for the last 3 months, I hope it will last till the iPhone comes out for Verizon.

Would it be the same release dates for Verizon?
It's got 1 GB of RAM... which is just like the SGSII...

ah you're right... i got it confused with the sensation. the only thing i have against the evo3d against the gs2 is the gimmicky 3d effects vs slightly better hardware. but i still may go for the evo just because of the evo4g's track record.
It may not have the market share of the other OSes, but it's a helluva lot better than iOS and Android in my opinion. I had a Pre- for about a year and a half. I've had this Nexus S 4g since launch, and while it's a great, speedy little phone, if you gave me this same hardware with WebOS, I wouldn't think twice about switching. Android feels clunky compared to WebOS imo.

Also, pretty sure most of the original WebOS crew, the big guys anyway, have either left or were let go. Could be wrong though.

I used a pre for a while and hated the damn thing. WebOS is OK but even overclocked to 900Mhz it was just underwhelming. I still got TMC errors CONSTANTLY which really pissed me off because of the grossly over exaggerated "true multitasking". I agree with you on android being sluggish even on good hardware.

You should have checked out the arrive. There is no smoother OS on the market and with mango just a few months away you only have to live without certain features for a bit.
As a samsung owner, I would not get another one. The hardware is excellent, but support is awful. Android updates lagged months behind on my Samsung Epic 4G compared to HTC products. Froyo was not available directly from Sprint until almost April, 2011.

I have a feeling people will love their Galaxy S II's up front, but be disappointed down the line.

As long as you own an international unlocked version of the Galaxy S updates came rather quickly and easily. The carriers held back updates for every US variant.
I was pretty much set on the Evo 3D until I learned more about the Samsung GS2. Now, it's really a toss up between those two for me.

Question is: do you want to wait at least 4 months for the sgs2? You can always use a different launcher if you don't want sense... Not everyone prefers the pentile matrix on the samsung...
Question is: do you want to wait at least 4 months for the sgs2? You can always use a different launcher if you don't want sense... Not everyone prefers the pentile matrix on the samsung...

The new SAMOLED+ no longer has a pentile matrix so not even that is an issue with the SGS2.
Question is: do you want to wait at least 4 months for the sgs2? You can always use a different launcher if you don't want sense... Not everyone prefers the pentile matrix on the samsung...
That truly IS the question. In all likelihood I'm going to get the Evo 3D. I really want the higher resolution screen and am very happy HTC has seen the light when it comes to unlocking their bootloaders. As for launchers, I'm an ADW Launcher convert, although I'm very intrigued by the new Sense 3.0.
i think the main thing comes down to for me, is that i can get a new plan (subsidized) version of the evo 3d through sprint for 200 bucks, whereas to get the only good version of the galaxy s2 (international world version) i'd have to pay, what were early estimates pointing to, 900 dollars?
i think the main thing comes down to for me, is that i can get a new plan (subsidized) version of the evo 3d through sprint for 200 bucks, whereas to get the only good version of the galaxy s2 (international world version) i'd have to pay, what were early estimates pointing to, 900 dollars?

Sprint is getting the first U.S. version of the Galaxy S2, said to come out late July.
iOS 5 is being featured next week by Jobs. I wouldn't make any decisions until then. Even without the iPhone 5, you'll get an idea of its (software) capabilities.
iOS 5 is being featured next week by Jobs. I wouldn't make any decisions until then. Even without the iPhone 5, you'll get an idea of its (software) capabilities.

I have not seen a single bit of info saying the next iphone would be released before the fall. Do you have any reliable info saying it is coming in the summer? If not, that takes it out of the best phone for the summer category. If jobs could have kept their usual product cycle, sure... But not with a fall release.
I have not seen a single bit of info saying the next iphone would be released before the fall. Do you have any reliable info saying it is coming in the summer? If not, that takes it out of the best phone for the summer category. If jobs could have kept their usual product cycle, sure... But not with a fall release.
I didn't say it would come out this Summer. But iOS 5 will tell you what the iPhone 4 can/will be able to do in addition to the iPhone 5. Compare and contrast that against the latest Android devices as you see fit.
Now that I know that I'm not going to be taking 3D movies for my getaway (my flight leaves the morning of the 24th), I'm gonna wait till Amazon has it on sale for $100 for existing members. By that time maybe more details will be out about HTC or Nokia's WP7 Mango and the Samsuck Within.
HTC Sensation is for me once it releases.

SG2 is a nice phone but I would rather the higher resolution, more comfortable feel and Sense. I would like more internal storage but oh well. The RAM does not bother me as I am used to WM5.0 - 6.5 so clearing memory regularly is second nature.

The SG2, Evo 3D and Sensation are all going to be big, the one with the largest network will win out as most popular IMO. I'll be happy with my choice though.... Just needs to release already, my HD2 is giving up on life.
I think it is time for the Iphone to have two different sizes. I would prefer a 4.3 or 4.5 retina display. Seems like a no brainer to offer two different sizes of Iphones at this date and time

4S would likely be same display, maybe a newer CPU, likely thinner....with the big addition is LTE / 4G ability.
I think it is time for the Iphone to have two different sizes. I would prefer a 4.3 or 4.5 retina display. Seems like a no brainer to offer two different sizes of Iphones at this date and time

4S would likely be same display, maybe a newer CPU, likely thinner....with the big addition is LTE / 4G ability.

didnt they already say that 4g/lte wont be making into the 4 because the chip manufacturer was having problems getting it small enough or meeting some specification to get it into them?
^^^^^ I don't think Steve-o really cares if they have 4g. That's not a phone technology... It's a carrier technology... If apple didn't invent it, kinda seems like they don't include it. Of course the is complete conjecture and talking out of my arse. Besides, it sucks battery life. I don't know anyone who keeps their 4g on all the time. I'm sure there are, but I don't know them.

Why should I care? I dislike apple. So any reason for people to buy a non-apple smartphone is fine in my book.
well i would mostly agree with you, except for the fact that werent they banking on being able to use facetime from a mobile connection with 4g? i guess that went out the window until next summer.
I used a pre for a while and hated the damn thing. WebOS is OK but even overclocked to 900Mhz it was just underwhelming. I still got TMC errors CONSTANTLY which really pissed me off because of the grossly over exaggerated "true multitasking". I agree with you on android being sluggish even on good hardware.

You should have checked out the arrive. There is no smoother OS on the market and with mango just a few months away you only have to live without certain features for a bit.

Is the Arrive that flip out Windows phone? I can't comment on the new OS, but I *hated* the physical hardware of that phone. Maybe it was the display model, but I really felt like that thing was going to break in half after a month or two of normal wear and tear.

That's a shame you had issues with the Pre. I was never a huge fan of the actual hardware, but the OS and all of the swipe gestures for multitasking, I loved. I rarely if ever got TMC errors, especially after putting a custom kernel on it that OC'ed it.

Besides, it sucks battery life. I don't know anyone who keeps their 4g on all the time. I'm sure there are, but I don't know them.

That's the one thing I love about this Nexus S 4G. It will idle 4G (and WiFi) if it's not being used or not in service, so I do actually leave 4G AND WiFi enabled all the time, and the battery life isn't that much different than if I were to constantly enable/disable both.
Watch out for Droid Bionic/Targa as well. Rumors are it'll come with a TI OMAP 4 dual core at ~1.2ghz, 1gb of RAM, 4.3" screen, dock capabilities like the Atrix, and run on Verizon's LTE.
This move to bigger screens, like 4.3" is going to piss me off as much as the crazy move to ultrawide 16:9 LCD's for PCs. Ergonomically it sucks.

I want my phone to be the size of a phone, not a brick. If I want something bigger, I'll get a tablet. I hope Apple doesn't follow suit.

On a related note, I'm thrilled Apple decided not to bow to marketing pressure and released their iPad in 4:3 format. 16:9 would have been useless in two directions.