Best place to buy a Xbox360 on launch day!?!

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[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
I had pre-ordered 5 on first shipment through EB games, back in mid summer, but they called me today and told me that microsoft cut their shipping order in half, and that they wouldn't have my 5 until after christmas --- Thus, I want to go find them in a Brick and Morter store on launch day. They are already selling for 500 on ebay now, and with the shortage there is money to be had by purchasing a few and reselling them on ebay. I guess that idea is going to be tough to pull off now that my 1st batch pre-orders were cancelled. I would like to get at least one ---- I'm weighing out my options.

Wal-mart - open 24/7 - releases the xboxes at 12:01AM on 11/22 - but only has about 8 per store. - that could be a mad house.

Target - giving tickets out to people on the morning of the 21st for those who request it, and only the people with tickets can purchase the xbox360 on the 22.

Best Buy - probably no way an average guy could get one here.


Where else? Seems like the odds are strongly stacked against me getting one.

Anybody have any ideas?
Only a dozen Best Buy’s plan to open at midnight for Xbox 360 sales, according to a document obtained by Kotaku. The stores, all located in major metro areas, were chosen based on overall past games sales.

Each of the dozen stores will get an extra 100 360s, more worker bees and special print ads running in their area.

According to the document, the main reason for midnight openings is to “increase Best Buy brand awareness” but that doing so is quite expensive.

“The Company doesn’t have the inventory or capital to support advertising and labor for an event scope beyond the 12 stores.”

All other stores will open at 9 a.m. Nov. 22, any store that decides on its own to open at midnight could actually nix an ad running for the 9 a.m. opening, so it’s highly unlikely anyone will do it.

Here’s the list of the dozen midnight stores, cross your fingers:

Twelve stores have been selected for midnight openings for 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 22:
• Store #104 (Hawthorne, CA)
• Store #120 (Santa Rosa, CA)
• Store #146 (Sterling, VA)
• Store #164 (Lone Tree, CO)
• Store #202 (Plano, TX)
• Store #281 (Richfield, MN)
• Store #291 (Galleria, TX)
• Store #311 (Burbank, IL)
• Store #498 (Bellevue, WA)
• Store #516 (Alpharetta, GA)
• Store #557 (Miami, FL)
• Store #1028 (Midtown, NY)

bestbuy supposedly getting 60units per store and an extra 100!! if there doing a midnight opening
I already preordered mine at Gamestop---second shipment....but I am going to Wal Mart in my area around 9pm and will wait in line for one...I really hope they have more than 8 per store....
I cant believe they arent delivering your xboxs even though you pre-ordered them. Doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of pre-ordering.
Amazingly enough I walked into a Best Buy the day after the PS2 launch and secured one with no problem.

For the Xbox I went to a Meijer store at 11:00 PM the night of launch and they pulled 25 raffle tickets out of a box that each person filled out. I got one luckily but 30 people went home empty handed.

I am going to try a Meijer or Wal-Mart the night of lauch and if that fails a Best Buy or Target the following morning.
i agree - I asked the guy - can't I at least have one of the 5 pre-orders...he said they couldn't do it- They didn't have enough....stupid thing was I spent like 2hours calling around this summer to find the closest store with multiple FIRST shipment pre-orderes remaining, and this place had 8 at the time...I bought five. I asked and re-asked for verification that they were first shipment - they assured me. But the guy I spoke with today said Microsoft cut their supply in pff...whatever...all I can say is they better give me back my pre-order money 250$ at 50$ a piece back in cash like I paid them instead of gift cards or that manager is gonna hear it.
Archaea said:
i agree - I asked the guy - can't I at least have one of the 5 pre-orders...he said they couldn't do it- They didn't have enough....stupid thing was I spent like 2hours calling around this summer to find the closest store with multiple FIRST shipment pre-orderes remaining, and this place had 8 at the time...I bought five. I asked and re-asked for verification that they were first shipment - they assured me. But the guy I spoke with today said Microsoft cut their supply in pff...whatever...all I can say is they better give me back my pre-order money 250$ at 50$ a piece back in cash like I paid them instead of gift cards or that manager is gonna hear it.

Their policy is store credit only, you may be out of luck on that one.
LOL, Walmart is getting more than 8 Xbox 360's per store. Try about 20-60 :rolleyes:

Best Buy is getting 60 360's per store. Walmart Target and Best Buy stole consoles from EB and Gamestop, so saying there is 8 per store is comical.
From what I hear, Microsoft has prioritized allotment to Wal-Mart and Best Buy. Try one of those two.

You know, folks, this is why pre-orders exist.
I preordered mine in June, and i'm on the second shipment.

fcuk preorders.

i'm going to walmart
Jawad said:
I preordered mine in June, and i'm on the second shipment.

fcuk preorders.

i'm going to walmart

I didn't preorder mine, I'll be camping out. I cannot stand any of the people that work at my local game stores, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.
I preordered mine in May and I'm on the 2nd shipment :mad:

From my thread it seems that chinatown, costco and walmart seem to be the best options.

chinatown = no tax
costco = im a business card member and I get in a hour early
walmart = open 24 hours

other places (im not even going to bother with)
best buy
circuit city

I have $225 down for my preorder at EB Games...are u saying that i can only get store credit back??
How do you find out what shipment you preorder is on? Call? I ordered mine early september online at gamestop...guessing that means I don't have a first shipment if people that ordered in June are getting bumped back.
I know three people who work in the local Wal-Mart. Two work in electronics, one works in layaway.

The two in electronics said that they're getting 34 Premium packs. The person in layaway guaranteed that she and her friends would set two aside for me even though I'm going to wait in line for some.

I've already made $400 profit from all this. I can probably make more.
FREAKIN SWEET!!! Store #291 the Best Buy in the Galleria!!! Houston, TX!!! I live about a mile and half from there. I will be there at 6:00pm to start waiting in line........
SuX0rz said:
How do you find out what shipment you preorder is on? Call? I ordered mine early september online at gamestop...guessing that means I don't have a first shipment if people that ordered in June are getting bumped back.

i called and asked the guy at EB Games what my order number was.
I called Walmart today and they told me to come and get in line around 11am on the 21st. That sucks there is no way I am lining up for 13 hours in Walmart you would have to pay me to do that hahaha.
I have a friend who works in the Overland Park Wal-Mart in Kansas City. He is an assistant manager there. He says they are getting 8. Laugh all you want. He told me today - when we talked - that microsoft has cut back the number of units going to all places, and that Wal-marts are getting 8.
Archaea said:
I have a friend who works in the Overland Park Wal-Mart in Kansas City. He is an assistant manager there. He says they are getting 8. Laugh all you want. He told me today - when we talked - that microsoft has cut back the number of units going to all places, and that Wal-marts are getting 8.

pfft Kansas...they have like what 8 tv's in the entire state? (sorry couldn't resist)

Anyways I have always planned from the start to simply camp out overnight to get one. I knew that preordering would be a mess and a joke, shipments always get cut in half and the stores always accept 10x more preorders than they know they can fill...its a scam really. Besides its not that bad camping out when you have a nice cot, a gameboy, mp3 player, and probably a couple other people to socialize with who obviously share your same interests.
I haven't read through these replies so I don't know if it had been mentioned or not but the best place to get new consoles are at Sams and Cosco. Peole rarely think about it.
Archaea said:
I had pre-ordered 5 on first shipment through EB games, back in mid summer, but they called me today and told me that microsoft cut their shipping order in half, and that they wouldn't have my 5 until after christmas --- Thus, I want to go find them in a Brick and Morter store on launch day. They are already selling for 500 on ebay now, and with the shortage there is money to be had by purchasing a few and reselling them on ebay. I guess that idea is going to be tough to pull off now that my 1st batch pre-orders were cancelled. I would like to get at least one ---- I'm weighing out my options.

Wal-mart - open 24/7 - releases the xboxes at 12:01AM on 11/22 - but only has about 8 per store. - that could be a mad house.

Target - giving tickets out to people on the morning of the 21st for those who request it, and only the people with tickets can purchase the xbox360 on the 22.

Best Buy - probably no way an average guy could get one here.


Where else? Seems like the odds are strongly stacked against me getting one.

Anybody have any ideas?

So you are trying to buy a bunch a 360's and sell them back to customers that couldnt get them at launch for a higher price. You are a fucking douche, fuck you and anything you plan to do. People like you make me sick. Eat shit and die asshole.
All Killer No Filler said:
So you are trying to buy a bunch a 360's and sell them back to customers that couldnt get them at launch for a higher price. You are a fucking douche, fuck you and anything you plan to do. People like you make me sick. Eat shit and die asshole.

Quoted for emphasis!
Anybody going to be at the Houston Galleria Best Buy?? I could use someone to socialize with!!
All Killer No Filler said:
So you are trying to buy a bunch a 360's and sell them back to customers that couldnt get them at launch for a higher price. You are a fucking douche, fuck you and anything you plan to do. People like you make me sick. Eat shit and die asshole.

Cry us a river. It's called "capitalism". If people are stupid enough to give us way too much money, why shouldn't we take it?
just called costco and they confirmed that they will definately have x360s for sale at launch.....ill be there!!
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