Best Possible Game for this Laptop


Aug 1, 2004
I have a:
Celeron 2.8
ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 IGP (64 mb shared)
512 RAM
JBL Pro Sound
40 GB HD 7200 rpm

Based on those specs, what game would be the ultimate game for my computer in terms of graphics, and action and fun. I want something that will use the resources I have on my laptop to the fullest, but I want something that will run on all the highest video settings without ANY choppy play. Got any suggestions? (New games preferably)

For help I'll tell you my 3dmark2001 SE score: 3000

Neverwinter Nights. If I can get it to play on my 1.1ghz Athlon and my GeForce2 GTS, it'll be fine on your system, even if you can't run it at 1600x1200 with all the eye candy on.

Fallout/2/Tactics. Not really that new, but LOADS of fun.

Can't really help you more with the cutting-edge stuff... clearly, I don't have the machine for it.
NeuroMaster said:
Neverwinter Nights. If I can get it to play on my 1.1ghz Athlon and my GeForce2 GTS, it'll be fine on your system, even if you can't run it at 1600x1200 with all the eye candy on.

Fallout/2/Tactics. Not really that new, but LOADS of fun.

Can't really help you more with the cutting-edge stuff... clearly, I don't have the machine for it.
