Best PSU for $75 or less


Mar 24, 2007
I've skrimped and skrimped to save some cash for a new powersupply and now I'm down to the final decision. I'm going to post a few of the psu's i'm interested in and I'd like some feedback and even some suggestions for other powersupplies. I'd really like a powersupply to have sheathed cabling, but I'm getting to the point where it might not matter if I route my case well. I also want it to have enough juice to push an 8800GTS as I have plans to purchase one in the near future once their price drops.

Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-500 -

ePOWER ZU-550W -

Scythe Kamariki-2 KMRK-450A-2 -


Any thoughts or suggestions?
None of those:

The Antec SP has fuhjyyu capacitors and "noise control technology" which means, good fucking luck in a normal case environment, for a lifespan over a year.

The ePower, it's just another topower. blah.

Scythe: It's just another topower, that runs really damn hot. Blah.

Xclio: you can do much better

I suggest going to and picking out the Enhance ENS-5150GH, which is the same guts as the Silverstone ST50EF.
Yah, I saw that deal this morning and my jaw dropped. :D

I bought my HX520 from for $99.95, then a $10 rebate, then $10 instant off for Google Checkout... $79.95 (plus stamp) total. Works great. Still waiting on the rebate, but it's only been a couple of weeks. $70 would have been even mo' better. :)
Of those choices presented above: the Xlcio. On the other hand, the Corsair is a better deal, that is after rebate.
You can also get the TruePowerTrio 550 for $65 shipped if you don't want to have to deal with or the rebates.

I really appreciate everyone puting in their vote for this antec truepowertrio 550, but I do not want to have to deal with those cords. If I had a full tower I probably wouldn't bat an eye at them, but I'm trying to get as clean a look in my case as I can.

Right now I think I'm leaning towards the corsair.
Corsair is definitely a great choice. I have the 620W version myself and the quietness and ease of cable management (flat and flexible wires) was worth every penny. The 520W with the discounts and rebates makes it a real steal considering I paid $145 for mine! :eek:
Damn, those Corsair supplies look very nice. I'm also looking for something to replace my 380W Antec that came with the Sonata1.

Which would you reccomend for my system (520 or 620)?

A8N-SLI Deluxe
Opteron 185
3x 7200 RPM Seagates (2x74gb, 1x160gb)
1x 10k RPM Raptor150
2 Optical Drives (both burners)
~4 120mm fans, maybe more in the future.

I'd like to have something that could handle 2 bleeding edge video cards to replace the 6600GTs in the next year sometime (I intend to keep this system for another year or 2 at the minimum). That is if the case doesn't catch on fire first...

Looks like they added $12 shipping to the corasair 520 at