Best remote login tool for Windows 7 64 bit?


Mar 5, 2005
I was trying to install logmein since that's really the only remote tool that I've used in the past. Problem is, it does not yet work for Windows 7 64 bit(it's in the works). So are there better or equivalent products out there?

LMI working fine in 7 64bit here...

I only use it when native RDP is blocked though. Just forward port 3389 on your router and use the built in RDP.

How did you install it? I talked to a logmein rep and they also confirmed it's not compatible with Windows 7 64bit as of yet.
+1 TeamViewer. We use it everyday as our remote support tool for residential and business customers. Nice and fast also its a doddle.
Um, It just installs like normal. :rolleyes:

Damn, you're right. I just turned on VMware and loaded up a win 7 64 bit and it worked. Weird, it will not install on my main win 7 machine though.
I had talked to a logmein rep about the install error awhile back and they said it wasn't compatible so I just believed them.
Um, It just installs like normal. :rolleyes:

Still an issue with windows 7 rtm. It's random though. It did it on Windows 7 RC. I just recently did an install of Windows 7 RTM and logmein installed fine. But I was getting an error while logging in. So I tried an uninstall and reinstall, sure enough. That same install error was back(Logmein install ended prematurely).

Used the instructions on this link and it workes fine again.

just an fyi
That's really odd. I now have 3 machines (7 x64) in my house with LMI installed and haven't run into any problems.
Not sure, but if you google it, there's a few issues floating around. I'm just glad I can now use the darn program. I also figured I would throw it on here since you may hit it in the future. Never know.
Its funny, I actually ended up realizing how much better Windows Remote Desktop is, so I usually end up just using that over LMI. I just forwarded one port on my home router and it works great. MUCH faster then LMI.