best rts game for and rts newb...


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2006
So I am pretty new to pc gaming in general. I have always wanted a decent pc for gaming but I didn't scrounge up the money for one until college and used my consoels to keep me happy. I discovered css and I am throughly addicted and my clan is 3-0 in cal-o but are getting raped in cevo. Still I have never really played an rts. What is a good one to start with.

[email protected] and an 8800gts.

same games i do like

Civilization 4/3/2
Supreme Commander
Age of Empires 3

sure many will say WOW for an mmorpg or what ever it is.

cs:s is great, have you tried any of the mods for it ?
Try the early games first, the ones from the golden age of RTS:

Age of Empires 2: The conquerors
Warcraft 2
Command and Conquer

then move to

Rise of Nations/Rise of Legends
Warcraft 3
Age of Empires 3
Supreme Commander

Try the early games first, the ones from the golden age of RTS:

Age of Empires 2: The conquerors
Warcraft 2
Command and Conquer

then move to

Rise of Nations/Rise of Legends
Warcraft 3
Age of Empires 3
Supreme Commander


Playing Starcraft a on e6400 and 8800GTS... sigh. :)
Starcraft is a must for any RTS player. Rise of Nation is good. SupCom is great but might not be fun for beginner RTS players. Company of Heros is also very fun. Pick up Warcraft 3 just for the endless custom maps that can be found.
He said he was an RTS noob. You can't say you want to play RTS games and never experience the best one ever made. Plenty of time to move onto Company of heroes (which yes, is completely badass) and supreme commander.
StarCraft and WarCraft III. Both still have tens of thousands of people playing every single day after so many years (close to 10 for SC), can't say the same for other RTS games.
cool. I am going to head to ebgames tommorrow and see if can pick some games up. Looks like I will be getting civ2, starcraft, and aoe3(is the xpac any good). I will probably pick of CoH later. I looked at warcraft 3 but the heroes are too mmo'ish.
Civ2 isn't RTS, but it's highly recommended nonetheless. As for the criticism that War3 is too "mmo-ish" that's not true. The Warcraft series was first and foremost an RTS series and War3 has an excellent 1-player campaign mode with the storyline/lore that sets up WoW.

It may be just me but AOE2 > AOE3.
I'm gonna get hit up on this one but Command and Conquer Generals w/ Zero Hour are incredibly easy to get the hang of and are fun during multi-player. Tons of mods and maps, 3 campaigns, etc.

I only play it when I'm deployed but still I'd give it a go since its only 19.99 for both of them.
AoE3 is one of the most boring RTS games of the last few years.

Company of Heroes, Rise of Legends, Supreme Commander... all better choices.
I would say to pick up some older games to get a good grip on the genre (I've seen Starcraft and Total Annihilation for under ten dollars...and once found a new copy of Total Annihilation for just 1.99). But, if you want eye candy and such, which games that are a decade old now, there are some games out there.

Company of Heroes is a pretty game that you can take advantage of your system with really doesn't take much to pick up and play. It takes a bit to get the hang of things, but overall it's pretty simple concepts.

I would also recommend the Total War series, myself. I've enjoyed Rome: Total War and Medieval II: Total War quite a bit. The game is split up into a strategic map of the geographic area (Europe and the surrounding area, basically) and is turn based, while the battles are fought in real time. Lots of individual units on screen, and great fun with tactics. I prefer Rome to Medieval, since most Medieval battles turn into chaos and I don't enjoy it as much as the organized units that mostly appear in Rome. It is, however, a pretty complicated game, so it might not be great for someone just getting into the genre.
Starcraft and TA for the newb. Warcraft II is also classic. Once you get through those, try out some of the newer stuff. WoW will suck your life away, though.
Company of Heroes would be my suggestion for some one who has not played RTS any great degree before.
But if you want an off the wall suggestion, try a couple games by a company called Introversion Software: Darwinia and Defcon. Defcon is must have for anyone who has ever wanted to rain down a nuclear firestorm on your least favorite continent. Both games are the epitome of simplified game play, completely pick up and play, no 20 hour learning curve to find the subtleties of each and every unit, a 10 minute in game tutorial gives you everything you need to play. More importantly, they're just fun to play.
Being a guy who has had trouble getting into RTS games in the past. Do yourself a favor and get Company of Heroes. It's very easy to learn and very pretty to look at. I tried Supreme Commander because CoH popped my RTS cherry and I hated it. I'm now just waiting for World in Conflict as it seems like it will be along the lines of CoH.