Best Side-scrollers 2011


Dec 17, 2005
There are so many, I don't know if we can make a poll. So please nominate, discuss.

Trine 2 is my choice for the best this year. I still enjoy having three different "modes" and how they work together. Graphics look sharp, very fun.

I'm not counting Bastion in this genre. Should it be counted? Movement and firing are still 2D.

There was a zombie scroller, where the player had metal armor and guns, there were little challenges and tons of ways to crush zombies and robot enemies. Does anyone remember the title? Thanks.
Man, side-scrollers used to be my favorite games. Duke Nukem, Commander Keen, Gunstar Heroes... shit. So much fun. I didn't know they were still making games on this model. I'll have to grab Trine 2 during this years steam sale.

Havent played trine 2 but i enjoyed the original Trine demo.
Limbo is fairly good, I also enjoyed Bit Runner for cheap in the Humble Bundle 4 pack.

Not tried Trine 2 yet but I hear it's very good albeit short.
Trine 2 has been great so far. Beautiful game. I'm playing in the living room and it's pretty mind blowing. A good plasma tv really gives the contrast in this game justice - Limbo is also in this boat. The puzzles are much harder solo, but the co-op isn't half bad either. It scratches that Portal 2 puzzle solving itch.

Does Jamestown count? It's one of my favorite games released this year. (this gets my vote)

Other mentions:
Tiny Wings on iOS...
Rayman Origins and Super Mario Bros Wii... I've been enjoying the hell out of SMB Wii w/ the gf. The co-op is frustrating, but great.

Not sure if Bastion or Terraria count...
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This. 1000x this. A randomly-generated side-scroller shouldn't be anywhere near this good. The only real problem I have with it is that someone else didn't already make it 10 years ago when it might have really shaken things up.
What about Sonic, it's mainly a side scroller with some forward scrolling in parts.
LIMBO is great, but the game is only 2-3 hours long.

Trine is great and a bit longer. Haven't played Trine 2 yet (waiting for the steam sale).

VVVVVV is pretty solid as is Super Meat Boy, but the two aren't typical side scrollers, IMO.
Trine 2 gets my vote with LIMBO right behind.

also this +1
Trine 2 has been great so far. Beautiful game. I'm playing in the living room and it's pretty mind blowing. A good plasma tv really gives the contrast in this game justice -

I don't have a plasma but playing on a nice big TV definitely enhances the gameplay imo, then add a couple friends into the mix and you will have an amazing time.
My 2011 pick would be Terraria, although I really want to get both Trine 1 and 2 at some point, just based on word of mouth.

I also played LIMBO -- good game, but creepy. The writer could have given the game a more lighthearted theme and the mechanics of the puzzles wouldn't have been any different, but for whatever reason, he intentionally chose to incorporate children being violently and graphically dismembered and killed in various ways. It's unsettling, in a completely unexplained way and it's hard to make sense of. Not sure how to interpret it, other than it's meant to be a nightmare. Dude's got a sick mind :p.
I haven't played a good side-scroller this year. Super Meatboy was fun for a little while, I'm not a fan of Limbo, and I loathe that I wasted $2.49 on Terraria during a previous sale.

I'd like to see Shadow Complex released on PC. I thought it was far more enjoyable than any side-scroller released since Super Metroid.

Edit: I have Cave Story + and it's pretty fun. I guess it'd have to be the best I've played this year.
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Thank you for posting this. It has convinced me to get my original Xbox out of the closet, which is loaded with emus/roms, and hook it up. :)
Sideway New York looks very interesting, but I haven't heard anyone talk about it. You're a piece of graffiti fighting its way around walls on buildings, which looks really cool. It's on Steam.
I forgot Capsized! So ashamed.

Capsized is my favorite. It's more open than Trine 2.
I forgot Capsized! So ashamed.

Capsized is my favorite. It's more open than Trine 2.

Capsized was(is) great, but it hasn't gotten a whole lot of love in general. Which is sad, because it's just such a slick game with the beautiful hand drawn graphics and lush ambient soundtrack.

I haven't played many other this year. I bought Terraria and played for like 2 hours max, just didn't hook me like it did others. I bought Trine on Steam, but haven't been able to get into that one either - so I've held off on buying Trine 2. CS: Sideways NY looks pretty good. It's on my Steam wishlist, but haven't gotten around to checking it out yet.
Rayman Origins multiplayer has amazing visuals and sound, but it wasn't challenging enough IMO