Best Single Player RPG (PC or 360)

RPGs for the current generation of systems, I'd have to vote Mass Effect. I really wasn't into Oblivion or any Bioware RPG for that matter, but I rather like Mass Effect. Be warned though, it's not a flawless game. The engine is buggy as shit (UE3 FTW?), the interface is utter crap, and the controls are not intuitive, but for some reason I still think it's the absolute best use of my money for a pure single player game for 2007.
2d Old School

2d Isometric
Ashen Empires

Oblivion - At first I didnt really get into it. reinstalled it a year or two later(actually just recently) and i have falling in love with the game.

Darklands - 2d RPG, I will only list because this is a rare jem of a game. my favorite of all time. Got me into gaming, interested in game making, got me into role playing games. Hell, probably prolong'd the date in which i lost my virginity. But all and all, i still have my copy from 98'.
Current gen - Mass Effect. Great game and really the only choice out there AFAIC.

But since thread has somewhat degenerated into best RPG's per system:

CRPG - Planescape:Torment - best story in a game, period. Well worth picking up, even though the graphics are dated. Fallout 1&2 are close 2nds. KOTOR is also worth picking up, though I didn't think the story was that great, but from playing many, many rpg's before this I saw the plot twist coming well before it happened.

PS2 - I personally like the final fantasy series and think XII was a great story as well.

For something completely different, track down a dreamcast and pick up Grandia II. I think they remade this for some other system, but I believe it wasn't as good.

If you have a gamecube, Skies of Arcadia is a great jrpg-style, you can also get it for dreamcast, but he gamecube update adds a few things.

Really, if you don't mind going back a few years, there are a plethora of really great rpg's (FF's during the snes era, Phantasy Star 1-4, Dragon Warrior VIII, etc...), just have to own the systems and ignore the outdated graphics.
I think he was joking with the Phantasy Star 5....or wishing what ever.

Phantasy star and Final fantasy are both great in their own way.

To me there are 4 main Types of rpg's.
1; You have your Classic RPG like Final Fantasy and Phantasy star
2; you have your Diabloish RPG's like Diablo and Titans Quest
3; You have your SRPG's like Final Fantasy Tactics, shining force, and fire emblem, and you can throw in Warcraft and age of empire's into this group or you can put them in there own and make 5.
4; you have your PC type rpgs being Oblivion, KOTOR, WOWish type games.

You should specify which type you are looking for also if you are looking for new or old.
Witcher is absolutely jaw-dropping, hands down the best of the current generation cRPGs. Story-wise, it's in the same league as Fallout, Torment and Baldur's Gate. GOTY for me.
If you're looking for turn-based RPGs- Final Fantasy Tactics and Shining Force 1 / 2 are good.

If you haven't played Shining Force 3 you are missing out it is great. It has 3 parts only the first part is in english but the other 2 parts have translations online.
MASS EFFECT.... mass effect, mass effect and mass effect

AWESOME game, love the hell out of it
I had Shining Force 3 for the Saturn, and it was pretty awesome. I enjoyed it.

I purchased The Witcher and at the moment I'm only in Chapter 1 but damn if it isint good. The only thing that pisses me off is the animation/fighting to a degree. Regardless it is a very solid game which hopefully will continue to be patched.

I still might try and get Mass Effect.
Darklands - 2d RPG, I will only list because this is a rare jem of a game. my favorite of all time. Got me into gaming, interested in game making, got me into role playing games. Hell, probably prolong'd the date in which i lost my virginity. But all and all, i still have my copy from 98'.


For me...


Single player:
Fable (Although short, it is very very enjoyable!)
3; You have your SRPG's like Final Fantasy Tactics, shining force, and fire emblem, and you can throw in Warcraft and age of empire's into this group or you can put them in there own and make 5.

last time i checked AOE and Warcraft fell into this little genre they call RTS... but i may be wrong ;)
Darklands - 2d RPG, I will only list because this is a rare jem of a game. my favorite of all time. Got me into gaming, interested in game making, got me into role playing games. Hell, probably prolong'd the date in which i lost my virginity. But all and all, i still have my copy from 98'.

Ahhh... I don't want to know how many hours I spent with that growing up(many many many many many hundreds of hours). (pre-95). Still have a copy back home in canada..... *dreams*
The Witcher. Oozes quality, great story and bags of gameplay (anywhere between 40-60hrs at least). And finally a mature theme rounds it off for me :)
Ahhh... I don't want to know how many hours I spent with that growing up(many many many many many hundreds of hours). (pre-95). Still have a copy back home in canada..... *dreams*

Hehe. I have darklands installed on my DOS machine. Haven't played it in a while, but it is a very good RPG.

But my favorite RPG still has to be the fallout series (yes, including tactics). The wrapup after you finished the game, really fleshed out your impact on the game world. Everything you did mattered. That is so sadly lacking in modern games.

I also took a shine to witcher, but the bugged combat made me stop playing. I will probably take it back up, but the combat sucks, TBH. Untargetable bad guys is a major design flaw, no matter how you cut it.
The Witcher. Oozes quality, great story and bags of gameplay (anywhere between 40-60hrs at least). And finally a mature theme rounds it off for me :)
And if you don't want that, there's always Oblivion with the OOO mod.

Those are probably the top 2 recent RPGs.