Best SLI setup that WONT bottleneck AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE


Feb 9, 2002
So I have a box with a SLI board and a AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE, 8GB DDR2 8500, and a pair of 160 SATAII Volicraptor 10k's and a dead GTX285.

Was thinking of taking advantage of SLI and was wanting to keep it under 250.00 in TOTAL.

What should I look for (2) cards that wont bottleneck the X4? ... or am i not spending enough to even get close to bottlenecking it?
For $250 you're better off just going with a good deal on a single card. Something like a 560ti would be good, and a bit under $250.

Unless you want two cards just for the sake of having them, there really isn't a point to SLI at that budget since you'll be combining two lowend cards and there are no performance benefits down there. SLI starts making more sense when you need power beyond what you can get with a single card, or want to buy the best you can afford now and then add a second one later when they are much cheaper. Buying two lowend cards at the same time doesn't make much sense.
Well, if you're looking for the best performance for around $250 right now I'd go with 2x gtx460 in sli. You won't have the option to upgrade as easily in the future as if you bought a newer card, but current performance can't really be matched for that price.
Why do you need [thread=1654295]two separate threads[/thread] for SLI and CrossFire?

Unless you want to go for a triple-monitor setup, then SLI in that price range is probably not optimal. Get a 560 Ti instead.