Best suggested AMD CPU for gaming performance.


Aug 28, 2005
hey, just wanted to ask for people's suggestions/recommendations for the best gaming AMD cpu, performance wise. and if you dun mind, CPU + the motherboard, that'll you think might operate best with.

edit: lets say, $1000 for cpu budget. and $500 for mobo.
The fx-57 will be the powerhouse in that price range. But the x2 4800 will be ready for multithreaded games and with a .2ghz increase in clock speed should perform similarly to the fx-57 for cheaper. (and give you two cores @ 2.6). Any background tasks take the other .2ghz advantage away from the fx-f7.

The DFI board will probably be you best mb choice.

That's a gigantic budget btw.
i'd like you to find a non server motherboard that costs more than $250.. mind donating me some of that money? :D

anyhow.. the fx-57, 2gb of ballistix and a dfi mobo, all overclocked will get you the best performance at the moment. i'd say serbia hit the points home already :p
If all you do is game, then go for the FX57. If you intend run multimedia applications as well as game, then go for the X2 4800+. IMO, the X2 is a better buy than the FX57. You won't notice the difference between the frame rates anyways ... Besides the dual cores will last in the long run ... So, if you're planning to keep this system for a while, then I would suggest the X2 over the FX.