Best time to build a new PC?


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2007
I know that by the end of this summer, I will have made plenty of money to build a new tower to my liking.

My question is, how long should I wait to build it (sometime in the near future after August)? August? October? December? When will things such as DDR3 and Quad-Core processors be making their way into the mainstream consumer market?
not for awhile. i would wait until about november or december, new processor architecture is coming out then, ddr3 will be a little bit more mature, and better mobos for supporting the new processors and memmory
Well the Core2Quad is supposed to drop to $266 7-22-07 so August will be a nice bang for your buck. You can always wait for the next drop or the next revision, but if you'll be ready and wanting something late summer I say go for it.
With the next price drop around the corner and memory dropping I'd say right after the next drop is the time. There's no sense in waiting much longer than that since there will always be a price drop or a new technology around the corner.
the best time to buy is when you have the $$

do not get suckered into waiting 3-6 months for something.... a week or 2 bc you know a price drop is near is okay... but you can always wait for 6 months and something new a better will be there for cheaper.

with DDR2 prices sooooo low 4gb of DDR2 for $150 you really cannot beat the prices.

i would get a 2gb-4gb DDR800 low cost C2D like the e4300 or e6600 and a p35 mobo and then when C2Qs are more mainstream then buy one..

Only thing that really changes in terms of performance is CPU and Video Cards. Gap isn't going to that large, get a pc now and enjoy it. Also price of ram is going to go up by end year.
The best time to buy a computer is when your current computer is unable to to satisfactorily run the programs you would like to use or will not run the programs/games you would like to use.
There will almost ALWAYS be something new around the corner, so whenever you have the cash I say just go for it, the end of the summer should be a good time to buy.
The best time to buy a computer is when your current computer is unable to to satisfactorily run the programs you would like to use or will not run the programs/games you would like to use.

yeah, that is the best time theoretically. however, i won't always have enough money in my bank account to buy one once my computer starts to get sluggish (im a poor college kid).

after i get my final paycheck in mid-august, that will be the time when I will have the most money in my bank account until next summer.

thanks for all the feedback. i'll probably end up building it in august/september, unless for some reason my predicted bank account balance by august is a lot higher than i've calculated it to be; then i will build in oct/nov, whenever there are some good deals floating around.
After the July 22 price cuts should be a good time. That's when I plan to start buying my new system.
Dont forget about the new Geforce 92 supposed to come out sometime around christmas

ya, but it sounds like he won't go completely bleeding edge, not to menchin he has 6 months before that, and also its just rumored, and also there will always be new stuff around the corner.
yeah, always able to upgrade later.

when does AMD release it's desktop quad-core processors?