Best Verizon phone <$75 that isn't a smartphone?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 24, 2005

So I'm part of a family plan, and we're keeping our old contract (which allows for $5/mo data and is cheaper than what's available now, data-wise).

The two phones that require an extra data fee are the Samsung Rogue and EnV Touch. The other phones that require data plans are BlackBerry phones and the other smartphones (ie. Droid). So all of those are out.


  • I don't text all that much (we pay the $0.20/use fee) but will send a few per month. Most of my texting will be via laptop + Google Voice. :D
  • I've had a Moto RAZR V3m for the past 3+ years and would gladly skip out on a traditional flip phone if possible.
  • Internet access isn't all that important, though we may in the future upgrade our plan.
  • Great call quality, aesthetics, and functionality are important to me.
  • I was really digging the LG Versa, but VZW says that it's being phased out, and new models are new impossible to come by.
  • Music's somewhat important, but I'd be adding my OWN music (and other files) via microSD card.

Finally, linkage:

Thanks in advance!
Have you looked at the LG chocolate touch? I'm currently in the market for a phone and so far the CT is my fav since it doesn't require you to buy a data plan :)

BTW the Chocolate touch is available from newegg for free(if contract is signed for two years). not sure if that will work since you've already on board with Verizon.
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If this contract is up for renewal, maybe. I'm using the EnV but tbh I don't like it as much as I want to, but it works at least. I'm just waiting for the right time to switch to a smart phone. Each time I think I'm just about to, someone releases another HTC phone, a newer iPhone, a Droid, a Google phone? Bah, 2 years is way too long.

Unfortunately with Verizon, you don't have too many options. EnV or the Chocolate I'd say.
Chocolate touch seems to be a very popular option these days. Very light weight, solid design, touch screen reacts very well, lots of features and a good price. $28.88 at Walmart.
I just upgraded to the chocolate touch a couple days ago and I love it. The touch screen took a little getting used to as I've never used a touch screen before, but I have it down now. I don't use data which is why I got this phone since the data plan isn't required. The music player is really good, I have my music on a 8gb micro sd. So my ipod is going bye bye lol.