Best video card for an aging P4?


Limp Gawd
Jul 8, 2005
I have an older system that I still play the majority of my games on (my newest system is a laptop). It is a P4 2.8 HT, and currently has an ATI X800XL card in it that gets poor, but playable (I have a lot of patience) framerates at medium settings with no AA/AF in most games at 1920x1200.

What I would like to know is what kind of improvement I would notice by swapping the X800XL for something like a 7900GT. At the high resolutions I play at, I would expect it to be substantial, however, I have no idea how much the CPU would bottleneck it.

While I know a new system is the best solution, it's not really practical, because the computer gets used for business work (which it does very well) much more than gaming.

What currently available card will boost my graphics potential the most while keeping in mind it won't have the most powerful CPU to back it up.
if its pci-e iwould say go grab a 7900gt, itl be fine for it, if its agp go grab a 7800gs, which will also be fine, ure comp is fairly repectbale still (although pretty old), but itl do fine for another year or so until u can get a brand new comp, and by then conroe and other stuff will be out..
Yes, sorry, it's PCI-E. I am planning on waiting for Vista, DX10, etc. before buying a new machine.