Best way to clean install Win 7 on a diff drive?


Dec 17, 2007
Okay so here's the story, my Gaming PC in my sig the past 2 months has been getting a "ehshell error windows media center CLR20r3" (i have tried every fix i could find and nothing works), so my WMC gets the error, cant debug cause there's no debug program, closes WMC and i have to open it back up. Recently it did it so many times it made it so when i was in WMC in the TV section (looking at my DVR'ed TV shows) i couldnt click on them and watch them. To fix this i had to try the extreme options that i found online which included deleting the WMC file that holds all of its settings and what not, and i also tried uninstalling and re-installing WMC. That made WMC usable again but the error kept popping up.

(To clarify i use WMC as my TV recorder/watcher, with a 6 tuner HD Home Run PVR, which i have used flawlessly for years, idk what happened).

EDIT: Just happened again. (Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: ehshell.exe
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: 4a5bd053
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 5265c965
Problem Signature 07: 20cd
Problem Signature 08: 143
Problem Signature 09: N3CTRYE2KN3C34SGL4ZQYRBFTE4M13NB
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

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So what sucks is i have Windows 7 64bit OS installed on my C: drive which is a 120Gb SSD. So i then installed all my applications on a 640Gb HDD, and my Steam on a 240Gb SSD. In my experience if i was to just clean install Windows OS on my 120Gb ...those connections/links that open up programs dont go through the OS anymore..i have to go directly to the 640Gb HDD which is annoying.
(does you know what i mean?)

What im wanting to do is install my Windows 7 64bit on my blank 500Gb SSD...then get it all setup, make sure its how i want it, THEN wipe my 120Gb SSD and use that for whatever. Is the best way to go about this is to disconnect all of my SSD's/HDD's , plug in my 500Gb SSD (blank), put in the Windows 7 64bit DVD, and boot the computer?

Hopefully i dont run into any Key issues. But i dont think i will.
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Is the best way to go about this is to disconnect all of my SSD's/HDD's , plug in my 500Gb SSD (blank), put in the Windows 7 64bit DVD, and boot the computer?

Yes, I think you should be good doing that in that way to ensure a clean install with no conflicts from the other drives.