Best way to cool x1900xt?

Mar 4, 2006
I'm going to get the HIS ICEQ3 x1900xt. I know the HIS one runs cooler then the other ones but is there a way to make it cooler? I'm going with the antec p180 as my case. Should i put some fans in my case? Any input is appreaciated
I think the only way you're going to see an improvement would be to water cool it. I have 2 120mm fans blowing on my mobo and the GPU. Temps for the card don't seem to be affected by the additional airflow. Although the card itself is already pretty cool by x1900xt standards. Idles at 49C and load at 72C. Kind of scary temps, but for an x1900xt that's pretty good in my book. :D
yeah, if you want to see really good temps for a x1900 series card, your going to have to watercool it. since you have a IceQ3, there is no point for you to get a aftermarket cooler.
Adding additional fans in the case will increase overall aiflow and may help lower the temp by a few degrees but nothing drastic. I would have to agree with the other posts that w/c is your best option.
You will be fine with the ICE-Q, either that or the VF900 will work great. If your using the P180 it aint the best case for watercooling. It can be done, but its said to be a pain the ass!
I'd say the cooler in the ICEQ3 is better than the Zalman because it vents the air outside of the case instead of just blowing it into the case. Plus the cooler covers the whole card.

The koolance block is a bit restrictive and uses 1/4 ID tubing. Its really only a good choice if you already have a koolance based system.

If you decide not to stick with your ICEQ3, which as others have said is a very good performer, then check out the dangerden Tyee water block or the swiftech mcw60 w/ ramsinks. These are high flow blocks that can be used with the larger 1/2 ID tubing and will be more effective at dissipating the heat from your vid card (might as well get a cpu block too if you go down the w/c route).
AFAIK, the absolute BEST way to cool down an x1900xt/xtx is to simply turn it off, stick it in a freezer.

however...this prolly isn't the method you're interested in eh? :p

water-cooling is about your best option. I see that block in the link above recommended quite a bit.
I'm running the same Koolance block above right now on my 1900XT and my temps never go above 50 C at load. Pretty happy with it really. And I'm running it on a Corsair Cool setup btw which is 3/8 in. ID. Athlon 3000 Socket 754 is running solid 24/7 at 2.8 G as well so I think the restriction argument isn't really applicable at all.