Best way to OC 8800GTS 320mb on XP?


Mar 19, 2006
I have an eVGA 8800GTS 320mb (not superclocked) card being delivered monday. I'd like to overclock it to the "superclocked" version speed (~570/1700). I've heard that coolbits won't work. What do I need to do?
That's a good link blendingnoise, but I couldn't find where it addresses the 8800 series specifically which is pretty much my question. Coolbits won't work. I've seen people mention ATItool, but on the link it says that ATI tool is for ATI cards. I've also heard mention of Ntune.
shred, if you have windows XP, I believe you can do the coolbits thing and overclock using that.

If you have Vista, that won't work, but ATITool will work on your Nvidia card.
ATI tool will work for the nvidia cards. I was hoping you would see the links for ati tool and rivatuner mainly.
Ok great, thanks guys...I will try coolbits first. Then research rivatuner and atitool if it doesn't work!
Rivatuner is a great program, small and efficient, never gave me problems. It also has a windows xp refresh rate fix built in that u can configure easilly. XP caps all fps at 60 even in games... It fixes that to Max of all resolutions. Even when I dont OC, I always have rivatuner running for that fix.
