Best Way To Remove Dust From A Computer

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
What's the best way to "clean" a computer with the least amount of hassle? I've tried using a can of compressed air, but the smell bothers me (I used it outdoors) and all it really does is blow the dust around instead of removing it. I could use a vacuum cleaner although wouldn't that cause a static issue? With that been said, what's the best way to handle dust with regard to computers?
Canned air can be made with different chemicals. I know tetrafluoroethane smells bad, but other types are essentially odorless (like the 3M branded ones).

To clean, I typically use canned air to blow air into the case while simultaneously using a vacuum to suck up the blown dust. The vacuum is held a bit away from the computer so that I don't have to worry about static so long as I ground myself to the computer case.

You could also try using the blower side of a shop-vac, but I don't know if you still need to worry about static even with the nozzle held several feet away from any components. Very effective at getting the dust out (wear a mask!).
I just throw my computer in the dish washer.


Try the method that SockMan! suggested.
I take the PCs out back and use my leaf blower on it!

Works wonders thru the PSU, floppy (if you still have one), the HSF fins etc.