Best way to set up RMA with Corsair

Jul 21, 2005
I've got dominator 1066 memory and have been running it stable for a few days at 1200mhz. Today I got home and found that my computer was completely unstable. After messing around with stuff for about and hour, with no luck, I turned the ram speed down to 800mhz and boom... everythings fine.

My question is what is the best way to get an RMA with corsair? Should I do it through an e-mail or over the phone? And what should I tell them? Do i need to explain what the problem was in order for them to send me some new sticks? I've never RMA'ed ram before. Thanks
Set up your computer (timings memory voltage memory frequency divider) so the ram is running at exactly it rated advertised speed and timings. drop your CPU multi etc if you have too, you want whatever settings it takes for taking everything but the memory out of the picture.

Download and burn a memtest86 floppy or CD and let that run overnight if you get errors then you have grounds for a RMA, (see disclaimer below)

Warranty and return info

and on the upper right of the above page is the link to the tech xpress, here it is if you want to go right there.

It looks like they ask you do go through a few basic trouble shooting screens but I have not done it, Failing memtest at advertised settings (from posts I have read here by the corsair reps, is fairly strong proof something is likely wrong with the ram).

Also I would be very surprised if by this time tomorrow night you had not heard for one of the Corsair reps that hang out here.

I would run memtest tonight and give it a day.

I am not a rep of corsair nor have any influence etc. I am just relating my impression from past posts of people that have had issues and nothing I say can be held as an obligation by Corsair to take any particular action.

that said, they good people and will get you right.
I pretty much did everything you said. I put my computer at its most basic BIOS settings. Undid my CPU overclock, put voltages to default, tried running the cpu and ram at 1:1 at 1066, reinstalled video drivers, ran memtest (no errors), ran chkdsk. Running the ram at 1066 at 2.2v did not work. My computer was completely unstable. The only thing that has made it stable was putting it down to 800mhz at 2.2v.
Ouchies, I would go ahead and hit the corsair site then and put in just what you now posted.

A suggestion, when you get new stuff back, consider getting some air on the memory, it should run forever at rated speed but keeping electronics cool(er) is never a bad idea.
Ouchies, I would go ahead and hit the corsair site then and put in just what you now posted.

A suggestion, when you get new stuff back, consider getting some air on the memory, it should run forever at rated speed but keeping electronics cool(er) is never a bad idea.

I'm way ahead of you man. I've got the OCZ ram cooler on these babies and it still didnt matter. I think tomorrow at work I'll shoot corsair an email.
If the memory is passing Memtest then I'd lean towards some other issue. What MOBO+bios verion and what PSU do you have?

If the RAM has failed, we'll gladly replace it. However, based on your post I think an RMA would be a waste of time at this point only to have you end up back at the same point.
If the memory is passing Memtest then I'd lean towards some other issue. What MOBO+bios verion and what PSU do you have?

If the RAM has failed, we'll gladly replace it. However, based on your post I think an RMA would be a waste of time at this point only to have you end up back at the same point.

I'm using an evga 680i SLI 122-CK-NF68-A1 mobo with the newest bios version. Using a corsair hx620 psu. I've already sent an email to technical support through corsair's website but havent heard anything back yet. Just sent it this morning. I basically just told them what i said here.

I didnt run memtest for that long after the instability started. Only for about 20-25 minutes i guess. So I dunno if errors would have showed up after a longer test.

I'm pretty sure the problem is with the ram cause its been acting funny since I got it. When I first got it, I had it running stable at 1200mhz at 2.2v. Then I was getting crashes in games after a week or two, so I just ran it at 1066mhz at 2.2v and it was fine. Then, I got some ram cooling and put it back to 1200mhz at 2.25v. It was fine for a few days and now it only runs stably at 800mhz.
It very well could be the RAM then. That sounds EXACTLY like the symptoms people are describing at the EVGA forums. You may also want to look around there. As I said, we'll happily replace the memory if it is defective.
Hmm. Thanks for pointing me to the EVGA forums. Someone on there was having a sort of similar problem as me although with different speed settings. Someone suggested upping the FSB voltage and SPP voltage. I'll try that when I get home. Also, there is a VERY new bios version that i didnt know about that was posted just a few days ago. So I'm gonna flash the bios with that and see what happens...
Haha. I actually had to rig a little something special up to get this to work with the Dominators cause theyre so tall. I used some super glue that i had from building warhammer mini's and fit two risers together. They fit right into eachother and gave the cooler enough height to go over the ram. I was pretty proud of myself because it works perfectly
Well it seems that things havent really gotten any better. I got home and flashed the bios to the very newest version running everything at stock volts, more relaxed timings, no CPU OC. My system is a tad more stable but still not usable. Fired up WoW and it crashed teh same way it was doing before. Still waiting to hear back from corsair about my case...