BestBuy and their trustability

Went to FRYs today walked in and there was 40 BFG 6800 GT/OC cards on a pallet $399, i opted for a X800Pro becasue im sick of waiting but im keeping my pre-order on my X800XT, brought it home and the damn thing Overclocks like a MOFO got my 3dmarks to 27320 and 3dmark 03 upto 11307, no im impressed over my 9800XT which is up for sale now hehe.
Marcdaddy said:
Went to FRYs today walked in and there was 40 BFG 6800 GT/OC cards on a pallet $399, i opted for a X800Pro becasue im sick of waiting but im keeping my pre-order on my X800XT, brought it home and the damn thing Overclocks like a MOFO got my 3dmarks to 27320 and 3dmark 03 upto 11307, no im impressed over my 9800XT which is up for sale now hehe.

where you at
The New Frys opened up in Lisle Illinois, its about 25 miles south of chicago, if you want one i can pick it up and ship it to you.
I just got an email 2 hours ago from BB saying my 6800U has been backordered and they expect to ship it within 25 days. That's good and dandy for them, as I expect to flip the fuckers the bird and find a BFG 6800U OC elsewhere. So er...anyone know a place I can pickup a BFG card for $550 or less?

Edit: You know what, screw BFG as well. If I gottta wait 25 days I might as well get a Gainward card. That GS Extreme is looking damned nice (comes stock 450/1200 and God knows what kinda OCing headroom it has since they actually had the balls to go with their own propriety cooler instead of Nvidia's reference).
Vagrant Zero said:
I just got an email 2 hours ago from BB saying my 6800U has been backordered and they expect to ship it within 25 days. That's good and dandy for them, as I expect to flip the fuckers the bird and find a BFG 6800U OC elsewhere. So er...anyone know a place I can pickup a BFG card for $550 or less?

Think yer right on flipping em the bird.

As for the Ultra it is still scarce to say the least, which is why I went for a GT, should be able to pic one up fairly easily if you want to go that route.
rene mauricio said:
What I woulld like to know is why does BFG not sell cards directly from like PNY / eVGA do?

Probably because they would have to hire more peeps and get a whole new sectoin going just to ship out individual cards, granted its not that hard to do it but it would also wind up undercutting there in store preorders with companies like BB and KompUssr.

I would go work for em tho ;) I know an assload of peeps that would appreciate being able to bypass the jerkweed pimply faced little twirps at the chain stores.
Vagrant Zero said:
I just got an email 2 hours ago from BB saying my 6800U has been backordered and they expect to ship it within 25 days. That's good and dandy for them, as I expect to flip the fuckers the bird and find a BFG 6800U OC elsewhere. So er...anyone know a place I can pickup a BFG card for $550 or less?

hey Vagrant Zero, sorry your card got delayed, i really am.

Wheres that B.F.G dude, hes got some explaining to do.
hmmm.....looks like the $299 price at was a mistake. I looked up the employee price at it was $310. Employee price is cost + 5%. So it looks like they would be losing money especially since they are selling it with free shipping.
puck said:
hmmm.....looks like the $299 price at was a mistake. I looked up the employee price at it was $310. Employee price is cost + 5%. So it looks like they would be losing money especially since they are selling it with free shipping.

well, it seems if it was a mistake, they would have had plenty of time to cancel or notify us of the mistake, were now going on almost 3 weeks.
randsom said:
well, it seems if it was a mistake, they would have had plenty of time to cancel or notify us of the mistake, were now going on almost 3 weeks.

yeah, it looks like they are being assholes about it and just hoping people will just get pissed off and cancel the order and go somewhere else. This is nothing new with Best Buy. Wish I didn't work here.....
I just checked my email and I also got the '25 days' notice. (On the 6800U)

What happened to we have all of BBY's pre-orders covered? I hope this is a generic e-mail that BBY has to send out and our cards will still ship next week.

- D.
datamage said:
I just checked my email and I also got the '25 days' notice. (On the 6800U)

What happened to we have all of BBY's pre-orders covered? I hope this is a generic e-mail that BBY has to send out and our cards will still ship next week.

- D.

this should be interesting, especially if the bfg dude pops back in here, im very curious to hear what the guy has to say about all this.
puck said:
yeah, it looks like they are being assholes about it and just hoping people will just get pissed off and cancel the order and go somewhere else. This is nothing new with Best Buy. Wish I didn't work here.....


since you work at bb, can you verify the shipping date on the gts.

i am curious as to whem bb got em and bfg shipped.if you cant do it dont worry about it or anything.dont want to get you in trouble or anything.
randsom said:
hey Vagrant Zero, sorry your card got delayed, i really am.

Wheres that B.F.G dude, hes got some explaining to do.

Remember how I said I'd join you in your ranting if the card got delayed past the intial date of June 28th - July got delayed past the initial date. :mad:

Tell ya what, you hold down the BFG dude and I'll tear his throat out with my teeth. Bastards, the only reason I went with BFG was becuase the dude said they were shipping soon, God knows for the price I paid I'd rather take a Gainward card over BFG anyday of the week. At least Gainward has the balls to go with something that isn't the reference heatsink.

Oh, and thanks for your condolences [lol, it's like we've lost children].
datamage said:
I just checked my email and I also got the '25 days' notice. (On the 6800U)

What happened to we have all of BBY's pre-orders covered? I hope this is a generic e-mail that BBY has to send out and our cards will still ship next week.

- D.

I just got the same email for my 6800U :rolleyes:
Vagrant Zero said:
Remember how I said I'd join you in your ranting if the card got delayed past the intial date of June 28th - July got delayed past the initial date. :mad:

Tell ya what, you hold down the BFG dude and I'll tear his throat out with my teeth. Bastards, the only reason I went with BFG was becuase the dude said they were shipping soon, God knows for the price I paid I'd rather take a Gainward card over BFG anyday of the week. At least Gainward has the balls to go with something that isn't the reference heatsink.

Oh, and thanks for your condolences [lol, it's like we've lost children].

i feel for ya man,

seriously though, i think that guy has some explaining to do, im in the exact same boat as you, i kept my bb preorder becuase he stated that all the gt orders were covered and shipped on the 28(or there abouts). I coud have had one im my hands already, this is just pure bs


now that ive reread alot of this thread, bfg dude hasnt been back in here for awhile , has he.

Imagine that
Hey, why don't you all simmer down. You're practically stealing these cards, and you're worried about getting them before anyone else to boot! You're remind me of spoiled children crying because their parents wouldn't get them a lollipop at the mall because they have lots of lollipops at home.

These cards are SCARCE. If you really care so much about getting them, cancel your order, put up the extra $100 and get one from a store that has them in stock right now. Don't complain that Best Buy can't meet what must be hundreds of preorders on these incredibly rare cards. Its called a pre-order for a reason... you have to WAIT to get them.
Yup, I got the "25 Days" email also on my Ultra preorder. While I am disappointed with the dealy, I can understand it somewhat. But now I see they've put both cards on sale:

GT: $359.00 *Available for PreOrder*

Ultra: $449.00 *Out of Stock*

So how is it they can put an item on sale that is out of stock and that they have pre-orders yet to fulfill?!? :confused: I tried calling the 800# to get the sale price on my "Backordered" Ultra card but the phone tree disconnected me twice. So, I just sent an email and I will call them tomorrow if they won't honor the sale price on my preorder which is not yet fulfilled.
Hmm...BB retail stores honors 30 day price guarantee.But im not sure about BB online.I suppose when you get your card in the mail you can take the card,and reciept to local BB and get the diff credited back to your CC.Best thing to do is print out that page crunchyjedi linked.BTW crunchyjedi thanks a bunch for posting that.My card already shipped so i probably wouldnt have checked BB's website for awhile.
SSmith said:
Hey, why don't you all simmer down. You're practically stealing these cards, and you're worried about getting them before anyone else to boot! You're remind me of spoiled children crying because their parents wouldn't get them a lollipop at the mall because they have lots of lollipops at home.

BB CHARGED my debit and I am now short $550 with no product on the way. Was it YOUR MONEY? NO. Than STFU and stuff your preaching.

You get these damned kids with Ned Flanders Snydrome thinking they're doing the world a favor.
Vagrant Zero said:
BB CHARGED my debit and I am now short $550 with no product on the way. Was it YOUR MONEY? NO. Than STFU and stuff your preaching.

You get these damned kids with Ned Flanders Snydrome thinking they're doing the world a favor.

cut him some slack he's a noobie :D
Checked BB website today and the x800 Pro is on sale for $359.99. I checked availablity and it says it's in stock at a store 1.5 hours from here. I called the store and some guy said that they are NOT in the store, only online. They aren't in ANY stores.

So, either the website is BS, the employee is BS, or BB is BS :)
UPS isnt doing any deliveries today,so nobody will get theres today.What i wanna know is who all went with the 2 day free shipping,and will recieve it tommorow.Im gonna be pissed if i waisted the extra $ for overnight shipping.
nippyjun said:
Anyone get theirs yet? Mine is scheduled for delivery tomorrow 7/6.
AcneBrain said:
Checked BB website today and the x800 Pro is on sale for $359.99. I checked availablity and it says it's in stock at a store 1.5 hours from here. I called the store and some guy said that they are NOT in the store, only online. They aren't in ANY stores.

So, either the website is BS, the employee is BS, or BB is BS :)

My vote for all three are BS.
SHIT! SHIT! BFG 6800GT OC is in stock at my store 5 minutes away. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: I'm an idiot :( It's "in stock" for PREORDER. Man, I think my deodorant failed after seeing that. It is also saying the x800 Pro is available now at my store, and the other store, and every store in the country.

It also says I already have an x800/6800 in my computer if I send them all my money and my my left arm.
Qwertyman said:
cut him some slack he's a noobie :D

I don't need slack to see that Vagrant Zero has obviously forgotten what it means to pre-order something. Guess what? I PRE-ORDERED Doom 3. It cost me money. I don't have it yet. Am I weeping? No, because I know that as soon as the store gets it, I will get it too. Because I PRE-ORDERED it. I didn't ORDER it. I PRE-ORDERED it.
SSmith said:
I don't need slack to see that Vagrant Zero has obviously forgotten what it means to pre-order something. Guess what? I PRE-ORDERED Doom 3. It cost me money. I don't have it yet. Am I weeping? No, because I know that as soon as the store gets it, I will get it too. Because I PRE-ORDERED it. I didn't ORDER it. I PRE-ORDERED it.

Did you even bother to read this thread or did you just skip to the end? We had a BFG tech in here assuring us that we would get our cards by the 5th at the absolute latest. It was the ONLY reason I plunked $550 down for the card.

Did you have someone from iD tell you that you'd get the game by Xmas 2003? No? Then your comparision is bunk.
I cancelled my order today. Not because of the wait or the changing dates (which I can understand), but because Best Buy is incompetent. Their online status system is inaccurate and uninformative and their CS representatives are poorly trained, lack the tools to provide effective information, and possess poor communication skills (probably outsourced to India or Philippines).

I received an email from citing billing problems:

Billing Problem Encountered
July 05, 2004
Order Number: BBY01-xxxxxxx

We encountered a problem while processing the order you placed on 06/20/2004 using credit card xxxxxxxx

We need to hear from you
Please call us toll-free at 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289) to help us complete your order. Please contact us to avoid cancellation of your order.

Thank You.
Best Buy Customer Care

Before I called them, I checked with the bank to insure everything was ok with the card I used (and of course it was). So I called Best Buy's CS number, endured 10mins of prerecorded garbage before I got to talk to an actual representative. Little did I know I was better off with the prerecorded garbage.

Rep: "Thank you for calling Best Buy customer service. How can I help you?"

Me: "I got an email stating there was a billing problem with my online order."

Rep: "Ok, can I get your order number?"

Me: (gives order number)

Rep: "One second while I locate the order."

(30 seconds pass)

Rep: "And this is for an order you placed online?" :eek:

Me: "Uh, yeah"

Rep: "Ok, and this is for the order of the BFG Ultra Video Card?"

Me: "Yes."

Rep: "Ok, I see the status of this order is that the order is backordered. "

Me: "Right, I understand that. But I got an email from Bestbuy,com today citing a billing error. That's what I am calling about"

Rep: "Ok, please wait one minute while I check the billing status."

(another 30 seconds pass)

Rep: "Ok, I see that your order is currently backordered right now."

Me: "I know the status. I am calling about the email you sent me this morning stating a problem with the

billing. The email said to call you or I would get my order cancelled. What is the issue with the billing?"

Rep: "Ok, I see you used a Visa card. One minute while I check the billing."

(yet another 30 seconds pass)

Rep: "Yes, I see the order is backordered but there is no billing problem. You say you got an email about a

billing problem?"

Me: "Yes, I need to know the problem with the billing."

Rep: "Can you verify the billing address for me?"

Me: (gives the billing address)

Rep: "And what is the shipping address? It is probably unmatched by the bank."

Me: "Both addresses are exactly the same. Both shipping and billing are identical."

Rep: "Well, you might want to check with the bank. It is possible you do not have funds."

Me: "I contacted my bank before calling you. I verified that funds are available and that you have palced a pre-authorization on the funds sine my June 20th order date."

Rep: "Ok, please hold for several minutes while I research this further."

Me: "Alright."

Rep: "Ok, please hold while I research this further. Please stay on the line."

Me: "Ok"

(4 minutes pass with me on hold)

Rep: "Hello, thank you for waiting. I confirmed that your order is currently backordered and the billing has not occurred yet."

(At this point I am beginning to lose it.)

Me: "Look, all I know is I got an email from you today citing a billing error. I need to correct whatever error is occurring."

Rep: "Ok, well I don't see any problems with the billing since the order is in backorder and we have not billed you yet. I will need to send this case onto our Solution Specialists to research why you got that billing email."

(Now I am completely fed-up)

Me: "Look, I don't have any confidence that you are going to be able to fix this problem. I want to cancel my order and I will order the item with another retailer."

Rep: "Well, I can send this case to our Solution Specialist team and they will research the problem. Then they will get back to you."

Me: "No, I want my order cancelled now. You are not going to solve the problem. Please cancel the order."

Rep: "Ok, I can assist you with that request."

(only 10 seconds pass for her to cancel the order and send an email)

Rep: "Ok, I have cancelled the order and you will receive a confirmation email. Is there anything else with this order I can assist you with?"

Me: :confused: "No thank you, that's it"

Rep: "Thank you for calling Best Buy."

Me: (hangs up)

In the end, I would have been happy to clarify the billing problem and wait for the video card to ship. Instead, the combination of bad information from the order system and the completely ineffective CS reps made it a no-brainer to cancel my order.

Sure, I'd love to get this card as much as the next guy. But for me, its not worth dealing with this company.
I hope my cancellation gets someone their Ultra a few days earlier

The CSA's I called were pretty competant. I also got the same email you did, it was a problem with my credit card so I switched to my debit card. No problems since then...except for the asshits not matching their sale and not shipping the product and delaying it for 30 days and and and and and....
Best Buy now is apparently telling people they don't have the BFG 6800GT cards in and won't ship tomorrow 7/6. WTF happened here? We went from the cards shipped to BB on June 25th to July 5th and they don't have them yet??

If anyone who has contact with BB knows wtf is going on, enlightenment would be cool :)

I'm hoping its just ppl at bb who don't know what they are talking about, but who knows...
Wonder what happened to our friendly neighborhood BFG tech? I'd really like to know what the hell is going on here. Where are you Jerky Herky?
convexion said:
Wonder what happened to our friendly neighborhood BFG tech? I'd really like to know what the hell is going on here. Where are you Jerky Herky?

Would you believe me if I said he's doing everything in his power to make sure we get our cards on time...

Didn't think so. I hear Cuba's nice this time of year.
tranCendenZ said:
Best Buy now is apparently telling people they don't have the BFG 6800GT cards in and won't ship tomorrow 7/6. WTF happened here? We went from the cards shipped to BB on June 25th to July 5th and they don't have them yet??

If anyone who has contact with BB knows wtf is going on, enlightenment would be cool :)

I'm hoping its just ppl at bb who don't know what they are talking about, but who knows...

i can confirm this.

i talked to there customer service supervisor on duty, he said no way shipment tomorrow.
i also got a email response from their customer some chick named amy.
it said the dreaded 25 day crap.

i want to talk to bfg dude
randsom said:
i can confirm this.

i want to talk to bfg dude

I think he may be MIA for a while considering the backlash he'll be experiencing on this forum when he does reappear.

best buy is at fault however as a supplier BFGman would immediately lose his job if he bad talked best buy on here. At this point i cant blame bfg because chumbo and outpost and compupluss have been shipping cards for awhile. (do you really think bfg would ship to compu-noone and not to best buy its largest client???)
so its painfully linear if you use your free nonfraggin brain cycles to connect the dots

my take on it all:
i think its newegg & ZZF that has spoiled all of us pc guys with such great service.

This whole best buy thing is very normal for catalog or online orders with large discount retailers. Unless your talking nordstrom on up these massive retairs will do what they say at best and fuddle around through call centers but charge you without actually shipping anything at its worst.

a few years ago for a simple catalog or tv phone purchase 6-10 weeks was the accepted standard on all purchases.

needless to big chain stores are government inefficent postal and newegg is email. although with my dealings with best buy, gateway, and compaq i would say thats an insult to the postal service and we all know not to mess with those crazed mother fuckers.

and yes i cnaceled my best buy order. my experience with places like this at the first sign of trouble bail. cuz as soon as you are 1" out of the designed format the shit wil never come back together again.
My GT order now says in process of being fulfilled

You people that are having six kinds of fits because you can't get the latest and hottest card need to chill out. There is always a risk when being the first adopter of anything. You all knew these cards are in short supply, and damn few places have them, so quit complaining. If you ordered it and they've charged your for it, you'll get it. It may not be as soon as you want it so you brag that "yours is bigger" but you'll get it. You want to really blame someone, blame ATI and Nvidia for not having sufficient supply in channels.

As far as BFG and Best Buy, BFG has absolutely no control over BB actions once they've left BFG's Distribution Center / Warehouse. If BFG says they've shipped, then I have no reason to think they're not telling the truth. I work in a DC (not BB) and anything can happen in a DC, anything. They could have got them in the last minute before the weekday closing (before the weekend), and simply not had time to ship them and decided to wait until this week. There may have been something else they had greater priority, like fulfilling store orders on something else. They could be sitting on a truck somewhere, because the driver's Hours of Service prevented him from going any further.

And as far as BFG's rep, how many other companies have reps here at the [H], hmmm, ? Damn few others that are who. If I were Herkelman I wouldn't show up here simply because I would not put up with the abuse that you will heap on him. I've often wondered why more companies don't have "Official" Support here. But seeing the actions of what appears to be that of petulant children regardless of whatever age they are, I now understand why.

If BB pisses you off so much, then there’s a simple solution, take your business elsewhere. But for all your ranting next time there’s a new hot card and BB or CompUSA are one of the few retailers that have them, you’ll be right back there sucking on that same tit and complaining about it.