Bethesda Demonstrates Skyrim on PlayStation VR


Aug 20, 2006
Launching alongside Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch this week is Skyrim VR, which will let gamers experience Tamriel in the most immersive way yet. Bethesda proudly notes that the scale “feels real” and that their approach “wasn’t a nerfed down experience, but the whole game.”

The game includes BOTH teleportation and direct movement options and various settings to cater to your comfort level. The game will default to Teleportation movement but simply go into the Main Menu -> Gameplay Settings -> VR -> Movement and switch to your preferred option. There are other settings as well in the VR menu that can be adjusted to whatever you prefer, including display vignetting, dominant hand selection, and more.
Now this is the way a port to VR should be with all the bells and whistles. I like that they allow you to chose your movement a lot. Plus a game like this is much more appealing than a fast paced shooter like Doom.

ding 1000th!
I almost finished this game - damn side quests I always end up working on. I'd like to do the one quest where the talking dog shows up. You end up going to a different dimension - seems like it would be cool in VR.
Any news of a PC version? My kids have a PS4 sitting in the family room that basically hasn't been used in like 10 months. They don't have VR for it (and I'm not buying it for them - wouldn't get used, they would suddenly want to use PS4 but fight over it, etc).
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I want to know about a PC version too...

From :

"Although it was first revealed for PSVR, Bethesda has confirmed to GameSpot that there will be an HTC Vive version of the game releasing sometime next year. At present there is no information to suggest that it will be released on the Oculus Rift, but given that information on the Vive version came out after new of the PSVR release, there is still the possibility that it could receive the game in the future."
I'm not a fan of them hiding hands and arms in the VR version. The whole floating sword/bow thing and hands with no arms does not scream "immersive" to me.

I freaking hate that also! Looks so dumb!
I freaking hate that also! Looks so dumb!

There's a review of it on Ars Technica which basically says that the graphics are worse than the Skyrim SE versions currently available on consoles. Another strike against it. It could simply be that they're rushing it out to try to spurn interest in VR instead of making a solid port.
Bonus for people picking up the psvr Skyrim bundle is that will come with the v2 of the headset.

"This bundle will come with the updated PS VR system featuring revised design that enables the stereo headphone cables to be integrated with the VR headset, and a slimmer, streamlined connection cable. The updated PS VR system also comes with a new Processor Unit that supports HDR pass through, enabling users to enjoy HDR-compatible PS4 content on a TV without having to disconnect the Processor Unit between the TV and the PS4”