Bethesda went above and beyond...


Nov 20, 2003
I snuck into an abandoned fort, and perched myself up on a pillar overlooking a large room. Inside this room were several NPC's composed of mages, archers, and bandits. I poison my bow and then fire an arrow into one of the mages at the outlying area's of the room.
He falls.

I hear, "Ha ha ha ha, you move like a coward." I draw another arrow and as I think the room full of enemies now knows my position and is moving to attack. To my amazement that isn't what happens...

The mages and knights start assaulting the two archers sitting in the middle of the room. I witness an pleasant skirmish as the bandits kill themselves off...

This is the last thing I expected, Bethesda went above and beyond with this title.
thats crazy....PS. how do you apply poison to arrows?
Is there a spell? Potions?
Hehe, I did a similar thing. I fould two frontier guards out in the woods, so I shot one with an arrow, and he tought it was the other guard... so the two guards duked it out. When one was dead, I took all his stuff :)
cyks said:
So the AI is terrible on purpose?

Yeah. AI obviously needs to return to the days of Diablo/mindlessly auto-tracking nearest PC and attacking.
cyks said:
So the AI is terrible on purpose?

Uh... no. Just the opposit. They don't automatically know your around, so when they are attacked, instead of going for you, they go for the most likley culprit. It's called thinking.
While I have not seen that I must say there is nothing like placing an arrow into a guys chest and watch him fly backwards into a table and knock everything over as he tumbles over it. Rag doll physics ftw!
Shzitt said:
While I have not seen that I must say there is nothing like placing an arrow into a guys chest and watch him fly backwards into a table and knock everything over as he tumbles over it. Rag doll physics ftw!
:) i love when the wolf rolls down the mountain bwhhahaaa
Something that impressed me, I was in a dungeon and there were these light crystals perched way up. I knew they were worth 50 gold a piece from another dungeon so I was like "Man, I sure wish I could shoot those down, hell, why not give it a shot?". I didn't really expect it to work. In most other games they'd have stayed there, but when the fireball hit, the crystal popped out of it's holder and I picked it up off the ground. Then I proceeded to do the same with the rest of them.
The AI is kinda smart, but I've had a few problems with them falling down and walking into walls for a min before finding a new path. But on the physics, I killed a wisp thing, and the damn thing rolled half way down the mountain until it stopped after hitting a rock. Funnier than hell now, but I wasnt laughing so hard while I chased it lol
Have you guys had a horse chase? I stole a horse, and one of the gaurds saw me and started chasing me ( didn't have enough gold so i ran! lol ) and i was tricking him was fun lol
kdog said:
thats crazy....PS. how do you apply poison to arrows?
Is there a spell? Potions?

Wondering the same thing. How do you poison arrows?
Something that impressed me a lot was when I ran into a table in a shop and knocked some items on the floor and the shop keeper proceeded to pick them up on at a time and put them back on the table... lol.
Lazy_Moron said:
Wondering the same thing. How do you poison arrows?

Go into the alchemy section by selecting your mortar and pestle.
Mix up whatever bad effect potions you want.
Go into inventory and click the potion like you are going to drink it.
A box pops up and asked you if you want to apply the poison to whatever
weapon you happen to have equipped at the time.
The poison will take effect on the next hit you get w/ that weapon.
You can only poison one arrow at a time, I believe.
I am LOVING Oblivion to death so far. Here are my favorite monents, in no specific order.

1) Wondering if I could hurt my horse while falling.

2) Laughing when my horse died from falling.

3) Crying because I realized I had to walk the rest of the way.

4) Sneak attacks with the bow for 3x damage! BAM!

5) Pissing off the pirates, getting attacked by them, only to end up watching one (1) Imperial Guard singlehandely own all three. I didn't have to lift a finger. Except for when I stole all their swords to go sell.

6) Picking this flower, that flower, that flower, this flower... every flower I see. Honestly, I've picked over 500 in the 10 or so hours I've played.

7) Finding every alchemy shop within reach and ransacking the place with my boots!

I know there are more, but I don't exactly stop and write things down as I realize how cool they are
I just keep playing
Eihli said:
The mages and knights start assaulting the two archers sitting in the middle of the room. I witness an pleasant skirmish as the bandits kill themselves off...

Yeah.. it happened to me as well. I was hidding up top and shot a guy at long range and they all yelled and killed the archer in the group. At that point, I realized how nice the AI.

Sadly, they were all trapped behind a steel gate that had a lever to open. Instead of opening the gate, two of the three stood there while I hit them with arrows. The third ran off to hide.

Also, did anyone else pull the chain in the first dungeon and release the food-supply rats? They utterly destroyed the shaman.

The other 'fecking cool' moment I had was crouching on a hill looking into an abandoned fort and seeing just a glimpse of movement. I aimed high and lobbed an arrow into the fort nailing it square in the head and sending it into a corner. When I finally got over there, I found a streak of blood where it skidded and an arrow sticking into it's nose.
I wish that my copy of Oblivion had's ETA is Monday or Tuesday. It looks awesome, and stuff like this makes the gameplay sound phenomenal.

Yeah this game isn't like any other game. With other games, your mind is set as to what will happen in a given situation, like when the one guy above said he shot a mage with an arrow, and the other people killed the bandits (most likely suspect). In any other game, everyone would have immediately come after you instead. You have to transform your way of thinking from every other game you've played, and start thinking, "Ok, in real life, how would I tackle this?", and the chances are whatever solution you come up with will work on Oblivion.

Pretty amazing.
I'm playing a straight up warrior and it's kinda lame. No cool moments and the combat isn't all that great. I'm constantly getting the snot beat out of me and it takes forever to kill anything. There must be some trick to it,
Play a marksman man it's incredibly fun. Poison arrows + Sneak attack...

This game is also much more difficult than morrowind, I like having to reload constantly trying to get through a particular area.
I actually think it is too easy. Are there difficulty settings? I haven't looked yet and I won't be able to play until later tonight.
I picked the pocket of an Oger and he started to kick my ass, so I ran away, shooting arrows into him as I ran backwards. Then 3 Wolves came out of no where and started to attack him. I stood back, let the wolves finish him off, then killed them.

The Best I have done yet was, take on an emperial guard at level 1! LOL
This guy KICKED MY ASS, If I didn't have the healing Magic of "The Sign of the Lord" I would have lost for sure! Took about 10 mins to kill this guy and when the fight ended I was like 2000 meters from were the fight started. I can't think of any game that would let me have a fight that would move from a town to the top of a mountian. It was mind blowing! It was stright out of the Highlander Movie!

Afterward I took the spoils of the fight, all this Armor and weapons and items, oh yeah and his horse, left his naked body to rot in the sun!
I got to the first gate in kvach (sp?) last night and loved the evil atmosphere/architecture, I had to force myself to quit to get to bed but right before I did I thought, this game is f'ing awesome, and I rarely say that about any game.. the weekend FTW :D :D :D
Oh man I can't wait for my Direct2Drive copy to finish downloading already! 86 percent! :(
eh im officially sick of this game, i loved it but ive only made it to level 6 done half the blades quests and did the arena and other side quests and im finding myself having to force myself to play the game.....thats not going over well with me being i spent $80 to get this game+warranty
CodeX said:
I actually think it is too easy. Are there difficulty settings? I haven't looked yet and I won't be able to play until later tonight.

Under game options there is a difficulty slider.

I've left it at default.
I'm only level 4 but so far it seems like a good balance.
Got owned in a few dungeons but mostly the battles are about perfect.
I might crank it up a little if it's gets easier like MW.
paranoia4422 said:
eh im officially sick of this game, i loved it but ive only made it to level 6 done half the blades quests and did the arena and other side quests and im finding myself having to force myself to play the game.....thats not going over well with me being i spent $80 to get this game+warranty

You bought a warranty on a video game?
The game is awesome and I was excited to play it after playing the hell outta Morrowind. But the one thing that annoys me the most is the fact that polearms and medium armor we're completely removed. I wanted to use spears and medium armor but poof there we're none.
Since I never played any of the other TES games, I am coming into this game eyes wide open and I am blown the Frak away by it!
Last night I was running in the wilderness and it was pouring rain. Mist was in the air, and fog started to roll in. I noticed a guy hunting deer and wolves in the area and I started to help him out. A flash of lightning, then boom ... the roll of thunder. The forrest was alive, and the thunder scared a few creatures from the shrubbery.

As I watched this guy tracking a wolf, 2 black beers JUMPED from a rock above and mauled the living shit out of him... I fucking jumped back like OH WTF!!!! Then proceeded to own those hairy bitches with arrows... It scared the piss out of me, but made me realize how bitchin the radiant AI in this game is ....

I'm like 2 hours into the game... unreal.
dammit people. Ya'll making me wanna buy this game... Strong. :(

Don't have enough money. It's terrible! Terrible I say!
theNoid said:
Last night I was running in the wilderness and it was pouring rain. Mist was in the air, and fog started to roll in. I noticed a guy hunting deer and wolves in the area and I started to help him out. A flash of lightning, then boom ... the roll of thunder. The forrest was alive, and the thunder scared a few creatures from the shrubbery.

As I watched this guy tracking a wolf, 2 black beers JUMPED from a rock above and mauled the living shit out of him... I fucking jumped back like OH WTF!!!! Then proceeded to own those hairy bitches with arrows... It scared the piss out of me, but made me realize how bitchin the radiant AI in this game is ....

I'm like 2 hours into the game... unreal.

I know what you mean, I watched as a wolf walked into a village and attacked some sheep in a pen. Would have killed them all if I hadn't been there. But I have yet to see it rain, I played for like 12 days in the game and never saw the rain once. This game even has Random enviromental effects.
Majin said:
I know what you mean, I watched as a wolf walked into a village and attacked some sheep in a pen.

how nice of you, you save the poor sheep, lol

There is one crypt type place just south of Chorrel that has to be the best environment i have ever seen in a game it freaked the crap out of me, not like BOOO, ahhh type thing, it freaked me out to be in there and when i went in i couldn't get back out because i jumped down a level,

the place started with a W, can't remember exactly what is is though
Zoramac said:
You bought a warranty on a video game?
i own a launch 360, if you havent heard THEY DESTROY DISKS IF ACCIDENTLY BUMPED, and yes ive done it once....and $7 warranty on a $70 game seemed reasonable to me cause ive almost already had someone bump it but i yelled right before the could